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The Doorway

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I am in agreement with LB along certain lines here: Maybe while still incarnated within Physical Reality we are subject to various and sometimes debilitating conditions when recovering from Non Physical experiences. The causes can be diet, available energy (energy work), translation difficulties or simply the condition of being based in PR while undergoing the likely taxing NPR experiences such as the "Lifer" experiences Lu describes. Simply put, the NPR can wear us out at certain times.

In my experience diet, lifestyle and energy availability are definite factors...intent or "need" can often overcome these obstacles, but not always, nor without our noticing the energy expenditure.

Just a couple ideas
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: LightBeam on June 06, 2020, 02:25:18
If people die off, there is no other way of having another reasoning type of creature by natural evolution. It has to be external interference and planting new types of humans here on Earth. Hopefully a notch up by intellect and moral values.
Humanity that we see today was not the result of "natural" evolution. We were let's say "manufactured". According to what Dr. Michio Kaku believes, we have been "dumbed down" through the years.  :-(
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on June 06, 2020, 03:45:12
In my experience diet, lifestyle and energy availability are definite factors...intent or "need" can often overcome these obstacles, but not always, nor without our noticing the energy expenditure.
I agree. Although we want to "control" everything on some level, some things seem beyond our control. Sometimes we just have to take our medicine and like it!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on June 06, 2020, 03:47:05
Humanity that we see today was not the result of "natural" evolution. We were let's say "manufactured". According to what Dr. Michio Kaku believes, we have been "dumbed down" through the years.  :-(

I tend to believe that as well. But it makes you think how did the first larger species ever in our physical universe came to be. I understand microbes have the conditions of water, air and other elements and can spring to existence quicker, but I think natural evolution does exist  within the physical world. Adaptation, environment changes changes the attributes of different species. It's interesting to think how exactly manifestation from the NP happens to the physical. Something I do not entirely understand.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on June 06, 2020, 03:53:21
I tend to believe that as well. But it makes you think how did the first larger species ever in our physical universe came to be.
I would say they were "manufactured" as well. As I have seen and am still seeing our Earth isn't the only School that "they" created. Trial and error would have taught the ones in charge what works and what doesn't. Each classification of animals has shown us that they do serve a purpose. That definitely includes our underwater/Aquatic friends!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 Here is a great technique that was shared by one of a member here back in 2012 named "BlueHalcyon". He comes at the targeting of "Doorways" in a completely different and innovative way!  8-) There are many different paths to achieve the same or similar results. People just need to find the way that works for them. Remember though, techniques like this are just "Blueprints". That doesn't mean they are set in stone.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I'm a little late in responding to the latest posts here on this thread but do have a couple of observations.

To Reply 193 Have you noticed two suns in the sky lately? There have been reports and while no one can say it is 2 suns what they are saying is that it looks like it and I've seen it myself. The sun is also moving north and doing so rather rapidly. This might be normal but I don't think to this degree.

To Reply 196 I have experienced that complete exhaustion after a night of continuous LDs with mental input. It's a tired like you just can't explain. It's very different to ones that leave you energized and eager.

I'm not sure that we have specifically been dumbed down so much as we have degraded in physical body and programming over time. Perhaps that is one of the conundrums of creation. To us it's like creating the perpetual motion machine, maybe 'they' haven't got it right yet either.

Love a stone staircase :-)


Quote from: Nameless on June 08, 2020, 03:29:17
I'm a little late in responding to the latest posts here on this thread but do have a couple of observations.

To Reply 193 Have you noticed two suns in the sky lately? There have been reports and while no one can say it is 2 suns what they are saying is that it looks like it and I've seen it myself. The sun is also moving north and doing so rather rapidly. This might be normal but I don't think to this degree.
That's interesting Nameless! I have never seen this, but I have heard from others in the past that mention this a well. You can find a few youtube videos that speak of this too. I know the Sun is currently in a powerful Solar minimum.

QuoteTo Reply 196 I have experienced that complete exhaustion after a night of continuous LDs with mental input. It's a tired like you just can't explain. It's very different to ones that leave you energized and eager.
I had a feeling that someone else here would know what I meant. You described it perfectly!

QuoteI'm not sure that we have specifically been dumbed down so much as we have degraded in physical body and programming over time. Perhaps that is one of the conundrums of creation. To us it's like creating the perpetual motion machine, maybe 'they' haven't got it right yet either.
I see it like many right now seem to have "Blinders" on.

QuoteLove a stone staircase :-)
Indeed!  :-) 8-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 So a quick update. I guess I am supposed to continue posting about this here, so I shall!  :-)

A few days ago I saw the first structure I have seen yet there. It seemed to be oval or circular in shape. I could see some kind of "compartments". But the closer I got to it, the more it faded away. A "Ship" of some sort, perhaps!  :

In today's experience I arrived at a area of darkness that was on this planet. Even the Light Beings seemed to have lost their "shimmer". I could actually make out more of their form now. They have 4 spindly fingers on each hand. Normally they are so bright it's hard to see detail.

I then went into some kind of mental telepathic back and forth. This was more pertaining to why a area of darkness was necessary. It all goes back to the need for "balance". I stayed in this conversation for quite a while.

I still have the intent to view this planet from above, but for some reason that is not allowed!  :? I want to see it from space as well, to see if their may be any "structure", such as a Dyson Sphere or something.

My visual always begin the same. I visualize our Earth from above. After I get a good focus, I become aware of a spiraling Rainbow protruding from the Earth. I then focus on "riding" it to wherever it leads. The next thing I know, I am on this new Earth like planet, being viewed by my new friends there. I soon find myself gliding through the many beautiful landscapes that are there. But like I said, today I landed in some dark area. I don't know if it was at night or if somehow this part of the planet hadn't been "developed" yet.  :? :? :? ...more questions!  :? :? :?
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 Today was another successful Phase session to that "New Earth". I wish I was told some name for it.

I began with my healing Mantra work and then immediately began visualizing our Earth from the view of space. Shortly after that the rainbow bridge began to faintly appear and I rode it to wherever it to the other planet. Once again, I do not intend to see anything. I just ride/glide along the rainbow bridge until I spontaneously show up somewhere. For some reason that "somewhere" keeps leading to the same place.

Once there, I see the landscape, foliage, etc. and there is the Light Being.

My focus immediately goes to the Being. I stare at where I think it's eyes would be and I sense peace, tranquility and calmness. The thought comes into my mind that they too likely had to go through periods of strife and hardship during their own evolution. As usual, before I could even get the whole thought out and "answer" was incoming already. That answer being that in their current form/vessel, no they hadn't encountered that. But, in the consciousness as a whole there is a record of it. Likely meaning what we call the "Akashic record".

From what I have seen from them so far, they are devoid of "emotions". I guess that makes sense because emotions could lead to "bias". They are set on their task and are "passionate" about it.
It's funny because above I spoke of how they interrupt my thoughts before I even have a chance to finish them. I too am guilty of that. People that know me and have spoke with me, even from the Pulse here know that I have the habit of interjecting before they have finished their own comments. I am aware of that and have been changing it. It's funny though because now when they talk to me, they kind of expect my interjecting and seem to take my silence as "disinterest" in the conversation at had, lol!  :-D
I found that I did interject in the past because of #1 I am a very passionate person. My passion shows in everything I do. #2, I fear that by not blurting out my thought, that I will "forget" it! My memory doesn't seem to be what it used to be. So I apologize to those that I have done this to in the past here.

Back to the new friends there. Yes, I have never sensed any emotion from them. By just staring at this Being, I can see that "he, (I will call him he, I don't feel like saying "it"), seems to be as "etheric" as he is physical. Kind of like ghostly at time and solid at other times. While focused on his lack of emotion, I was reminded of Scientology and how they work to achieve that as well. One of their "exercises", is berating a person repeatedly for a period of time until it no longer bothers them. It's kind of funny though, I worked for a company owned by one of the "higher ups" in Scientology (he has now since passed on). In a conversation we had, he asked if I was willing to become a Scientologist. I said no. During a conversation with him a few years into my being in his employ, he told me that all the money and teachings he had received to move up the ranks, when he finally got to the top, he was told "God is a Alien". I looked at him and laughed and said I could have told you that when I was just a kid, lol, and that would have saved him a whole bunch of time and money. He looked back at me and didn't say anything. As I was leaving the room, he said just remember, I will buy you a Volkswagen, not a Porsche. I didn't have a clue what that meant until later in my employ.

We were all on the road working shows as pitchman. At that time, the "Pitchman" code seemed to be, the first $20 goes for lunch, the next $20 goes for dinner and then you take a bit more for nightly entertainment. Now, I finally understood what the Boss has said. They were all stealing and all the owners of the companies knew it. That seemed to be overlooked by the production the person had made. I remember one time when a great Pitchman was fired from another company due to his severe Cocaine abuse. He kept getting busted for it as well. The very next day, my Boss hired him. I questioned that decision and he said, look at he production he brings. I said look at the trouble he causes. He then said again, look at he production he brings. I knew right then and there what was really up. My time with the company ended a few years later when I arrived a shows, set up, then had my product arrive a few days later or when I went to what I was told was a "new" show, just to find out that I was doing damage control because of the last crew of ours that was there. I knew what the company was like, but I also was confident in my abilities and knew that I could control what was happening my own destiny. They may have been a bunch of "screw ups", but I knew I wasn't. I enjoyed the work and the atmosphere.

It was strange how all that mental conversation all of a sudden occurred just by looking in the eyes or the area of where the eyes of this
Being would have been.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 Today's Phase soak began as usual. I got into the bathtub. Got comfortable. Closed my eyes and did my healing Mantra . I then made the intent to see the "spinning top toy" that I often use as a imaged focus target. I replied to another member here today about this target of focus that I often used. So, I decided to use it today.

Like usual the spinning top began to fade in and out. At first being just the outline of the top and soon moving into a full visual. At least enough that i could see it spinning. Then it began morphing into different things in what seemed like 5 second intervals. I stayed aware and went through at least 20 new morphed targets. It was like "Morph-a-mania", lol. Some of the things were extremely vivid, others took on more of a ghostly appearance.

The thought then came to my mind about how we see "ghosts" here in the physical. Sometimes  you see a outline, other times it's a vivid human form with clothes and all. That made me think about how we might be visually appearing in other dimensions as well when we have APs/OBEs, even LDs.

That thought immediately triggered some kind of teaching on levels of awareness. There are so many. At first you may see a outline or very fuzzy, fading in and out form. Then the visual gets stronger and now you can make out more the target. The target then seems to become second nature to a actual environment that is beginning to come into view. Next it moves into a full scene. The next levels of awareness are hard to describe. They are extremely vivid, but your "viewing screen" seems to have changed into "sensurround"/360 degree vision. You no longer need to turn your head to see, everything is just there. When the visual became vivid for the first time, you likely experienced your Peripheral vision" widening as well. When everything goes into sensurround mode, it is so surreal and extremely hard to maintain the state you find yourself. This doesn't happen to me all the time, but when it does, I can normally only hold it for a few minutes before I have to abort. It seems like it gets so strong that it puts my mind into "tilt". It's akin to when you get a strong "download" and it's so overpowering that it forces a "click out".

I haven't read any threads here that talked about that aspect of Phasing. After experiencing it I can see why though. Words fail you when you go to explain it.

I posted here today because the "Morph-a-mania thing was so bizarre. It was really hard to hold my focus on just passively observing it all. I knew the second part though, the part about "levels of awareness" was meant to be a teaching moment, so I am here sharing it with you all now.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I miss having a bathtub so much. ( nice )


Quote from: omcasey on July 02, 2020, 03:21:24
I miss having a bathtub so much. ( nice )
Mine is a 5ft standard one that you find in older homes. I am 6'2, but I make it work, lol!  :-)

Thankfully you can buy air pillows and cushioned back mats, otherwise getting comfortable and staying comfortable for in it for lengthy periods of time would be pout of the question. I still have to readjust once in awhile, but then I just return my focus back to where it was. I find it very easy to re-attain that focus once again. I do also find that afterwards that I have to give some time to reacclimate myself once again to my physical body. That shows me that there is indeed a noticeable change in mental frequency/brainwaves occurring during my sessions.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


GeeZ Lumaza, that's HUGE, LOL, compared to mine. Standard trailer issue circa 1960s (I think). Or maybe as far back as the dinosaurs.


 This post is so overdue. I have been wanting to make it for months now, but for some reason something would happen and show me the time wasn't right at that moment.

I sub-titled this "Awareness and Observation" because that is exactly what we are going to "do". We are going to utilize our awareness as we observe. Yes, we are not going to "try", we are either going to do or not do. It's that simple. For more on the difference between the two, read this thread I created here. I know it's hard to to take the word "try" out of our usage. Many times it is the right word for your sentence. The thing is, we are going into this with a positive attitude and absolutes. Being aware of your own use of the word "try" and changing it to something more positive and absolute will help you in any of your endeavors in life in general.
If you do read that thread, please pay particular attention to the post near the bottom of the thread where I give "Thanks" to Xanth and all of the active Moderators that are still here today. I also want to say Thank You to the Moderators that came before them. Without them, we wouldn't have such a great Forum or any Forum here today to come to, period!  :-) They don't hear this enough and they should!  :-)

Now that we have that out of the way, we can move on to the "Awareness and Observation" part of my post.

What we are going to do is very easy. It can be used by new members to get a "feel" for what it's like to have a non physical/altered state of being experience. For those more experienced, it makes a great launching pad for very quick shifts. If I were a new member and serious about learning more about this practice in general, I would invest in or acquire a book that you can use as a Journal to log and go back to when you wish to review/view your progress.

When I do what I call my Phase soaks, which is Phasing while lying in bathwater in my tub or even when I close my eyes to go to sleep at night, I say in my mind "By my act of will, I release my focus over my physical body". The term "By my act of will" has been used in Magick for years now. I have studied Magick and Hypnotism for many years now. Both of them are very similar in this practice here. By mentally stating that I have already started the mental disengagement or disassociation process from my physical body.

 As a teen. I thought that Magick would instantly create what I wished to have manifest immediately upon request. Yes, I was young and foolish, lol! I studied all the disciplines. I studied the work of the past famous Magickians of all times. I came to see after years though that Magick was "focused will and intent" itself. It's the same as Prayer and this practice that we do here.  Any action, mundane or magical that helps fulfill one's "True Will" is Magick.  Both work on a principle theologians call ex opere operantis, or "by the work of the person working," meaning that a person's preparation and other measures of "fitness" or "skill" will affect the outcome. Why all the talk on "Magick"? It's because of the use of ritual. The use of chants/Mantras, Sigils/symbols and the like. I have found that that is where the true Magick lies. The "Energy signatures" that are being utilized time and time again. Some dating back to the times of the Ancients!

I have found that those things, the Mantras/mental chants, Sigils and symbolism are also found in our practice here. Look at the Monroe Institute and others like it. They are involved in group work sessions and because of that they use the same non-physical meeting locations, the same Binaural Beats/Hemi-Sync, the same mental prep. The Monroe uses a large Crystal for it's NP meeting area. Many meditations use the use of giant Crystal to "get in sync" as well. Fancy that! Just as many Magick users will use the same Sigil, that has it's own meaning or chant the same words that have been uttered by Magick users for ages. It's almost like a "energy signature" has been created. I too use a Mantra at the start of my sessions, I will talk about that a bit later. Why all the ritual? Because it has in the past and still does continue to work.

So now onto this very simple technique. What do you need to do? Sit down/lie down, whatever is more comfortable for you. Take a few breaths and relax for a moment, open eyes of not. Just take a few minutes and relax.

Now close your eyes and just notice the darkness before your eyes. You are now a "Observer". What does it look like? Is it completely dark? Is it grainy or grey? Likely if you are doing this in a lit room or near a window, you will have some kind of light, although dim, still being seen through your closed eyes. If you wish it dark, use a "Blindfold" of some kind. I sleep every night with a Sleep Mask on because I want the darkness black as it can be.

So, now you are just noticing the darkness there. What do you hear? What do you feel? Mentally note this and still just observe. Now, look up at the left hand corner of the darkness. After a few seconds there, switch over to the right side corner, then go down to the lower left and lastly the right. At this point your eyes are chasing these locations. That's okay. That will change in time. Repeat this for a few minutes. Don't strain your eyes. Just look over in those direction. After a few cycles of this, return your focus back to the center of your screen and just look at the darkness there. What does it look like" Can you describe it? What do you hear? What do you feel? Be aware of all those things. Mentally note them and move on.

We are now still focusing directly straight in front of us. Now without moving your physical eyes to look, I want you to be aware of your upper left, upper right, lower left and lower right corners of your visual screen. Don't look at them. It's time to just be aware. The physical eyes aren't needed for that. After a few cycles, return your focus back to the center of your screen. Just be aware of it. What do you see? Has the darkness changed at all? Is it still the same flat dark screen or is there now a sense of depth? What do you hear? What do you feel? Do this for a few cycles and either abort for the day or you can move onto the next step. The next step involves adding a sense of motion to the exercise. But if you are new, you already have seen enough for now. Baby steps!

For those that want to move on, we are now just being aware of the darkness in front of us. See it as a dark cave or hallway. Now we want to very slowly put a mental intent to move forward into the darkness. I do want to say that there is a difference between you moving into it and it moving towards you. When you move into it you still have a sense of control. When it moves towards you, it can get very intense quite quickly. I wouldn't suggest that for those of you that are new to this practice.

So now we have engaged a mental focus of the movement forward. Once again, the mental noting. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel? Are you sensing the etheric tactile feeling of moving forward? Be aware of any visuals that appear here. Your only intent right now is to mentally move forward into the depth before your closed eyes. At this point you may experience a visual that you didn't intend of creating. People that are new to this practice will likely chase that first visual with their physical eyes. That's okay though, no harm no foul. It takes awhile to learn enough control over your mind while practicing Astral Projection.

Now go adventure. You have a choice, you can engage your focus/lock onto the first visual that appears. That experience will likely be short lived though. I mentally note it and observe it with a air of curiosity, but then I move on. Sometimes though the visual is incredibly detailed right away and I can join the scene at hand.

That's it. That's all it takes. Do this often. Get used to the many depths and layers of darkness or light sometimes. It doesn't always have to be dark. Many times it's a swirling vortex/tunnel of color. Make it a welcome part of your own "Ritual"!  :-)

Now to the section of my Mantra and why it was chosen for me. It was prefect fit for my mindset as well. Those of you that know me here know that MJ and I have  been Merchants at Renaissance Faires for years now. Our "claim to fame" there comes from the beautiful Dragon Sculptures that MJ, my beloved, has been creating for years now. We call them Elemental Dragons and I have a special Scroll that accompanies each Dragon. That's why the Mantra I use is so powerful. It has been used for many people for years now. Many people use it in the intent of "Healing". I use it in the same way as well. For healing those that will "accept" it. I have found that many people don't or won't accept it. That somehow they are being blocked on some level, even though in their physical mindset they are fighting tooth and nail to survive.

So here it is. It is based on the Elements and Sprit within as well. What so special about the Elements, Air, Earth, Fire and Water. Well, they are our "lifeforce" here in this reality. Everything revolves around them.
The Mantra uses the syllables "RA, MA, DA, SA, SA, SAY, SOH, HUNG".
You can listen to being sung beautifully at this link here.

I use a accompanying visual to go with each individual syllable. For RA, I see a flame, some kind of fire or the Sun. MA, has to do with some kind of flowing water visual. DA, represents the Earth. Trees, flowers, land etc. For SA SA SAY and SOH, I see a sky. It can be blue sky, cloudy sky, even a dark sky at night. For HUNG, I feel a burst of energy flowing outwards from my being, dispersing my Healing intent to those that need it. Many times the visuals will just appear as "mental associations" of each symbol's meaning. I just observe as they do.

I mentally repeat this Mantra 3 times. By the time I am finished this Mantra I am already experiencing a change in the depth of the darkness behind my closed eyes. Because of the brief visuals that accompany each syllable, i have already lost all of my focus on my physical body. Wish is what we want and strive for. That's when the shift is free to occur. Lastly, when I am finished my Mantra, I go back to another term that is used in Magick and that is "With harm to none and only Peace and Harmony in the Multi-Verse, so mote it be, so it is done". I then move onto my next intended or chosen destination/focus for that session.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Love the link, beautiful voice for beautiful images.

Just want to back up what you are saying here. I do use eye magic, I reckon we can call it that. It works. And would like to re-iterate your mild warning about moving into the visual or bringing it to you. Definitely if you are new move into your visual as bringing it to yourself can result in some pretty intense episodes.


Quote from: Nameless on January 20, 2021, 23:32:05
Love the link, beautiful voice for beautiful images.
She does have that "Angel-like" quality to her. I used to listen to that before I did my Phase session. Now I have it memorized!  :-)

QuoteJust want to back up what you are saying here. I do use eye magic, I reckon we can call it that. It works. And would like to re-iterate your mild warning about moving into the visual or bringing it to you. Definitely if you are new move into your visual as bringing it to yourself can result in some pretty intense episodes.
Eye magic, interesting name for it. It fits though!  8-)

Once you are locked onto the new scene, it can get quite intense. I have had many very unique adventures. One time, I was moving quickly into the cave. Ahead of me I could see a fork in the path. But instead of going either left or right, I kept going straight through the rocks in the middle. That was during a lesson where I was being taught that i no longer had "constraints". Another time I moving through the cave like tunnel and it filled up with water, I spent the rest of that experience in a underwater adventure.

For those of you that have a hard time initiating the forward moving mental focus, i have a few tips. First off, "remember" what it's like when you are on a Rollercoaster ride or even driving itself. Don't visualize it, "remember" it. Why I say remember it is because memory is related to the Mind's eye. Believe it or not, your memory is ever lasting. You just need to learn how to access it all. You can go back many lives if that's your intent to.
Second, you can also use a "pace car" if needed. Meaning, instead of being inside of the Rollercoaster car, you are watching it from a close proximity behind it. You still will experience the motion, just not as intense.
Third tip. Start slow. Even when you are first targeting a direction, top left corner, etc., during the awareness portion of the initial process. This isn't a race. No one is "grading" you. This entire exercise is to teach you how to learn to move your awareness and then to hold it focused on one scenario to see it through. It is also to make you aware period of the state of mind/mental frequency that you now find yourself in.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 It has been quite a while since I updated this thread. Not that I haven't wanted to. But for some reason the timing didn't quite seem right. I have maintained my daily soak Phase almost every single day. I missed a couple of them due to life happening.

Lately, well, for about the past year, many of the Radio show interviews and interesting topics around have cycled around the talk of "consciousness". Even in the current UFO vernacular, where "They" come from is beginning to shift to more of a "portal/consciousness travelling" talk. In June, the Gov't is supposed to be releasing some kind of report on what the Gov't really knows about ET's. Don't get your hopes up, I won't. I know there are a a lot of things they won't reveal. But it seems like some in the Gov't believe that these Beings seem to be crossing dimensions to get here. Well, I have news for you, two can play at that game. We can do that too. We just have to "remember" how to do it again. That's where all the techniques on Astral Projection/Lucid Dreaming/OBEs/Phasing/Remote Viewing, whatever your fancy is, all those techniques have the same goal and come into play. That goal is being to achieve some form of non local state of consciousness. We just need to learn to hone down and target particular areas, portals, dimensions and or locations. Not once though. It's not like having a very brief experience and then it's gone forever.  We need to learn how to make it more of a stable environment to us.  To find some kind of "anchor" that gives us "repeatability".

I never did realize that their were other sources and factions that were indeed interested in this "repeatability" concept until recently when a good friend that is very knowledgeable in this field of study confirmed it for me. I had just seen after countless Phase soak sessions of my own and how many Doorways that i have opened, that it was really difficult to find those Doorways again. It seemed every Phase session led to some new experience instead of learning more about the previous experience from the day before. Even places like my "Happy Place" that I had frequented so many times for years now has become unattainable. New experiences have taken over and filled that void. The old ways seem to have served their purpose and now a new environment or "layer" seems to have taken over. This layer seems to be so much deeper. It feels like it actually leading to somewhere, something that I have never experienced as of yet.

I use the work "layer" above for the people that are still in the mindset that all of this is in the head or the brain. Even if you don't subscribe to the Astral idea, doing things like my Doorway technique and many other techniques will lead you to what you could only describe as layer of your self. Kind of like you are moving in towards your own personal "psyche".

Lately I have been studying up on Archaeoaccoustics. From Wiki:
"Archaeoacoustics is the use of acoustical study as a methodological approach within the field of archaeology. Archaeoacoustics examines the acoustics of archaeological sites and artifacts. It is an interdisciplinary field that includes archaeology, ethnomusicology, acoustics and digital modelling, and is part of the wider field of music archaeology, with a particular interest in prehistoric music."

it all makes perfect sense to me. The fact that they built their "Temples" to resonate at certain Frequencies shows just how advanced our Ancient Ancestors really were. They knew the benefits of frequency and sound. Recently I heard a interview with a Ancient Egypt Historian named David Elkington that was fascinating. They have been experimenting with sound and the sacred sites like the Pyramid at Giza. In their experiment they took a device/speaker into the Pyramid, then they set a Membrane up so they could watch it's interaction with certain frequencies of sound. They used a Membrane instead of using water crystals, like Dr. Emoto did in his own experiments with sound a vibration of water. So, they put the Membrane on top of the speaker and started the Schuman frequency. To their amazement, the sand design on the Membrane began to change into the appearance of Hieroglyphics. They did that same experiment at a known Archaeoaccoustic site there and now the sand design changed to the appearance of a Celtic symbol. For some reason, the designs seemed to be some how "linked" to that area. Irish/Celtic, Egypt/Hieroglyphics. You have to hear him describe it for himself. I heard the initial interview on Coast to Coast AM. The problem is their youtube channel won't play new videos interviews. You normally have to wait about 3 months until it comes on there. The Coast site makes you pay for repeats too. But, I did find a video interview that David was on and just happened to be by the same host from Coast to Coast Am. It was on his own show though. But it almost the same as the Coast AM version. So, for those that wish to hear it, enjoy!  :-)

Why did I tell you all of that stuff? I told you it because I wanted to show you that "consciousness" has become an "acceptable" hot topic. In the coming months, it will even become hotter and get more people interested and we know the more people that notice it, the more people will begin searching for conversations and even ways to achieve a non local state of consciousness for themselves. Hopefully that will lead to their own "sneak peek" and we will see where it goes from there. But it will also enlist a whole gambit of serious practitioners.

The most important thing I see in Phasing is that you must learn to disassociate your focus from your physical being. Throughout my thread here, I have shared a number of ways to that. Lately though, I have been working in my own experiences in "targeting " areas for "repeatability". In other words, creating a mental "anchor" that seems to bring me back again. In this field of practice, we hear often abut the Focus levels, the other dimensions, the "layers", the levels, as described by Kurt Leland. Each one seems to a semblance to the other. That most likely has to deal with perception. Robert Monroe was the Focus levels. Frank Kepple then cut those levels down to 4 primary levels. Kurt Leland has 7 levels. The Buddhists have their own levels too. Each one of these people/cultures sees it their own way, but when push comes to shove, it's all the same.

The thing is, each time you have people accessing these areas, another "energy signature" gets left there. My Mantra that I use during my Phase soak is ancient. Many of the Mantras used today are ancient. They all have energy signatures. So many people have used the same ones that the words take on a energy of sorts. How do I know my Mantra is doing anything? I know because it makes me feel good inside when I use it. It makes me happy. That in itself shows it's worth!  :-) The same goes with the Monroe Gateway tapes and the programs the Monroe Institute uses. Every time someone use one of Robert's "Walkthroughs", the energy signature of that target becomes enhanced even more.

A few days ago, during a Phase soak session of my own, I came across a lit Doorway and entered it. I had no intent other then going through the door to see what was on the other side. There I saw a bridge in the distance. This bridge seemed to be made of cobblestone and for some reason, during this portion of the experience I had to be somewhat "physical" to advance over it. Normally I will experience the "Otherwhere", as Kurt calls it, from a simple point of consciousness, devoid of any physical attributes. That removes any limitations. Learning how to do that has become very valuable in my explorations in the NPRs.

I crossed the bridge, feeling the bridge under my feet as I was walking over it. When I came to the end of the bridge I could see a park. There was a slide, a swing set, little sand box area, beautifully landscaped and on the outer limits was a path. It was like a black tar path. Along the side of the path was park benches. I was thinking, "this seems familiar". But at this moment, I wanted to learn more about it. So, I began walking along the path. But what was weird was no matter how far I got down the path, when I looked back at the park, it was exactly the same as it was when I first saw it. The slide, the swings, the sand box, all in the same place, even though I had walked down the path. So, I decided to walk further. Once again, I turned back and saw the exact same park scene as before. This perplexed me. I then thought I would challenge this and the the thought of flying above it became a thought = action almost immediately. I looked down and once again saw the same park scene, even from the air. I began getting dizzy then and had to abort the session all together.

For the last I have wanted to update this thread but like I said it just didn't seem like the right time. For the past week in many of my Phase soak sessions, other than the one above, I have been working in the NPR in more of mental zone. That's the void area that is perfectly quiet and all you can hear are your thoughts. It's the area that you can work on Creativity, Spirituality and also contemplate things. My sessions seemed to be more on helping me help you with the teaching moments I receive. Once again, it was on techniques to make this practice easier for you to achieve. Still, I can't do it for you though.

When you close your eyes, what do you see? Darkness yes. Sometimes a imprint of the last thing your focus was on. This could be a computer screen, television, all kinds of things. These imprints are very brief. You can prolong them if you wish to though. Still with your eyes closed, you in a few moments, you may see a brief flash of light. This is cause by the Neurons in the brain still firing signals. 3-5 minutes eyes still closed, you are either asleep, lol, or starting to see very faint shapes in the darkness in front of you. You may start feeling a slight body vibration as well. You are becoming more in tune with your body and it's functions now. You have closed down your visual sense and now it's almost all tactile. If you had used a disassociation technique beforehand, you would be perfectly primed to go further. But that tactile hold seems to be thinking otherwise and can now start fighting back for it's control. This may come in the form of itch or pang. There's all kinds of ways for the body to fight back.

As your focus stays on the darkness a brief image may present itself. These are normally very faint and are there and gone in a flash. If you wanted to, you could keep your focus totally on that flash and see where tit leads to. But at this moment, it's better to just let it go and await the next one or the next occurrence. This next occurrence may come in the form of a image that seems to present itself a bit clearer. Demand "Clarity now" and see where that goes. What happened? Did it disappear? or did you lock on and hone right in on it? If you did lock on, see where it leads you. Don't go back to the starting point until it fades away again. One thing you will notice though is that if it did fade away again, when you go back to noticing the darkness, now a new depth seems to be felt. It's like you are solely in the middle of the darkness. You can feel all around as well.
This is when It is time to begin experimenting. Try rolling a ball in front of you and follow it into the darkness there. Don't look for the ball, it's already in your hands. The ball can be a metaphor. You can see it as moving your focus inside of you or to another level of self. You are crossing the veil Create a intent and be off or you could start targeting Doorways.

Back in 2012, under the name of Lionheart I created this thread here. The thread started after a Phase session I had back then and taught me quite a bit about navigating the NPRs that I found myself in.

The "anchor" didn't have to be a physical thing. It could be seen as "metaphorical" too. It could be a mental anchor, a strong intent. Nonetheless, it's a anchor that we can learn to use to access and hone in on certain "Doorways" and portals. Many of my own Phase soak experiences lead to hallways. These hallways are filled with Doorways. For awhile, I was actually targeting, setting my anchor, on certain Doorways. I numbered them based on possible energy signatures that may have been left there. I used titles like Focus 27 or any of the other Focus areas. I used simple things like "Beach". I did all kinds of things. I wanted to keep it all like "KISS", keep it simple stupid". All I did was target the door. What I found inside those Doors wasn't exactly what the door was supposed to signify. I allowed what was going to happen to happen. I didn't have expectations, just total curiosity. The deeper I got into this Doorway focus, the more I learned that this formula works and can be accessed by others. The only problem was, as I soon learned, other people seemed uninterested in joining this Journey. I have created other threads here that were basically nudges in this general direction, yet they even failed.

So, if you are seriously interested in taking this further or have a desire to learn more about it, I will answer what I can to help you. Once in awhile, it's good to see someone else show the initiative to further this discussion. I think I have gone as far as I can here in this thread. All the techniques to get you there are here n this thread and many of the Stickies found here on the Astral Pulse Forums. The "Doorways" are ready to be opened!  :-)
    Thank You!  :-)

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


hey Lumaza, thank you for bringing this thread to my attention and all your detailed effort!

i am excited for the upcoming months, a collective probing consciousness!  :-)


Lumaza, thank you very much for your endeavour, for breaking down the process of phasing for us, presenting it as simply as humanly possible! :)


Thank you for all this wonderful information, Lumaza! The idea of an anchor/repeatable experience is pretty fundamental in shamanism, and I've been struggling to get any consistency in my AP experiences and what (or, who!) I encounter there. This is a timely reminder for me on things I have so much work to do on!


Quote from: Lumaza on May 13, 2021, 18:18:07
  The old ways seem to have served their purpose and now a new environment or "layer" seems to have taken over. This layer seems to be so much deeper. It feels like it actually leading to somewhere, something that I have never experienced as of yet.

I use the work "layer" above for the people that are still in the mindset that all of this is in the head or the brain. Even if you don't subscribe to the Astral idea, doing things like my Doorway technique and many other techniques will lead you to what you could only describe as layer of your self. Kind of like you are moving in towards your own personal "psyche".

I believe that even with our physical vehicle imposed limitations, it is possible with practice and intent to make the keyhole through which we currently see the world a little bigger. The door will never be fully open until we are bound to a physical vehicle, and the results of our practices are evident that our physical characters with their chosen personalities strongly influence the experiences. And that's why detachment form the physical reality during sessions, like you mentioned, Lu, is essential for success. The layers to me represent all aspects of the spirit that exist simultaneously in endless layers of the multiverse. We are not separate from them, but while boxed in walls of matter we have the illusion that we are separate. The sum of all existing layers of ourselves in the multiverse = one's spirit. We only perceive one tiny speck of our true selves. And that's why during NP experiences we are taken all over to take a look at different aspects of our spirit. From our point of view we want to have full control and navigate freely and receive what we want, but the complexity of our existence is so vast that it is truly incomprehensible. There are endless possibilities and probabilities and endless lessons. Repetition may be hard to achieve the way we envision it but definitely not impossible. All we can do is keep practicing and testing out different techniques. In any case, to me this is a truly enjoyable research. The only repetition I have experiences so far during APs is reliving my childhood, but a lot more exciting knowing how I got there, and with full awareness of timelessness. The very realization that there is truly timelessness in the multiverse and you can focus on something that holds extreme happiness over and over and over with no time limit is truly exhilarating. It just cant be described with words, because you realize that these happy moments exist forever and you can experience them forever if you want to and they are never lost. Because here is the physical we have a happy moment but in the back of our mind we fear that it will end eventually, which it does. However, many people are not aware that this is NEVER lost from a multiverse perspective. However, one needs to be free of the physicals boundaries to experience the timelessness of the happy moments. And even now, being in physical form, but thinking abut these happy APs, I KNOW that everything exists and it hasn't gone anywhere. I can focus whenever I want and stay as long as I want to. That KNOWING gives me great comfort going about my life and helps me live in the moment, to not be sad when things change and we seem to loose something or someone precious, or even never achieving what we desire here. Even if we don't achieve something in this probable life, we have achieved it in another, so basically we have everything if we look at the sum of all layers. And we can focus and live through it in the NP.  Or even draw positive energy just by mentally connecting to the self of ours that has achieved it in some probable reality. I don't know if that makes sense, but this is how I perceive my multi self.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


A really insightful reply LB! What makes Lu's thread such a treasure for people to continually learn from, is also some of the comments it generates. I wonder that he has more to offer and continue taking this line of thought into ongoing and expanding areas of NP exploration...gee, I wonder...Lol.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


 Before I continue down this path, I wish to use this post to respond to all of the replies that i received since my last post.

Thank You Tides, Nofarewell and Grumpy for your kind words.

Lightbeam, you got pretty deep in your reply, but that's what i wanted to hear. I want to open up conversations on those "layers". But first I wanted to help people get to the same page that we are currently on. That means going back to where it all started.

Those "happy moments" you speak of make you come back for more. Many people that have had NDE's or experienced other non local states of consciousness return back with those "happy moments" and it will normally have a profound effect on them. In the most positive ways though. They don't fear death anymore and because of that they can "live". Your statement "That KNOWING gives me great comfort going about my life and helps me live in the moment, to not be sad when things change and we seem to loose something or someone precious, or even never achieving what we desire here." shows that that is true. Your mindset seems to be altered.

EV, you said "A really insightful reply LB! What makes Lu's thread such a treasure for people to continually learn from, is also some of the comments it generates. " I agree 100% with both points there. Lightbeam's reply was very insightful and I always enjoy the fantastic comments by our fellow Members that are generated not only in this thread, but on the Astral Pulse Forums in general.  

i was going to add a whole new lengthy post here last night. But then I logged in and saw all these great replies, plus I talked to a very good friend that really made me ponder things again. So, I shall make that post tonight. Just as you are saying "gee, I wonder, lol". Well you wondered right. I keep saying I didn't want to write a book. I really don't like typing, lol. But when I finally gave in and updated my post above, some kind of "flood gates" of info/downloads began pouring in to me.  I will share that info later in my post tonight.

Thank you for all of your replies!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 Just when I thought it was safe to go back into the water, lol! For those of you that don't understand my meaning there, I call my Phase sessions, "Phase  soak sessions" because when I do them, I cram my body into my bathtub while quickly releasing my focus over my physical being.
I thought I was done posting in this thread for awhile, but the NP teachers seem to have a way to bring you back.

A few days back, I got into my tub, did my healing Mantra ritual and began just enjoying "being". But that didn't last for long. A ghostly image of apple appeared before my closed eyes. As fast as it appeared, it disappeared again, but then came back again even more vivid. Now I could see a colored, in this case red, outline of the apple. Once again it disappeared, then came back even stronger again. This really ramped my curiosity. Then the telepathic thought/question entered my mind, "did you see the bruise"? I thought, wow, where did that come from, but soon the apple revealed itself again and yes, there was a bruise on it. Now I could see though that a background was becoming evident. This appearing and disappearing went on for a while until I was in a full blown scenario. I then heard another telepathic thought that said, "this here is what you need to teach". "You need to help people understand more" and that much of what we teach seems to be taken for granted, in the sense that there is a expectation that everyone is on the same page. Which we are not.

When the session was done, I wrote a bunch of footnotes down so I wouldn't forget. I also pondered what was said. Lastly I was told just before the session ended that "I was once new to this practice as well". Now I understood the message.

My first OBEs were of the spontaneous Sleep Paralysis nature. I remember having times in my life where I thought I was just having a Dam, yet it seemed so real, as in, right in my physical bedroom. Then I had a 3 day OBEathon that left a impression. Not only on my mind, but a physical one as well. For some reason I had woken the 3rd morning with my right eye swollen almost shut. Then there were the 3 months of inner vibrations. That all led me to this Forum and practice here.

I became a sponge, trying to soak up all the info on the subject that I could. I soon came across a "Candle string" video on youtube and that night, I had my first fully conscious OBE. Even though my physical body was reclining in my chair, my "etheric body" seemed to be up and exploring my home.
After my first experience I kind of forgot what go me my first success. For some reason, I moved right in Phasing. I say for some reason, it must have had something to do with Frank Kepple's fantastic PDF sticky that can be found here on the Pulse.  I read the entire thing. I wanted to learn everything I could.

So, I ventured into noticing. I put on a long track Binaural Beat video, reclined in my Recliner and began what is known as "Noticing". I soon found that Noticing was boring, lol. I would sit in my chair for an hour to an hour and half just looking at the darkness there. I always read you are supposed to lose your focus on your physical body as well. Well I soon found that that is way easier to say than it is to do. The more I attempted to leave my physical focus, the more I focused on my physical body, lol. I was constantly in a one step forward two steps back cycle. I never realized that there were so many ways for you to keep physically focused while having your eyes shut. Everything interrupted me. Sometimes it was a itch. Other times a problem with excess saliva and the need to swallow all the time. Then it got to the point where I could even feel my skin and that was a hinderance.

It was hard to stay focused on "unfocusing", lol. I have read watch videos that showed many techniques to acquire a good non local state of consciousness. Not one of them though explained the things that would hinder or completely kill any success you were going to have. They just said, close your eyes and notice the darkness that you see there. Await for things to appear and so on. On the OBE side of things, they the books and videos said to wait until your body is vibrating, then climb out of it. That's fine and dandy for a person that has practiced for while, but for someone new to this, it didn't necessarily go into how to handle the hinderances of this practice.

I then realized it was time to find another way. So, when I sat in my Recliner to do a session, I first kind of memorized my immediate location. Where the walls were. The staircase, the kitchen, etc. I then closed my eyes and began visually reproducing what I had seen. For some reason, I then began pinballing my focus back and forth between my wall, the kitchen, stairs, doorway, basically everything in my vicinity. Then it happened, I was "out". No bells, no whistles, no saliva problem, itching, none of that. I was so busy focusing and pinballing my focus that I didn't even notice the shift was occurring. I say "out" because like many others, I still had a purely "physical body mindset". That soon changed though. That change came after a NP Mentor, in the form of my deceased Brother-in-law Charlie taught me some valuable NP things like depth perception and overall navigation in the NP realms. That soon enabled my ability or should I said led to me learning how to experience the NPR as purely a point of consciousness. That means that I would not experience any limitations at all. That was really useful while speeding in the side of a mountain, bracing for impact and having nothing bad happen. I just kept going through it.

I talk about "priming the pump" quite a bit. You can do it any way you wish to. When you are new, it's better to learn how to project from a similar spot, like the same chair, the same couch, etc. Do not attempt in bed. You sleep in your bed. Your mind knows that when you lie down, it's to go to sleep. That's why we have people here constantly saying, they started to notice and then fell asleep.
Now I am going to say something that you might think is bizarre, but stay with me here. If you are serious in learning how to "consciously shift", not just once to as a joyride, but are serious in "repeatability", like Lightbeam and I talked about above then you need to create a Astral Port" or "mode" of sorts. I am using the word port as it's used in a computer port. A input. You already have a mode to sleep and mode to be awake. We are going to add another to that. What do you do before you go to sleep? People will normally undress, brush their teeth, then close your eyes and go to sleep. How many years have you been doing that? Quite a few. Because of your nightly "ritual", your mind is already preparing for sleep before your head even hit the pillow. Now your "sleep mode" is engaged.

Then you wake up in the morning and what do you do? You get out of bed, use the bathroom, make a coffee, breakfast, etc, things that are showing that you are physically awake. Your 'brain waves" are responding to this too. You are fully in "awake mode".

So, for continued success in this practice, you need to somehow create your Astral mode or port. Something that you choose to do as preparation for your Phase session. Mine is the use of my bathtub and my Mantra. The time of my session plays into it as well. Before I even close my eyes to Phase a mental preparation of sorts has already started the Phasing process in motion. That's why it doesn't take the hour/hour and half that it used to. Now, it can be just a few minutes and I either feel the shift approaching or have already shifted. That mental prep has payed off in spades!

I started this Doorway thread because I wanted people to have something "proactive" to do while they awaited the shift to occur. Through the years that I posted in it, I have added all kinds of tips to it.

My goal in creating this new post here was to go more into the explanation behind the techniques that I use here. I stated earlier in this post how my first success came after a "candle staring" technique" I had used. Throughout this entire Forum I have constantly mentioned that. Very rarely do I hear a response on it though. It is a very good success and why did it work? I will say it in one word "imprint". It left something for me to focus on. Remember how I talked earlier here in this post about sitting for hours "noticing" the darkness before my closed eyes while fighting off every physical  distraction my body could muster. Well, while using the imprint of the candle as a focus immediately after I closed my eyes there was no distractions at all. I didn't need to imagine anything either. All I had to was close my eyes and that visual imprint was there. How many times have you got into a good movie at night with the lights off, then closed your eyes afterwards and a "imprint" of the framing of your TV is still there. It works with a computer screen as well. You didn't have to do anything. It was just there. But, it soon faded. That imprint was a great focus mechanism if you would have stayed with it. The only thing is, a imprint like a TV or computer screen can be very transparent. Whereas a candle flame, you see in full color. It's much easier to bring it back again.

I liked the thought of the imprint and that led me to creating things that I could "image/imagine" that I could bring back again and again. First I used a apple and simple geometric shapes. Then I messed around with colors. I noticed that geometric shapes were great. They seemed to create their own "automatic suggestions". In that I mean those shapes all had tons of mental associations attached to them. Soon I found that those simple shapes would morph into something new. As they were morphing, they were taking on "motion" as well. That showed me how valuable the use of a moving target would be. So, I began experimenting with a simple "Yo-Yo' imagery. Soon I changed to throwing Frisbees, shooting hoops" and one that became a real favorite of mine, a "child's toy top". I saw that focus being used in the movie "Inception" and found it a great morphing target.

At first when the focus targets began to morph, it was just a ghostly/outlined image. Next a background began to occur and soon a full blown scenario was there in front of me. It was amazing how quickly it grew. All of this beginning with a simple focus on a focal target of my choice.

You noticed how I haven't mentioned anything about a physical body in the last paragraphs above. That is because at the moment when I am locked in, to me, it is just "being". There is no physical body at that moment in time.

There are countless areas or should I say "layers" that you can experience there. Not all of them are based on a Human like physical focus. You can find yourself in areas of just pure thought and contemplation. You can find yourself in areas of darkness where your thoughts don't feel like yours anymore. That's a hard one to explain. But I know there are people here that understand what I just said.

It took me years to find my "niche". I used techniques from other people until I could finally create something personal. Recently I was talking to a friend and I mentioned that people can visualize, it's just they can't always visualize on demand. I said look at memory. When we remember a brief image normally accompanies said memory. He said, that's not necessarily true. When he remembers something, he senses the emotional feeling more than viewing a image. That's why I said above "find your niche". Take bits and pieces from other techniques and use them to create a personal plan. Experiment. Are you more "visual" or "tactile" focused? Find your strengths and weaknesses here. Everyone perceives things in a their own way. Our minds have their own ways of mentally associating" with things. Take a bird. Close your eyes and visualize a bird. Some people may choose a Eagle, others a Blue Bird, still others a Humming bird, etc.. Each one is a bird, but we chose the first one that came to mind. You see what I mean?

Once you can get into a good NP focus, we can move onto exploring and opening some of the many "doorways" that await us. I chose "Doorway" for the name of this thread because of what Doorways represent. Every time you pass through a doorway there is a new reality/visual waiting on the other side. Example of this. Pass through your bedroom door, you are now in the hallway. The hallway is not the bedroom and looks different. keep gong down the hall, now you walk into the kitchen. You may have had to enter that through a doorway/separation and it too looks different then bedroom or even the hall. Now leave the kitchen and go outside. Once you pass through that door everything has really changed. In a way, every doorway brought you to a new reality. That happens in the NPRs as well.

Okay, that's it for now. I think my fingers are going to fall off, lol!  :-D Feel free to ask questions or share your views, even if it's to say "you are Batsht crazy Man!  :-)

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla