what was my subconcious saying?

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this morning before school, I was downstairs watching TV. I was really tired, so I closed my eyes really quickly and before i fell asleep, I heard in my head " He's pushin up sin and sacred" the part that got me was sin and sacred. I know why i heard he's pushin up, because i heard the TV say " he's pushin daisies now." what doe sin and sacred mean?

Ben K

it means nothing.

I mean, its got some meaning behind why you choose those words but theres no way for any of us to know that meaning, its purely subjective. you probably heard those words on the tv or something too.


I've never heard sin and sacred in my life.

Ben K

youve never heard the words "sin" and "and" and "sacred" before?




Perhaps your energy body is being cleaned out. Out with the old (sin), in with the new (sacred). It might even have a relation to what's going on with your ringing ears.

I've found that if I stearnly say "stop" when my ears ring, they'll stop ringing. However, if energy work is being done, you might not want the ringing to stop until it's time for them to stop.

You might ask the same part of you that sent you the message, to ease up a bit with the ringing ears, because it's over doing it.

P.S. It is hard to say for certain what is going on with you, from an internet post.

Quote from: dmoneythis morning before school, I was downstairs watching TV. I was really tired, so I closed my eyes really quickly and before i fell asleep, I heard in my head " He's pushin up sin and sacred" the part that got me was sin and sacred. I know why i heard he's pushin up, because i heard the TV say " he's pushin daisies now." what doe sin and sacred mean?


that could be true. i hope that's it

Ben K

Quote from: dmoneynot together
why do you need to hear those words together to imagine them? One of the things our minds are good at is making connections. Some, if not most of those connections are random and have no bearing in reality.

if there was a deeper meaning behind it, you WOULD know.


Quote" He's pushin up sin and sacred"
How about this:

Pushing up==expressing.

Thence, expressing sin (quilt of some perceived action/inaction) and sacred (perceived being-a-good-individual).

What are the things you feel not so hot about havig done and what are the things you take pride in being the better for doing? And why those? And in that order?

2cents & L&L


i got freaked out tonight. i was watching hope and faith ( i think it's pretty funny) but faith tries to get on stage at a poetry reading and was talking about how the poetry has to come from your conscious, then she said she was on a show called The Sacred and Sinful, that totally freaked me out. I wonder if i knew she was going to say that like a month before i watched the show. :)