Sleep Wake Sleep Method - Schedule

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sleep for 8-10
awake for 4-5
I try to get back to sleep after this - keep drifting in and out of sleep with very vivid dreams throughout, usually wake up to vibrations and/or paralysis after 2-3 hours of this


another that has mixed success:

sleep for 5 hours
get up for 30 mins (splash lots of cold water on face to properly wake up)
back to bed for sleep sometimes eventually produces vibrations (usually weaker vibrations that need to be worked on with breathing, moving vibes down to feet and up again etc)

I may try the rope method the next time this happens and see how well it goes.


I originally began using this method last January, to induce Lucid Dreams. Well ... instead of having LD's, I started having more OBE's.  I don't stick to a real strict "schedule" ... it's as follows.

1) Sleep for 5-6 hours
2) Get up for 20-30 minutes (with a newborn baby ... this is an easy hour now)
3) Go back to sleep
3b) Sometimes I FOCUS on OBEing ... drift to sleep & go OBE.
3c) Other times, I just go to sleep and it happens *automatically* (as in the case of originally shooting for LD's and getting OBE's instead).

Another option to really WAKE UP quickly, is to take a COLD/COOL shower, as this stimulates the body's wake-up proceedure.  Adversely, a HOT/WARM SHOWER stimulates the body's go-to-sleep proceedure.  So, theoretically, you could get up after 5-6 hours of sleep, take a quick COOL shower, which should accelerate your waking up.  Then, just go right back to bed.  This option might work well for those of you that take FOREVER to really wake up (I am not one of those people).

P.S.  It also helps to READ SOMETHING related to OBE's when you get up, so that your subconscious is preoccupied with this material as you go back to sleep.  This helps acheive your goal of OBE.

Greg Taylor :)

"Whatever consciousness may be, it's not a small thing" - Ingo Swann
"Oh, I... ain't got no ... body" - David Lee Roth (Van Halen)


i find it impossible to wake up in the middle of the night. i never wake up naturally and if i set my alarm i just stop it without waking up or even realising it has gone off.

i a also get really tired the next day if i dont get enough sleep.



My ideal routine is sleep for 6 hours from 10pm to 4am followed by 2 to 3 hours projection practice.



How long do you stay up before you start your practicing? Also, do you get up right away afterwards, or do you need more sleep after you are done?

I imagine you sleep from 10pm-4am, wake up for about 30 minutes, then attempt to project for 2-3 hours, then you would be done around 7am. Are you not too groggy to start your day? Also, were you using the Hemi-SYnc cd's with this schedule? I tried your routine using Wave 1 Intro to F10, but I was doing it at night, and I was either too keyed up or too tired, so it didn't go very well.


Originally posted by TheJza:
How long do you stay up before you start your practicing? Also, do you get up right away afterwards, or do you need more sleep after you are done?

On awakening at around 4am (which I do naturally as I've been in the habit of going to sleep early and waking early for a number of years) I generally just lay in bed thinking about any kind of thing I may have been dreaming about, perhaps make a few notes on that. Which takes about 15 minutes. Then I go through the process and my first conscious projection comes about after around 20 minutes.

My normal projection time is about 10 minutes. After which I return to C1 consciousness and make some notes. By this time about an hour has elapsed.  So I attempt again and, if all goes well, another hour will have elapsed so I try for a third time.

Now, depending on various factors, by the 2nd time I might be feeling a little sleepy so on the 3rd attempt I may lose my focus and drift off to sleep. Or if the two previous projections were longer than normal, say, and lots happened then I may be too long making notes to try for a 3rd projection. In which case I'll just lay back and take a nap for 30 mins or so until 7am which is the time I normally get out of bed. But if all goes to plan I can normally achieve 3 projections.

Sometimes I might be able to pack-in 4 short projections. Or it does happen where my first  projection gives me some kind of turning-point experience that excites me to the point where I can't project any more that morning. Like, when I first came across a guide. I returned to C1 consciousness and that was it. I could hardly sleep for thinking about it for days afterwards. So it threw me out of my normal sleeping schedule.

I can often go through phases where I can't project for some reason. Like, I'll go 3 or 4 mornings where I know that my body is just not in the mood for it. These blank periods usually coincide with times when my Physical work schedule is fairly heavy so my mind is taken up by that. Or I might have had some disagreement with my regular guide, Harath, so I'll avoid him by not projecting for a few days.

I'm not too groggy to start my day because, as I say, I've been in the early to bed, early to rise habit for many years now (I've never been a night person for some reason). But now and again I'll attend some social function that keeps me up late, but the next morning I'll forget trying to project and just sleep through.

I used to use the Hemi-Sync Wave 1 CD but stopped recently as I find I no-longer need it.

There is also a kind of habitual expectation that comes about with obe practice. Which is why I feel it is best to keep to some kind of routine that works for you. The worst thing I feel a person can do is try to force themselves. It just won't work. So if trying before sleep is difficult for you, then try and find a time when it feels natural and comfortable.



Frank- how long do those 10 minute projections feel to you? I have never timed anything but they say 10 minutes obe can feel like an hour or more.

In the world in general and in this nation
May not even the names disease, famine, war, and suffering be heard.
May virtuous qualities, merit, and prosperity greatly increase
And may continuous good fortune and subline well-being perfectly arise.


Ralphm: It is difficult making a comparison between Physical time and Astral time. Because as there is no such thing as Astral time, one cannot be compared to the other. Simply because there is no "other" to compare against. I have had 5 minute projections that had me experiencing circumstances where I lived through several days of Astral Action. Where afterwards I end up writing pages and pages of notes, all for just five minutes or so of Physical time.



I am curious as to how many people here use the sleep wake sleep method? What is the breakdown of time for each phase (6/1/2, 4/2/4, etc). Thanks in advance!