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The Doorway

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So much for your hate of typing, lol. Thank you for putting in the effort though. I had never noticed the 'try and do'  with hypnotist but you are indeed right about that. I admire Baro-San very much for sticking to his guns. I've been rooting for his ideas to take hold as personally I find hypnotism very useful to ap.

Also looking forward to Volgerle's work.

Thanks for sticking with us.


Quote from: Lumaza on January 05, 2019, 05:02:30. When I was younger I had sales training. This training was for "direct" sales, as in door to door sales. At the time, the people teaching you were basically "slave drivers". Door to door sales was and I guess still is very high pressure and the methods of the teachers were very ruthless as well. We made our projected "quotas" for the day in morning meeting. You either reached them at the end of the day or didn't. You never used the word "try". It was greatly frowned upon and would always end up with you getting chastised by a superior in the company.
Reminds me of what I did for over 4 years but just in the office as a telephone sales agent instead of outside canvassing from door to door. Yet, it is practically the same, just on the phone, calling number after number (yes, it sucks!). Indeed then you are taught that you have to eliminate any softening, polite or subjunctive/conditional speech out of your language, such as 'could' 'would' 'might' 'maybe' 'perhaps' or similar. You always say 'this product helps you to...' or 'will help you...' but never 'maybe if you would try it then it could help you ...'.  :lol:
Same with affirmations. Always do, never 'want' or 'intend to' or 'would like' or whatever. Also never 'ask' for it, just 'command' it or even better: state that you already have/are it. The best affirmation is thus always and still 'I am... now' (e.g. out-of-body-now). Or 'I do' instead of 'I'd like to do, I'd wish ...' or whatever.
Quote from: Lumaza on January 05, 2019, 05:02:30This is when I noticed/perceived, that I wasn't moving forward towards these scenes, like I do in my 6 pt directional focus. They/the objects or scene were moving towards me.
When I use my 6pt directional technique while in the 3d Void or when trying to reach the Void, I will feel the motion in whatever direction is focused on. Example: the focus on Forward, will normally have me feeling like I am moving forward, like on a Rollercoaster or some driving simulation. I will experience the accompanying visuals as well. For a Rollercoaster, I may see the tracks ahead and feel as the track swerve and turn. Focus on backwards, up, down, right, left, will have their corresponding visuals and motion feelings/responses as well.
With this focus though, There was no feeling of moving towards something. There was no feeling of motion at all, except for the motion of me being perfectly still, as everything came at me.
This is my typcial Void experience. That is why I also called the (Akashic) Void the Akashic Screen sometimes. Yes, there is motion but you can always choose if you move or your surroundings come to you. It is a 3D and interactive screen for sure, but normally I do not move and the Void moves instead or the colours or pictures it shows me. It is maybe the focus I have which is normally not on myself or my body but on what is shown/presented to me. That is why the 'action' is on the other side and I am just putting out my intent or query and 'wait'.
One of the best examples is my card validation I did form the Void. First I saw the right card from afar. I demanded to see it from near to identify it. The card then 'floated' through the dark Void and moved towards me, not the other way round, and so I could read it.  :-)


Quote from: Nameless on January 05, 2019, 15:02:42Also looking forward to Volgerle's work.
Soon, maybe tomorrow, Sunday is a good day, I'm now short of time again. Saturday night life waiting.  :wink: :evil: :-D



Quote from: Nameless on January 05, 2019, 15:02:42
So much for your hate of typing, lol. Thank you for putting in the effort though. I had never noticed the 'try and do'  with hypnotist but you are indeed right about that. I admire Baro-San very much for sticking to his guns. I've been rooting for his ideas to take hold as personally I find hypnotism very useful to ap.
Your welcome Nameless!  :-)

Like I said, I found there are already some things that are techniques and a actual Hypnotist's techniques have in common. Just looking at their basic induction programs is enough to show you that.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Volgerle on January 05, 2019, 17:17:25
Reminds me of what I did for over 4 years but just in the office as a telephone sales agent instead of outside canvassing from door to door. Yet, it is practically the same, just on the phone, calling number after number (yes, it sucks!). Indeed then you are taught that you have to eliminate any softening, polite or subjunctive/conditional speech out of your language, such as 'could' 'would' 'might' 'maybe' 'perhaps' or similar. You always say 'this product helps you to...' or 'will help you...' but never 'maybe if you would try it then it could help you ...'.  :lol:
Same with affirmations. Always do, never 'want' or 'intend to' or 'would like' or whatever. Also never 'ask' for it, just 'command' it or even better: state that you already have/are it.
We didn't have a script, per se. We were just highly motivated and told to go out and make a friend. Our boss actually won the formula and the rights to it in a "fight bet". He was a fight promoter himself, from Denmark. His "gift" was the gift of "motivation". But his ruthless, aggressive style came from what he learned and lived in the "fight game". He was very intelligent though and if you had good sales, you couldn't find a nicer guy. But if you missed your quotas he showed his Mr, Hyde side.
The best affirmation is thus always and still 'I am... now' (e.g. out-of-body-now). Or 'I do' instead of 'I'd like to do, I'd wish ...' or whatever.
Yes you are correct. The use of a "past tense" mindset while creating affirmations is very powerful. To the subconscious it sounds more like a "command" then a request.

QuoteThis is my typcial Void experience. That is why I also called the (Akashic) Void the Akashic Screen sometimes. Yes, there is motion but you can always choose if you move or your surroundings come to you. It is a 3D and interactive screen for sure, but normally I do not move and the Void moves instead or the colours or pictures it shows me. It is maybe the focus I have which is normally not on myself or my body but on what is shown/presented to me. That is why the 'action' is on the other side and I am just putting out my intent or query and 'wait'.
One of the best examples is my card validation I did form the Void. First I saw the right card from afar. I demanded to see it from near to identify it. The card then 'floated' through the dark Void and moved towards me, not the other way round, and so I could read it.  :-)
I am really looking forward to your post and new thread here on the Void. I enjoyed the way you integrated your screen into a set of blinds with a picture/scene on them, that gave you more or less of the picture, depending how much you opened or closed it.
In my thread here, I have stated often that a little "spontaneity" goes a long way there while attempting to access and also to deepen a shift in consciousness. Once in a while I will just mentally reach in front of me and open up the curtains. I don't need to look for the curtains. All I need to do is go through the mental action and know the curtain is already there.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 In today's Phase/soak session I worked once again on depth and also deepening my experience.

I climbed into my tub of water, closed my eyes and worked through my Doorway steps. I started with a very brief progressive relaxation. Then moved to a bit of disassociation. Followed up with some quick 6 PT directional focus and now I was primed. I could sense a small amount of depth. It was a bit deeper then just a flat canvas. I then mentally shot the basketball in my hand into the darkness before my eyes. I didn't look for the basketball in my hands, I knew it was already there. So, thought = action was already in play.

My first attempt didn't' yield much in the visual sense. So, I repeated it a few more times. Now I could really sense depth. At first I could see the net that the ball was going into and soon I could see 5 nets and balls flying all over the place, lol. It was getting a bit much, so I aborted that focus and refocused on just the darkness itself.

What seems like a few minutes later, I saw a ball coming through the depth. It wasn't a basketball. It just looked like an ordinary round ball. It came right up to me and soon was in my hands. I felt it actually in my hands, which thought was strange at this part in my session. I could feel the weight of the ball. For some reason, on some level I got a prompt to roll it back into the darkness and just observe. This wasn't a verbal prompt, as in a voice that could be heard. Instead it was more of a telepathic voice giving a thought. So, I obliged.

I watched as the ball rolled out of my location and into the darkness. I then decided to follow it. I didn't question where it was going. All I did was observed it from a distance. Observing from a distance is akin to what I do during one of my "pace car" scenarios. (I speak quite a bit about my pace car visuals throughout my Doorway thread here). Basically what it is entails is focusing on a object in motion, normally kick started from my focus on the Forward direction in my 6 pt directional focus. Sometimes it could be a horse ahead of me or a Rollercoaster car, Rocket, all kinds of things can work as a pace car. I never purposely or should I say consciously create these. They just appear and when they do, I follow and observe them. At first I am normally in back of them, but then I get closer and closer until I am actually riding them, like the Horse or the Rollercoaster. That's when the shift is already a success and now I just enjoying what's next.

I don't want to "front load here", but it led to a really interesting adventure. It definitely created the depth I was looking for. But not only the depth, it also became the sole focus or should I say the new focus of that journey.

Exercises like this are easy to do. You just need to leave your analytical/thinking mindset behind for a minute and got just experience it all. You can start with any visual. A motion based one is usually the best if you wish to "follow" it into the NP. If or when the visual disappears/fades, reign it back in. If you don't like where it's going, abort and start over again. No harm, no foul. The only one "judging" you is "YOU".

My experience above kind of reminded me of something I experienced when I was first new to this practice. I seemed to have a few Guides that were very good on teaching me how to navigate my new NP surroundings. I was using the name "Lionheart" here on the Pulse at that time.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


  Allo Lumaza...:-D I truly enjoy reading your thread , one of the best, I hear more is coming  :roll: :wink:
A bientot ...just passing by, got to go.


Quote from: Plume on January 10, 2019, 04:21:50
  Allo Lumaza...:-D I truly enjoy reading your thread , one of the best, I hear more is coming  :roll: :wink:
A bientot ...just passing by, got to go.
Thank you for your kind words Plume!  :-) Sometimes I think I am just talking to myself here!  :|  :-o

I post all this here to teach others, but I am also looking for other people that share in these kind of experiencers and have a passion for experimenting anew. I figured a Forum based on Astral Projection would talk about just that "Astral Projection", but I was unfortunately sorely wrong. Still I come back here to teach, whomever wishes to learn.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Im reading your posts. :-D In fact I wanted to comment on your post the other day about hypnotism. I had never heard of how they utilize  the word TRY as a failure. I've always enjoyed Star Wars and first thing I thought of while reading your post was a quote from Yoda, "Do or do not, there is no try" :-o How a movie character understand this and I didn't.  :? lol Sadly, "trying" pretty much sums up 2018 for me. "Doing" will be the focus in 2019.


Quote from: Yodad on January 10, 2019, 16:55:04
Im reading your posts. :-D In fact I wanted to comment on your post the other day about hypnotism. I had never heard of how they utilize  the word TRY as a failure. I've always enjoyed Star Wars and first thing I thought of while reading your post was a quote from Yoda, "Do or do not, there is no try" :-o How a movie character understand this and I didn't.  :? lol Sadly, "trying" pretty much sums up 2018 for me. "Doing" will be the focus in 2019.
That Yoda character is one smart cookie!  :-)  8-)

Here's to many successful "do(s)" or better yet, dids!  :-)  :-)  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 Today's Phase soak session was another really bizarre, yet interesting one.

I got in my tub of water, closed my eyes, relaxed for a moment, just enjoying the warmth of the water (in Minnesota we try to soak up heat any way we can, lol. Winters are long here), then I did my Doorway steps and began just noticing the darkness before my eyes.

About 5 minutes later, (it's hard to judge time with your eyes closed), I began to sense movement forward. I wasn't consciously initiating this motion. It just began spontaneously, so, I went with the flow. At this point in my session, I have already dispatched of the need for physical form, I am just a point of consciousness. You can access that "form" though if it becomes necessary, as you will see later in my write up here.

The forward motion began to speed up, but once in a while, I passed some kind of brief light or marker. I kind of perceived it like what happens when driving down a dark highway at nighttime. There are mile markers and other things that you pass by that you aren't fully consciously aware of. After while, they feel like "blips".

The movement began to speed up, but the strange thing was, the "blips" (I will call them), began to slow down. Meaning the timing between intervals seemed to getting longer and longer. I stayed with this for a while, until I finally noticed that this I was at the "depth" that I wished to fulfill my intended goal.

My goal was to make initial contact with .....  Part of that contract was keeping some things quiet until instructed otherwise. Hence my not saying to whom I wished contact with.

So, I began mentally saying what I wished to say. I guess in some way, I was making some kind of "mental contract". But, I guess that wasn't enough because just then a piece of paper and pen revealed itself in front of me. That's when I put 2 + 2 together and realized that indeed some kind of "contract" was being formed. So, I began writing my part and when I was done, I signed it.

At this point I wondered how I was going to "send" message. My hands then began forming a paper airplane out of the contract and when it was made, picked it up and tossed it forward into the darkness. This was very strange, because my mindset was that of point of consciousness that didn't need "hands" or any form. When I was writing the contract, folding it into a airplane and sending it, I didn't feel any tactile sensation at all. It didn't even "feel" like me doing it. I was in "observer mode" at that point. I watched as the plane flew forward. I didn't follow it though. To do that would have likely jumpstarted a new adventure and I was content with this one already as it was. A small flash of light appeared in the center of the darkness, the plane entered it and both were gone.

I then returned my focus back to the just the darkness there, so I could work on some new Crystal Amplifier designs. I have some 1 inch - inch and half Quartz Crystal points that I want to incorporate into small Bonsai style tree designs. These will be the lowest priced pieces I have made yet. But I find that I really do need pieces of all different prices. I saw a new deign that I will make later tonight. If I can make what I saw, it should come out pretty good. Fingers crossed, lol!  :-)

Now I just have to be aware in my LDs and my Phase sessions for an answer to my intent. I know it will come sooner or later. That's the way things seem to work there. You put your intent out and stay consciously aware for the answer or the result that follows.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on January 11, 2019, 03:00:18
That Yoda character is one smart cookie!  :-)  8-)

Here's to many successful "do(s)" or better yet, dids!  :-)  :-)  :-)

I was finally able to get some success with a set of lucid dreams the other night. Circumstances that aided my success seem a bit hilarious to me. I was feeling, shall we say, a bit full in the tummy from the weekend. Monday was a birthday for family member where I stuffed myself even more. So my stomach was working overtime during my normal bedtime and kept me from my typical deep sleep I must have. A couple hours into this uncomfortable light sleep I decide to do some simple counting along with a mantra after every count of ten. I fell asleep at some point, but during a dream, this guy comes up and says "Maybe you're dreaming," and I did a nose pinch reality check and I was still breathing! Boom, lucid. I was sooooo fricken pumped in my dream I was practically yelling to the guy THANK YOU and gave him a huge high five! It didn't last long, but each time I woke up, I kept still and fell into another dream being lucid. I had maybe 4 total little lucids and they got stranger and stranger  :-o wow! I was getting concerned I was forgetting earlier parts, so I stopped it all to write down what I could remember.  :-)

To me its hilarious that it was being so full that night that it actually kept me from going into deep sleep like normal. LOL  :? Not sure I want to replicate that scenario. Once I get lucid, I need to work on settling down and following my plan. I don't feel very conscious, so I still act out sort of like my dream self does (automatic). Onward with the doing.


 Lately have been using a fun little simple exercise on not only myself, but also on MJ's son, who had a tragic accident last year that has left him a Quadriplegic. We have been working for months now on waking up and rewiring his brain to nerve/muscle/tendon communication. He has been shocking his Doctors with how fast he has been recovering. He has gotten back limited movement in his fingers, which that in itself shows progress. He also has gotten back his upper body strength. Right now, some of his Doctors have been using him as a positive example for others in his condition.

So, back to the simple technique here. I use this on before we get into the physical therapy part of my visits. I am not a Doctor and know nothing about the muscles, nerves, etc. I just close my eyes and see what he needs at the time. Much of what we do is "energy work related".

Close your eyes and relax for a moment. Focus solely on the darkness before your closed eyes. Don't "strain" you eyes, just use a relaxed gaze, as you notice the darkness there. Do this for about 5 minutes.

Now, without looking up, I just want you to become aware of what is above you.  You could also see it as looking at the top part of the dark screen you are looking at. Just become aware of it. Once again, totally relaxed. Now, become aware of what is below you. After that, become aware of what is to the left of you, then what is to the right. Don't move your eyes, Keep them in the same soft gaze that you have had on the darkness before your eyes for the entire exercise.

If an accompanying vision should appeal or you Have a tactile feeling, like raising, falling down, moving to the left or right, just be aware of it. When you feel like you are done, open your eyes and you will see that all the stress of the day has disappeared. You are now totally relaxed. You could also lock onto one of those visions or tactile feelings and see how far it will take you. It's up to you. Just keep it all simple. like they say "KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID"!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on April 27, 2019, 00:11:23
Just keep it all simple. like they say "KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID"!  :-)

This one seems appropriate for me!

I tried your simple method last evening.  I sat on the sofa chair and closed my eyes (used a sleep mask as well to keep from distractions).  Within a few minutes of staring ahead I was getting lots of imagery.  My arms and legs were numb very quickly.  I saw a fern above me on a shelf.  I was moving thru a parkade when I was focusing on what was below.  None of the imagery was very vivid in detail but it was certainly there.  The refrigerator in the kitchen kicked in which startled me out of my focus.  Once I was back in again my neighbour was home and could hear her slamming the door in the house next door.  After that I had to stop as there were too many distractions.  Something I need to work on by being able to ignore the outside distractions.

Sounds like you guys are making progress with MJ's son.  That's great!  :-)
The Adventure Continues...


Quote from: T-Man on April 27, 2019, 17:28:41
This one seems appropriate for me!

I tried your simple method last evening.  I sat on the sofa chair and closed my eyes (used a sleep mask as well to keep from distractions).  Within a few minutes of staring ahead I was getting lots of imagery.  My arms and legs were numb very quickly.  I saw a fern above me on a shelf.  I was moving thru a parkade when I was focusing on what was below.  None of the imagery was very vivid in detail but it was certainly there.  The refrigerator in the kitchen kicked in which startled me out of my focus.  Once I was back in again my neighbour was home and could hear her slamming the door in the house next door.  After that I had to stop as there were too many distractions.  Something I need to work on by being able to ignore the outside distractions.

Sounds like you guys are making progress with MJ's son.  That's great!  :-)
Awesome. Good job!  :-) ...and yes, it is very simple to do and does not take a lot of time either. You can stop the focus whenever you feel you have had enough.

My suggestion to you would be to get a good pair of "earplugs". I use earplugs and a sleep mask when I sleep. During my Phase soak sessions, I use neither. A few times I have created distractions, such as a slow drip from a faucet, just to help me to work my way through them. After awhile, nothing really distracted me anymore and we live in the Country where there is a lot of hunting done. So, there can be some pretty loud distractions. If anything, I learned to enjoy them. Sometimes I just zone them out, other times I can still have a dual reality perspective. But I just become aware of them and then let them go.

I had learned a technique years ago that was great to not only to rid myself of distractions, but be able to just mentally acknowledge them, then stay the course. This technique had me thinking of my physical body as a piece of 'Swiss cheese", with all the holes in it. I just let any distracting sounds flow right through me. This technique is also used in meditation to rid oneself of "Monkey Mind". In that, you just allow the thoughts you have to permeate your body and go right though you.

This technique that I shared above about focus would also work to alleviate oneself of Monkey Mind. It still uses a very simple of my "Disassociation" technique that I have shared here in this thread in the past. It's just a water downed version of it. In the simple awareness technique above, you are just briefly becoming aware of directions, front, up, down, left and right. You could add backwards if you wish. I always find a focus on what is "behind" you, to jumpstart some very strange and interesting, not only scenarios, but also sensations to boot. You don't need to "engage" them and explore them further. But that option is always open to you!  :wink:

This morning I awoke to use the bathroom. I then went back to bed. But before I fell asleep again, I did this very simple technique above once again.

Somewhere along the line I became aware of voices. It sounded like Nathan (MJ's son) and his grandson. I questioned that in my mind because Nathan, because of his wheelchair and condition, can not make it up to our home, without a good amount of assistance. He hasn't been here since his accident.

Little Noah then woke me up and said, "it's time to get up". I acknowledged his presence, then went back to sleep. But when I did, I began doing summersaults and all kinds of weird tumbles above my body. I felt myself rising and that's when the summersaults and acrobatics ensued.

Once again, I heard Nate and Noah talking. This time I just ignored it and then once again the tumbling ensued. I don't have much more conscious recall beyond that. I clicked out and woke up for real at 3:45 in the afternoon.

I came out of the bedroom and saw MJ sitting in her chair. I then asked her if Nate and Noah had come over earlier. As I expected, the answer was no.

Anyways, it was good to have a long sleep in. I haven't had one of those for a while, since I go work on Nate almost every week day. The only time I get now for sleep ins is on the weekends. That is the time I get to work on my Crystal Amplifier designs till the wee hours of morning now.

While today perusing through another Forum, called the "Roundtable Forum", I came across this video in a thread they had there.

The gentleman in it basically uses a method I have been using for years now, although he describes the reasons in a different way then I do for why a directional focus works so well. I never knew that there was actual "educated" alliances with technique. I just caught onto it myself years ago by visualizing motion, like simulating driving a car, etc. This came to me because I noticed that many times when I was just becoming aware in the NP, it was  normally during some motion related event, like flying above a landscape, driving a car and one of the experience for some reason is "riding a Horse", which I don't do in real life here. As a child, I fell from a Horse. Haven't been back on one since that!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla



Thanks for adding the link to the video you came across.  It was helpful with another explanation of how the technique works.  I will keep working on this as it is very simple to do.   :-)
The Adventure Continues...


Quote from: T-Man on April 29, 2019, 02:28:36

Thanks for adding the link to the video you came across.  It was helpful with another explanation of how the technique works.  I will keep working on this as it is very simple to do.   :-)
Your Welcome!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 Today while using this simple practice in my own Phase session I found that when you gently gaze into the darkness before your eyes, pick a certain point to focus on and hold your focus there, even when you are becoming aware of the other directions. You will see that this will really intensify the experience.

Just pick a invisible dot in the middle of your "viewing screen". Hold your attention there. About 5 or 10 minutes into this gently gaze, slowly start to become aware of each directional point. Over/Under/Up/Down and if you want to really have some fun, Forward/Backwards. There is no rush. This is no race. Just be "AWARE". That's it. Don't question, don't actively "create" the narrative, Just simply be "AWARE" of it.

There is plenty of time to go deeper with this later.

Good Luck

Feel free to share and post your results here. I'm sure other Members and "Seekers" here would love to read them.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I have been using this simple technique for a few evenings now.  The other night I was in my usual recliner chair with foot rest extended outwards.  I had my sleep mask on and my headphones on just to help keep unwanted distractions from breaking my focus.  I was doing well when out of the blue I felt the motion very quickly as I was using my feet to close the recliner chair...then I realized this was all in the NP.  I was back in the physical now and my body was still in the reclined and relaxed position with feet outstretched.  It sure didn't take long to slip my consciousness from physical to NP. 

Other evenings I have tried and didn't seem able to get anywhere.  Will keep working at it.
The Adventure Continues...


Quote from: T-Man on May 04, 2019, 17:41:37
I have been using this simple technique for a few evenings now.  The other night I was in my usual recliner chair with foot rest extended outwards.  I had my sleep mask on and my headphones on just to help keep unwanted distractions from breaking my focus.  I was doing well when out of the blue I felt the motion very quickly as I was using my feet to close the recliner chair...then I realized this was all in the NP.  I was back in the physical now and my body was still in the reclined and relaxed position with feet outstretched.  It sure didn't take long to slip my consciousness from physical to NP.  

Other evenings I have tried and didn't seem able to get anywhere.  Will keep working at it.
I have times when I just lie back into the water, close my eyes, during my Phase session and find I am instantly "there". Then there are other times when it takes some time before things begin occurring. I haven't been able to pin point any method to that madness, lol.

That's why I just "go with the flow" now. Take what I get and work with it. You can have so many strange sensations that you don't know whether you are experiencing them physically or etherically. I always question them after the fact though. While in a Phase session I always strive to "stay the course".
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 Last night I watched a fantastic video on youtube called "Forbidden Knowledge Discoveries That Reveal the True Purpose of Ancient Temples". The entire video was 1:34:24 minutes long. I know that in this day and age, with the "Now generation", that sitting down to watch a lengthy video like that doesn't compute. Take it as watching a Movie then.

The video could have been called "Ancient Astral Projection" because that's exactly what was occurring in it. There are so many tips hidden in that video. So many things that we have talked about on the Astral Pulse Forum in one way or the other. Freddy Silva did a masterful job with his delivery of this Ancient knowledge. He explained many of the rituals found in the Ancient (Egyptian) Mystery School teachings.

He showed how many of these Ancient temples and sites were based on manipulation of frequency, as seen in the Hypogeums in Malta and other Ancient temples of the World. He showed how many of the Ancients were masters themselves when it came to Archaeoaccoustics and Archaeoastronomy.

At the 35 minute mark he showed how the some of these Temple designs were created as "fear tests" and as challenges in "humility and ego".  Things that we in this practice must learn to control to further our own practice. Archeologists also found traces of "Narcotic concoctions" that would be used for what they was termed "Living resurrection rituals", aka OBEs/NDEs.

At around the 52 minute mark he spoke of "Metaphysical Defleshing", which we here know to be a "dissassociative focus" from our physical bodies.

Todays' naysayers say that the Ancient Temples were "burial sites" and yet, no bodies were found in them, although a treasure trove of Gold and others riches were. His question being "How many Grave robbers do you know that would take the body but leave the Gold and treasure behind untouched?" Good question. I would love to hear the answers to that one, lol!

He found evidence that the Ancients were very proficient in the Art of NDEs and OBEs, everywhere, in many different cultures. Amazingly those cultures being separated by thousands of miles and even oceans.

They didn't have the same "priorities" we have today. That's why it's so hard for modern many to understand all of this. Our World today is built on constant distractions. I speak to other Authors of Meditation/OBEs occasionally and listen to others in Radio interviews that are saying how hard it is to teach these days, simply because people expects that results "yesterday". They don't do the work because it takes too long.

Here's a link to this fantastic video. See for yourself, there are metaphors found for Ancient Astral Projection everywhere in this video.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 For a few weeks now, I have been working on techniques quicken my process of attaining a good deep NP focus. I have dropped all my other steps and focused on just this one now.

I get into the water (my bathtub), to do my Phase session, I close my eyes and immediately focus on the darkness before them. I then become aware of the black blank screen before them. I begin by focusing on the center of the dark screen I see. I then become aware of directional pointers about 10 feet in front of me. I see these pointers as facing outwards from the directions of up/down/left and right or what you could call North/South/East and West. These pointers are at the outer limits of peripheral vision, pointing outwards.

At first, my eyes are fighting to follow my focus, but that soon changes. After a few minutes of strengthening these visuals, I will myself forward towards them, until I am in the center of the directional markers/pointers. They are still are still there though, it's just that now I have to focus totally on that particular direction to sense them, which in turn leads to a "etheric/tactile sensation. This is really hard to explain. But I am sure you know what I mean. At least those that have experienced the 3D dark zone, aka the Void.

During this process, my physical eyes will want to readjust and follow the chosen directions. I fight the urge and keep my focus on the center of the screen. After a few minutes I am well into the "depth" of the darkness and ready to create a intent for the session.

I see that there are some new members here now that wish to learn to go deeper with this practice. Yesterday and today I took a walk down my own memory lane and kind of rehashed some of the things I did in the past when I was newer to this practice myself. One of them that for some reason I dropped was to focus on a sign in front of me that said "Training Grounds or Training Zone". At first it was very hard to visual, but after awhile just focusing on it and "knowing" it was there, was enough for it to finally manifest before me.

In many of my earlier experiences I constantly found myself in some kind of teaching or school setting. I was taught "depth perception". I was taught how to "passively observe", a kinds of lessons. Each of these lessons was beneficial and at times crucial to furthering my development in with this practice. Once I even found myself in a school room with other "beings". There was a blackboard in front of us and behind that blackboard was the Astral Plane. I had to pass what ever test I was given to be able to bypass the blackboard, leading to the Astral Worlds that lied beyond it. I wrote about this here years ago using my former name here "Lionheart". That account is now closed, which means my former profile can't be found. (If your interested though you could use the Forum search engine on the words "Astral School" to see what you can find)
Edit: I just found one of them in a search myself.

So just focusing on simple little wooden sign, whatever kind of sign you wish, a "Doorway",  :wink:, with the words "Training Grounds or Zone", can open up to some very beneficial experiences. You have actually set "intent" as well. Make it as real as you can. See each letter clearly. See the material that it is written on. Once you have that visual vivid, you can become slowly pan your focus out and see what kind of scene there is to see.
Don't get discouraged if you can't see anything. Just know that sign is there and it will reveal itself. This is a great focus target. The deeper you focus on this, the further away your focus on your physical body will be.

This not only works good with new members and those that are new to Astral Travel. It also works for people that are experienced. A Training Zone or Training Ground is just what it says, but it doesn't necessarily say that you are on the "ground floor". Each level of development could contain it's own Training Ground. Sometimes doing simple focuses like this are enough to "refuel" or jumpstart your teaching again. The lack of "experienced Members" here at the Astral Pulse shows me that something is waning. Either it's a lack of passion or some kind of block that got in the way. Then again, it could be a "been there done that" thing and they have lost their interest all together. Don't ever get locked into the thinking that now you know all there is that is needed to know here and for that, you don't practice anymore. I believe and have been shown that once you think you 'know" it all and have the answers, the "teachings" themselves stop then and there.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Question regarding the technique: is it OK if I ask these questions mentally during the process? Like a mental dialogue? Tried it a few days ago, unfortunately I was awaken by someone but it went quite deep and I was actively asking about the doorway; as if the questions helped to get deeper. What do you think? Thanks in advance


I am answering for Lumaza because his computer is currently offline.

You can ask questions mentally during these sessions. It is an individual thing. For some people it works very well and they get immediate responses or results; for others, they may find that it disrupts their concentration a little too much. And it changes over time, depending on your development.

Don't be afraid to experiment.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde