Phasing: Hypnagogic state - Losing the sense of "I"

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Hello Astral Pulse, I would like to share a very particular experience during phasing. I've been reading a lot here about the phasing method to induce our desired NP experiences directly. I never did it that way, however throughout my life, even as a child, it happened to me that sometimes when I went to sleep and closed my eyes I saw beautiful organic and geometric patterns and visuals or totally vivid and solid landscapes, as if I had my eyes open, but they were completely closed. When I was a child I didn't know why this happened or what it was, but when it happened I really enjoyed it. At the same time I sometimes stopped feeling my physical body, to find myself inhabiting a kind of "giant shapeless balloon" (more fun!) In any case, I began to forget about all this because of its strangeness and infrequent situation.

A few months ago I started using Hemy Sync Gateway and this wonderful events happens again, so I decided  to induce it at will with Frank's method of noticing 3D blackness and something very peculiar happened, which in fact I had already experienced spontaneously 14 years ago.

In this particular hypnagogic state I find myself seeing and merging with a landscape, it was a small town of precarious houses, people went up and down the hill, since the town was built on a steep hill. I observe people and I feel like interacting with them, but I was not sure about doing it for some reason, I thought about why and somehow "an inner voice" told me that this was not possible because there was no one who could interact with these people... that is, "I" did not exist at all, therefore there was no one there who could interact and talk with others. There were simply images perfectly organized through a creative mind, and life flowing in all its splendor, existing and being, but there was no person behind all those events, which in some mysterious way, happened automatically alone and in perfect order. I laughed knowingly because I knew it was all true, until I found it totally terrifying! And I open my eyes with a start.
14 years ago the experience was similar, but even stronger, I was also in a very deep hypnagogic state, observing a beautiful landscape, but at the same time... there was no one looking at this landscape, "I" was no longer there, there was only the mind, the images, life, consciousness, order, but there was no 'I', no particular person behind all that.. for a moment it was fine, just flowing, until I found it totally terrifying! And I came back. I certainly find it very difficult to express this in words, too difficult I would say, it sounds so simple and is at the same time so complex.

I find it incredible that these kind of events happen in the hypnagogic state, it really is a wonderful state, much more than a simple entry into lucid dreaming, obe, etc. I would like to delve more into this state of "without self", something completely terrifying, and at the same time interesting to analyze and delve into. Unfortunately it is not something I can induce at will, but it could happen again and I will be attentive, I will try not to be startled this time.

The most challenging thing about phasing for me is to have "neutral and curious mind" during the hypnagogic state. I can't stop being amazed or scared by the things I see. The other night I went from a beautiful rain of turquoise and gold crystals with green whirlwinds around, to finding myself floating over some guys with bloody axes in a slaughterhouse... how to keep a neutral mind with that!? I came back immediately. Practice, practice, practice.

This state is surprising, and with the methods that I am reading here in the Pulse of all the users I am understanding it better, especially the "movement" to enter into the landscape, what a joy when it happens! This really stimulates my imagination a lot, since I decide not to control the visuals, when I see the opportunity I "go in" and I have to look for the most creative ways to achieve it, this morning I turned into a lizard and ran through the forest, how funny! I couldn't think of something like this "from here".

What helps me enter into this state is to take some diaphragmatic breaths for a few minutes, then breathing normally, I fully concentrate on my breathing to calm the flow of thoughts, always very concentrated on my breathing and observing the blackness. By fully concentrating on my breathing, this produces a kind of dissociation, so thought begins to function autonomously and manifest itself through visuals.
I like to think that I am in a Cinema in front of a black screen, this keeps me expectant and attentive "waiting for the movie to start" that is where the visuals begin little by little and also the famous voices that call you, greet you, etc etc... we are entering! 😃 It is essential for me to have a little sleep, but not too much, otherwise it doesn't work for me.
I also use a sleeping mask, so the light doesn't bother me, and my "star assistant" noise cancelling ear muffs for sleeping, to completely isolate the sound. (Earplugs could also work, but I don't like them) In my case it is essential to isolate any external stimulus to be able to focus inward.

I like this about not losing consciousness, I still don't control it well and I'm just "getting the hang of it" but it's so fun that I'm right now like a little girl who discovered a "new toy"... I still use the Mild technique to induce Lucid Dreams, because I learned to use it twelve years ago and I found it 100% infallible, but now I do this also because I find it fascinating.
Surprising things can happen in between, like losing the sense of "I" and just "being" I hope to have new opportunities to experience it, since one of my goals in practice is to feel and unlock those "hidden and unexplored" states of consciousness.

.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


 Wow Tak, there are so many things that I see you are doing right (according to what I do). You have turned off "doubt", by using a Sleep Mask/Blindfold and ear muffs/earplugs. On top of that you are utilizing "geometric shapes" and "etheric motion". You have even come to the point of just being a "simple point of consciousness" that "observes" without the need for any kind of "physical vessel".

 You have created a win-win situation and because of that, you are succeeding. You also realize that "practice, practice, practice, is the key to not only success, but also recognizing/realizing where you are in you Phasing process. By practicing often, you are learning the "ins and outs" of the NPRs as well and believe me there is a lot to learn.

 You will find though that you are constantly challenged to "think anew"!  :wink: Just when I thought or should I say, was kind of was getting a grip on and the "lay of land", everything changed. Tests, quests and challenges abound there. Why? Because it helps us to remember what we once knew!   
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Thank you so much Lumaza, your comment is greatly appreciated! Everything written here and the other associated forums is truly invaluable, all is so neat and complete. Sometimes I get a little anxious because I have a lot to read. And every time I "climb a step" I see that there are still miles and miles of steps to climb. Just a chick hatching, I'll enjoy the process.

Regarding the notion of  "a body", it's something that I have been working on lately "being just a point of consciousness" since when I wake up in my dreams and seek to change Focus, I realize that I do not have any body, or is a kind of vapor, or maybe holographic.
How well I was reading in Xanth's book and also here, I do not need to "detach myself" from any body and "move on to another", but rather increase my awareness and "focus properly" there is no such thing as "outside and inside" we are already there! After all, that's what the phase is about I seem to understand.
Going back to my physical body to roll out like I did it ten years ago, in this case it only woke me up and the human conditioning of trying to stay in a body also made me miss several opportunities, trying to walk "on legs" (which I didn't have) and see with "the eyes" returned me to the physical immediately, in my frustration of not achieving it.
Just like breathing! Since lately I have been aware of my breathing, when I woke up in a dream I realized that I was not doing it... I almost had a heart attack, I died! said. And an internal voice told me... "Calm down! You don't need to breathe here, remember?" I laughed at this but it was too late, I went back to the physical.
I still have this body thing very embedded and sometimes it's a problem. I just need to learn to focus intention and thought appropriately.

In fact, last week I had my first three Obe after many years! (A lucky streak in a row) just coming out of the 3D blackness towards my room only by the intention and as a simple "vapor" (I still had a lot of problems that I need to adjust) But it was a step forward for sure!

Practice is everything! I set my alarm to almost every day and fall asleep with Gateway every night. During the day I do reality checks and repeat my intention to myself. It's incredible how the subconscious programs itself, in fact last night I didn't plan to practice, I just relaxed, played a little with the hypnagogic state and fell asleep, guess what happened... I lost awareness, but when I regained it I was in 3D blackness, trying to project to RTZ and looking for a card that I hid in a tall cabinet (I don't consider validation proof to be important, I only did it to focus on an intention). Something interesting, returning to the notion of the body, I really didn't know where "I" ended and the blackness began, I felt melted there.
I didn't succeed! But it doesn't matter, I'm really happy, because it happened alone and I know it's because of perseverance.

I'll continue working on it. 😃
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.