Strange Interaction/Possible Astral Experience

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This is a very interesting experience that I have only read about or have heard about via stories on youtube and other sources.  I was dreaming that I was in a server room and my two parakeets were there.  I bent over to look at them and then I woke up.  Not less then 3 minutes later...around 3:30am, my daughter runs up to me and said the birds are moving around and making a lot of noise.  I went downstairs and they looked like something startled them.   I brushed it off, went back to bed and then I was drifting and I closed my eyes and after a little while, I was able to see my dark bedroom.  Without moving my head, I looked toward my window and then I heard buzzing sounds going off in my ears.  I tried to separate but couldn't, only remote view.  I just found it fascinating that I was looking at my birds in my dream and then my daughter said they were going nuts not too long after I woke up.

Anyone else had any similar experiences with pets?


Pet and car accidents.

The Pet incident was bird related too. I was astrally traveling in my house, and saw something that wasn't supposed to be there. I wake up and physically go into the room. Bird is flipping out and I had to calm him down.

The car thing: I traveled in middle of the day. I see a part of my hometown and see a car accident. Five minutes later, well after I am back in my body, my mom runs out the house and says there was a major accident in town just a few minutes ago. 


i've heard that a lot of dogs can predict when their owner is coming home, and I guess parrots aren't much different (they can even talk).

Besides, sometimes when I hear something like an alarm clock dining and I am still asleep, I start having dreams that mimic these sounds (like a bomb exploding lol). Other than that, never experienced something so psychic, but I'm never surprised with dreams..


Here's one for you.
Early 80's, I was at work and had a feeling that something was going to happen. It was around 4:00 and the feeling wouldn't go.
I cycled home with this feeling getting stronger and I knew it would affect me indirectly. After getting home I couldn't eat as the feeling got much stronger. It was beginning to overpower my thoughts as it increased.
I then phoned my girlfriend and found that her brother had purchased a car. She had gone with him and he'd drive them the couple of miles back home.
Her father, to whom I was speaking noticed some concern in my speech and asked if anything was wrong. I told him that something was but I had no idea what and it was playing with my thoughts. He told me they'd not be long and they'd be back home before I arrived. He then said his goodbyes and hung up.
I thought about the 7 mile cycle ride to the house thinking what the car would be. At that point in time I then saw in my minds eye, an orangy red car which had crashed on a bend . The mud on the road was thick and covered the surface completely.  With this I noticed two people I knew, one slumped over the steering wheel and the other crying with the thoughts of her dying and not being able to see anyone again.
This emotional scene impacted upon me and I snapped out of it. I called my girlfriends father again asking for him to call the farmhouse where they went to buy the car. He looked everywhere for some info and found none. They'd taken it with them. Back then cell phones didn't exist so we couldn't get in touch.
Her father knew of my talent at seeing things as we communicated info previously to his amazement.
He was now concerned.
I cycled to the house at full speed and still no sign of them. An emotionally charged hour or so passed, I was totally restless knowing what had happened or was going to happen.
They both appeared in the doorway, my girlfriend saying that the car hit a wall. At that point I held her reassuringly and told her the colour of the car, an approximation of what it was and the exact pisition of the car on the road complete with the prevailing conditions they met with unexpectedly. Her thoughts and her brothers concern of what their father would say.
Her brother cleaning his blooded nose and face told me that I should have called earlier and this wouldn't of occured. He then asked too many questions after not believing 'in that stuff', his mind changed. The original car was a different colour from the one he saw initially and  bought another if I remember correctly. Something changed the decision on which one to buy while at the farm. Nobody knew what the car was. His friend the farmers lad gave them a lift home and took the car to the farm to sort it into a drivable condition.

This has happened many times with different events, all while awake in the physical just strutting my stuff.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.