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Problem achieving obe

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Hi, I've been trying to obe for over a year now, I've never purposely had an successful obe.

Now recently over the last few months when i've drifted consciously, as the body falls asleep that whole sensation keeps brining me out of the state.

When that happens I'm  hearing what sounds like breathing in real fast and loud, it could be what people reffer to the whoosh sound.
Its gotten to the point some nights when I'm trying to fall asleep to actualy sleep every 10 seconds I feel my body falling asleep - while I'm still awake that sensation of falling really quick, each time waking consciously to 100% awake straight after the sensation starts, its very fustrating I feel like I have no control in choosing to let it happen or wake up.

I'm afraid that its going to become a habbit that will be hard to break, can anyone recommend something i can try, is there hope for me yet?