Question about toddler's possible unintentional telekinesis

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Hi all,

I was wondering if you guys can shed some light on this situation. A little background. Before I got pregnant with my daughter, I was meditating heavily. I actually read somewhere that meditating prior to pregnancy can attract a satvic soul, which the Hindu's believe is a very enlightened one. Anyways, before I even knew I was pregnant, I had a dream of this beautiful little baby being placed in my arms, bundled up tightly, looking up at me. I didn't think much of the dream until I found out I was pregnant, which was also a very rare occurrence since the factors surrounding conception almost made it seem impossible.

During my pregnancy, before I even knew I was having a girl, I had many dreams of a female child so I wasn't surprised when I gave birth to her. Like many other moms out there, I felt very connected to my unborn child. I noticed, however, on three different occasions, that random things to seem to move in my house. First it started with baby toys going off, which I didn't sum up to much because these things happen often. The second major event that happened was a night me and my husband decided to put my daughter in her crib (she usually sleeps in my bed) and watch a movie downstairs. I had been drinking a tea in a mug and I also had a stainless steel spoon in my cup. When I was finished drinking it, I  put it on the ledge above my couch. Within 5 minutes, the spoon moved and made a "ching" sound. My husband and I both looked at each other and realized this was weird but then continued watching the movie. Within another 5 minutes, the "ching" sound returned. I was a little freaked out by this.  The previous owner of my house passed away in my house during breakfast and so I immediately thought my house was haunted. But something inside me really didn't and still doesn't believe this is his energy.

The third incident was just the other night and is the reason why I am writing this post. We had purchased my daughter a big girl bed to transition her to sleeping on her own. The first night went great as she slept through the entire night. The second night, well, was a little odd. Earlier that day, my daughter and I were playing with a tea set that my mother-in-law at purchased her. It came in a straw hutch and the tea cups were porcelain. Oddly enough, I never play tea cups with my daughter because they are very delicate. That day, however, I had decided to play with her. I got all into it with the English accent and we were really having a good time. The hutch was placed back on the dresser where it usually is placed. The hutch usually remains open, with plates on the top and the cups on the bottom. The cups are heavy enough to keep the thing from tipping over and if it is going to tip over, it will do it right away. Anyways, the hutch remained there for the rest of the day, while I was putting to her sleep and through most of the night until something very weird happened. My daughter woke me up at 2:30 in the morning by calling my name. I went into her room and laid down with her until she fell back asleep. When she did, I tucked her in and went back to my room. As I started drifting off, I heard a rocking sound like 5 times then a crash. I immediately thought she was trying to get off the bed and had fallen so I ran into her room. When I got there, she was eerily sleeping. The hutch had fallen over with the tea cups out of place. The noise hadn't waked her either.

I am really trying to figure this one out and I do realize it may very well remain a mystery. I have read Tom Campbell's work and OBE's with Robert Monroe. I just can't explain this one. We are not negative people and therefore, I don't believe we would attract a negative or low vibrational entity. I had a medium come who told me she didn't feel anything negative.  I did have a porcelain figuring beside the hutch that was second- hand from my mother in law's friend who was going through a break-up and I didn't cleanse it before I placed it in her room, but I really don't believe it was that's figurine's energy.

Also, before all of this happened, I read the book called "Open to Channel" and tried to do it  once, but I really don't think I brought something in because I am a positive person.

What are your thoughts? Could it be in, fact my daughter, as we had just been playing tea cups that day.


Quote from: SACOLUCCI on February 04, 2015, 16:58:19
Anyways, before I even knew I was pregnant, I had a dream of this beautiful little baby being placed in my arms, bundled up tightly, looking up at me.
Just wanted to tell you, before Gauthama Buddha was born, his mom had a dream of a white elephant (holding a lotus) entering her womb.
Your dream feels faintly familiar. Must be one great soul. Take care and don't worry!
The answer to all questions is earnest self enquiry, "Who am I?"


Of course it's possible, my grandfather had tk abilities, and would flip lights switches on and off mentally, and made furniture creak as his signature "I'm on my way home, schtick."

It's not uncommon for unborn kids to let their moms know who they are before they are born as well.  Kids have lots of energy, sometimes, it can spurt out unexpectedly and cause an object to move or affect lights.

Your her mom, trust your intuition, I hope she maintains her ability up through adulthood.  So cudos.
I'm tired of this hostile environment, and aggressive, dogmatic moderation.  I'm taking my 40+years of OBE experience to a forum, where those who can and do project at will can further explore without the imposed limitations spurred from ignorance. Peace.


Quote from: Zecora on February 04, 2015, 19:24:55
Of course it's possible, my grandfather had tk abilities, and would flip lights switches on and off mentally, and made furniture creak as his signature "I'm on my way home, schtick."

It's not uncommon for unborn kids to let their moms know who they are before they are born as well.  Kids have lots of energy, sometimes, it can spurt out unexpectedly and cause an object to move or affect lights.

Your her mom, trust your intuition, I hope she maintains her ability up through adulthood.  So cudos.

*kudos  :-D
The answer to all questions is earnest self enquiry, "Who am I?"


I'm tired of this hostile environment, and aggressive, dogmatic moderation.  I'm taking my 40+years of OBE experience to a forum, where those who can and do project at will can further explore without the imposed limitations spurred from ignorance. Peace.


Over on Bruce Moens Afterlife Knowledge forum is a woman called Vicky. She wrote a book documenting her spontaneous PK experiences which is really interesting. If I remember rightly when she has her child she passes on some of her abilities.

It's called Persephones journey by Vicky short. A very personal book that is a good read