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Shaman's Heart CD

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I noticed that runlola recommended this CD.

Has anyone had any interesting experiences with it?




I have tried shammanic journying many times and have even been to a few workshops but I have not had much success as of yet.

When you journey how close to is it to phasing?  I mean do you see things vividly and feel like you are actually experincing your surroundings?

The cd you mentioned caught my attention because I thought perhaps the drumming combined with the bineral beats would create a more potent effect than just shammanic drumming alone.



Robert Moss is a powerful shaman and an excellent teacher.  He has written several very good books that I highly recommend.  He also does dream workshops all over the place.

He definatley encourages the use of the imagination.  He would say that if you are not seeing something just use your imagination to make it up.  The imagination can act as a device to prime the pump as I am sure that you know.  In theory what begins as imagination can quickly take on a life of its own. (very similar to a run down) I understand that the imagination can be just as powerful as experiencing something in a very real way.  In any case I certainly could use my imagination to journey for a solution but have not made the transition from actively imagining to just sitting back and watching things happen.  (more specifically I mean having a specific quest or intention...then putting the drumming on and just watching to see where it takes you.)

As a side note I really do know that it is possible because after a break in my sleep cycle I have experienced this type of thing first hand. (no drumming etc. just falling back asleep nice and slow. What begins as me imagining a journey or scene becomes completely real for me.

I guess I was hoping that shammanic drumming would be a way for me to have those types of experinces at will.  Perhaps I just need some more pratice and experience.