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Retrieval Question

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Originally posted by TheJza:
I have read a lot of retrieval accounts - Monroe's books, Moen's books, McKnight's book, and Frank DeMarco's book - and now I have a question.
A lot of the retrievals seem to be in the realm that I would classify as dreaming. When I am dreaming, I could be doing one thing over and over again for an infinite amount of time (until I wake up), and it seems like a lot of people who need to be "retrieved" are experiencing this same state. I was wondering, is unconscious death (death where you don't stay conscious -  most peoples' death) the same as dreaming? I would expect the answer to be yes, or else there would be no other plausable explanation for retrievals. It seems like alot of the accounts I have read and heard (I heard the Patrick Tape while at Gateway) basically just "wake" the person up from a kind of eternal slumber and let them know they are dead and neeed to progess on.

Any comments?

Hi TheJza,

I've been retrieving for almost two years so thought I'd toss my 2 cents in---:o).

A great many retrievals occur in what Monroe labeled Focus 23, where I've spent most of my time assisting in helping some there move on. I'd be willing to bet that many there do sleep on.  Perhaps an extended coma or drug induced, prolonged illness before dying enabled this continuous slumbering to occur There. Others there seem to be trapped in an isolated pocket, due to fear of death or what death could bring (or not bring), strong emotions, confusion over where they are (sudden death), children who're confused or just waiting for their parents to come get them etc. The common thread throughout all these Focus 23 situations, and what pretty much seems to help keep people stuck There, is that they *believe* they are still physically alive. Our beliefs have a lot of power. And since they believe they're still in the physical  they simply are not thinking about or recognizing anyone in the nonphysical who may be hovering around them,  trying to get their attention to help them move on.

Hope this helps.

Much love,



Originally posted by TheJza

I have read a lot of retrieval accounts - Monroe's books, Moen's books, McKnight's book, and Frank DeMarco's book - and now I have a question.
A lot of the retrievals seem to be in the realm that I would classify as dreaming. When I am dreaming, I could be doing one thing over and over again for an infinite amount of time (until I wake up), and it seems like a lot of people who need to be "retrieved" are experiencing this same state.
Any comments?

Dreaming is done mostly in the Focus 22 state. Problem is, people who are sans physical-body can't reach Focus 22. Their limit is Focus 23 which is where a lot of these retrievals take place. But they can also take place in the higher realms of Focus 24; 25 & 26.

Loops are formed due to the fact that what we call Thought is actually a primary energy. Within the Astral, as you think then so it becomes. That's how people from the Moen school can use Intent to get to some place, for example. All you need do is to place the Intent... and instantly you become There.

However, there is a BIG downside to this in that any uncontrolled release of thought-release-emotion will automatically go to creating the circumstances that surround you.

A loop is simply where someone thinks in a certain way; which causes a particular mix of emotion to be released; which instantly creates a particular set of circumstances surrounding them; which causes the person to continue thinking in that same certain way; which causes the same mix of emotion to be released; which continues to fuel the same circumstances that surround them; which causes the person to continue thinking in that same certain way; which causes the same mix of emotion to be released.......

It is possible for people to become trapped in 3 basic types of loop.

The first is the static loop, described above, where the person is performing the same set of actions over and over. Second, there's the ever-worsening loop. Which is what religions and mystics in the past have called "hell". Where the person is trapped in ever worsening circumstances. The third kind of loop is simply the opposite to the second kind, where the loop becomes ever-bettering. Like the person is trapped in an ever more exquisite heaven.

A loop is broken by what is called an "interrupt".

The reason why an interrupt breaks a loop is because the circumstances that surround the person are created by their very own thoughts. Switch the thoughts, and you instantly switch the circumstances that keeps a person thinking in that same certain way each time. In other words, you cut off the fuel supply that keeps creating the events they keep reacting to.

As you say, people can often get caught in these loops in dreams, but if it gets too bad the person's protective sense of awareness will initiate a forced awakening back to Physical; or it's only a matter of time before the alarm clock goes off, or the need to use the bathroom arises, etc. (That's where having a physical-body comes in handy as there are loads of interrupts that naturally come about.)

But for someone who is a permanent resident within the Astral, all the kinds of natural interrupts that occur while Physical simply do not apply. Such that it can (and often does!) happen where people are caught in loops that have been going around and around for maybe a hundred years or more.

The solution is for the person to just stop thinking for a minute. Which is, of course, how the retrieval process works. In that the person doing the retrieving has to,in some way, interrupt the thinking of the person who is caught.



I have read a lot of retrieval accounts - Monroe's books, Moen's books, McKnight's book, and Frank DeMarco's book - and now I have a question.
A lot of the retrievals seem to be in the realm that I would classify as dreaming. When I am dreaming, I could be doing one thing over and over again for an infinite amount of time (until I wake up), and it seems like a lot of people who need to be "retrieved" are experiencing this same state. I was wondering, is unconscious death (death where you don't stay conscious -  most peoples' death) the same as dreaming? I would expect the answer to be yes, or else there would be no other plausable explanation for retrievals. It seems like alot of the accounts I have read and heard (I heard the Patrick Tape while at Gateway) basically just "wake" the person up from a kind of eternal slumber and let them know they are dead and neeed to progess on.

Any comments?