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The Doorway

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What a great thread!  I have read on this kind of technique before but never found comprehensible and easy instruction such as this followed by great feedback!  I am stoked to try this!  Most of the ones I did were guided meditations.


 Thank You Enigmatik!  :-)

I tried to keep it simple. I experienced many of these visuals and simple geometric shapes my first times "out". That's why I figured that a thread like this may help new members and kind of rehash things for not only experienced members, but also myself.

Sometimes returning to just the simple basics is the kick we need to "unblock" ourselves.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


read this thread a while ago and forgot about it thanks for bumping
im going to give phasing a go a bit more
my usual way to enter the NP has been from awareness in a dream or sleep paralysis ive never succeeded in actually crossing over from a meditave state or as im falling asleep
my main issue is im always so tiered with young kids wearing me out and keeping me up
so with early starts for work aswell at the end of the day i just tend to pass out into unconscious bliss lol


My approah is really close to yours Lumaza! I always let the scenario come to me and I never try to interfere with it (it would prevent me from going further at some point). I always end up in a different scenario on which I have absolutely no control over. Most of them, at least the most interesting ones are listed in my AP journal and I like to read them over and over again since i end up forgetting some of them or some details. I think it is the easiest way to reach the NP, everything is so fluid. I'll try the doorway technique, it will probably help me focus my intent instead of waiting for things to happen. I can succeed to phase in 15 minutes sometimes but I think this technique can lead to even better results. Thank you for your sharing your experiences, it's always nice to read people's AP's. There should be a pinned subject on people's most memorable experiences or a personal journal section for motivation. Nice technique for sure!


This is great Lumaza and should definitely help people AP. Lately my favorite way to AP is to imagine someone hugging me as we float in darkness. This way there isn't even a need to visually imagine anything. We just float there and I think how nice it is to just feel safe, warm, comforted. It usually only takes a few minutes for a scene to present itself and off I go.

But sometimes I just go to sleep which also works beautifully most of time. I'll just become aware already there. Like you I don't really try to control the scene. I tend to operate within whatever seems to be the guidelines that are in place. I find this to be far more interesting. Like for example, if I need to fly I WILL fly. I don't need to do anything. On the other hand if I try to fly when the scene doesn't call for it it's a failure.

I sometimes think trying to control a projection is why so many people have so much trouble.


 For the past couple of months I have been working with 10 people extensively, off this Forum, that were serious about learning how to Astral Project from a completely conscious state, known a Phasing.

I didn't tell them about this or any other Astral related Forum. I actually asked them not to search the topic Astral projection period, because I didn't want them getting "tainted" from all the bad advise out there.

2 of the 10 quit when they first hit success. The "fear tests" were too much for them, even though all 10 said they could handle whatever comes their way.

The basic instruction I gave them was to just focus on 3 things. I used simple geometric shapes. But unlike the methods found in this thread here, I stopped at just a simple "square, circle and triangle" shapes. No colors needed. No looking for Doorways. Just simply holding their focus on 3 different shapes whenever they found the time to do it. Which isn't hard to do. You can close your eyes at "nearly" any time of the day to practice. (That was for all the people that can't find the "time" to practice)

They were to simply hold their focus on whatever shape of the 3 they have chosen at the time, for as long as they could. Nothing else.

The first problem they had is some couldn't visually focus. So, I told them just to "know" that that shape they had chosen was there and all of sudden the accompanying visual began occurring.
The next problem they had was they would chase, question and narrate their visual. Example: the box begins to morph into a different shape. Now, what's that shape? Is it a cat? Is this for real? What's a cat doing there? All I wanted them to do was to "passively observe" without judgement. In other words, the "left side" of their brain had taken over. To do this you need to use the "right side".

All 8 of them had their first successful Phase shift and 3 of them actually ended up feeling that an actual separation had occurred.

Xanth always speaks of the importance of Focus and finding your own focus. I agree that strong focus is crucial, but sometimes people need a bit more direction that just saying that over and over again. Xanth please don't add a link to your "focus write up" on your personal Forum. I just want whoever should choose to try this, to use just this simple technique for now. Once they begin to have favorable results, they can choose any Focus target of their liking. But for now, I just want to keep it simple.

I chose this "3 shape" technique because I wanted to see what the results would be of having 10 people that were completely new to "conscious shifting" using the exact same directions to gain success.

I chose the "square, triangle and circle" because they are very easy to visualize. Also because basically they can be found in basically any form of physical material. As I knew, it didn't take long for them to begin to see the shapes taking on their own lives. At first it was holding the image of the circle. But with time, they got better and better and could hold their focus for much longer. This took longer than a day or a week though before they could actually hold their focus on one target for a length of time. They just didn't get discourage and gave up, like so many others do. They saw it through and "trusted" that it would work. I'm sure they had their doubts though, like so many of us do when we are find this Art challenging. I use the word Art often to describe "Astral Projection" because the word Art, according to the Dictionary, is "a skill that is attained by study, practice, or observation."
Then it began to happen. The shapes began taking on their own life. They were morphing. At first, it was momentary fuzzy images. But in time it was full blown images, which led to scenes and then the feeling that they had actually "entered" their scenario they were observing. A couple of the people actually found a "mentor/Guide" as well. They were just simply focusing on a shape and then they heard a "voice". Just like all of new people to this Art, they immediately lost their focus and their session was ended. It happens. There is quite a bit you can experience that can and will definitely will "jolt" you from your current focus.

It is very hard to "consciously shift". I am not going to say this easy to do. But the "shift" you desire is a only a simple "shift" in focus away. You just have to get your "human conditioning" out of the way and "allow" it to occur.

Give these steps a try if you are "serious" about learning this. In time you can move up the entire "Doorway" exercise I began this thread with. But for now, keep it simple. Like they say" KISS" stands for KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID.

Practice often and learn to "allow" things to progress. Leave your "left brain" behind of now and just relax, release and let go.

I will return to this thread periodically to see what successes with this that you have found. Post your results or any questions you may have and I will try my best to answer them.

Have fun with this. Yes you can be serious about your intent and goal. But do not pressure yourself. Rome wasn't built in a day. Baby steps. A focused will and determination WILL lead to your success!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla

Subtle Traveler

Lumaza (ShuMan) ...

Good to hear that you are doing well enough to accomplish this kind of stuff.

The last time we chatted your illness had returned, and you were having some problems with your vision. So, I am relieved to see you here and that you are focusing on the things that you desire.
As above ... So Below ...

Individuality is a human perspective ...


Quote from: Lumaza on March 21, 2017, 19:12:52
Xanth always speaks of the importance of Focus and finding your own focus. I agree that strong focus is crucial, but sometimes people need a bit more direction that just saying that over and over again. Xanth please don't add a link to your "focus write up" on your personal Forum. I just want whoever should choose to try this, to use just this simple technique for now. Once they begin to have favorable results, they can choose any Focus target of their liking. But for now, I just want to keep it simple.
I probably wouldn't have even posted anything on this thread, but now I *CAN'T STOP MYSELF!*  :)

I have this neat link... hehe just kidding.  ;)

It sounds like I don't need to post my link as you've already shared that bit of knowledge. 
A focus is a focus.  Whatever they choose to use, it's all good.

You're a good teacher.  Continue the good fight sir!  :)


If the technique provided of simple focus is working well enough maybe..... this is worth a sticky, even my brief reading through it all it seems quite useful.
Flush out all the information and techniques from later posts add them into the main one, add a bit more talk of focus being a key and renaming the thread if at all possible to better suit because just my opinion with the current title many people seem to pass it by.
Do a bit of that and I vote to have this thread possibly stickied.

Good and evil are not conditions imposed by some benevolent deity, but states the soul must experience in order to surpass them and awaken.
-Neville Goddard


 Thank You Subtle Traveler!   :-) Even in my worst times, I never gave up my practice. I did have to find ways to "modify" it though. I had "help" though. My Guides came through. I'm sure it is some kind of "test" on some level. 
My Trigeminal Neuralgia is still there. But it has taught me so much. Pleasure through pain I guess!  :-P
Here is a great "Healing Mantra" for anyone that wishes to use it.

Thank You Xanth. I hoped you would understand.  :-)

Phalanx, Thank You for the advise. But this entire thread is about "Focus". Focus is the key.
The links I gave earlier to my other techniques and pertinent threads here are for anyone that wants to actually see different or others forms of "Focus". All of them are good. So, they don't need to be included as a write up. People can follow those links if they choose to.
I don't want the thread renamed though. My initial Doorway tech works very good and I have received comments in PMs from the info supplied.
But there is so much more I wanted to say. I know a "Sticky" would help give it exposure. What I was waiting for was correspondence from other members and people hiding in the shadows, before I actually got too much more involved in this thread. There is no use writing a lot more here if it isn't going to be seen or replied to. I know how to Phase already. I am reaching out to others that are serious to learn, to teach them as well.

There are so many awesome things you can do, especially when you can really change your mindset on things. Like for instance, lose the body. When Phasing, you are just a point of consciousness. So, lose the body. It doesn't matter if you have to visually "unzip" your "Human suit" or any other way to mentally discard the body. But once you do the "other realms" can be quite exhilarating. You begin to view it just like you do from playing a "Car Race" game in a Arcade or some kind of game console. You aren't moving anywhere. There is no need to walk, because you are there with just a thought. This is when things get really cool.
Now put yourself in that Doorway or dark cave. Everything is coming at you. The funny things is if the cave halls turn, you still feel a "real" sense of motion. Actually the whole exercise will give you a very strong feeling of motion. Where that gets really awesome is simulating a Rollercoaster scenario/experience. See how long you can stay in that focus. It's very hard because you never know what to expect. Just release, relax, let go and enjoy the ride!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I understand the point of focus, I figured it out when I connected my few experiences noted in other posts that when I was focusing away from the body or intently on something (which always happened to be an actual door lol) I came close to phasing/Ap/Obe but ended the experiences because back then I didn't know what it was and the fear factor made me think I was dying.

I think my request for more focus has to do with the doorway technique... My request is to use the term focus in the visualization parts more like in your post about teaching the 10 people. A lot of what I read in this thread until closer to the end focus is used when said if the technique is followed you will find your focus shifted to the non physical. How ever in the post of teaching 10 people you used focus often my request is to use in the visualization parts more like that...

Similarly I tried teaching a few people, at first it was a long winded technique with all sorts of stuff but after some time it fell to simplicity to basics. I used the the term focus more often and found they got better results. What I taught them isn't much different that what you have posted here.
I asked them to think/imagine/visualize of a door, but more like the shape technique... I stopped asking what kind of door it is or shape or size or color because I found if you start asking them some people said that it changed when the question was asked, like at first it was a ruddy brown oak round top door then I ask them what its shape and size or color was and then it would change and as though the person was now uncertain leading to the door to actively change size and such as they were trying to think "or pick" colors and types that it should be and the door reflected this. But just asking them to think of a door and not questioning it they come up with their own usually a door that was familiar to them because I would ask them later what kind of door it was out of my own sheer curiosity but it wouldn't change. And instead of telling them again and again to just visualize this door, I told them to focus on the door if your thoughts stray bring it back to the door and just focus on the door passively, that it will take some practice but sooner or later it becomes easy. Used the term focus as often as possible, just focus... and it worked far better than visualize, visualize, visualize.

I have my own issues with visualization/imagining at the moment which I might start another post for, but I am having problems with 1st person and 3rd person perspectives. As an example I do a visualization of shaking my friends hand, I can see myself or my body from a 3rd person view granted I have full control over it as normal I view it from the outside, and would very much like to take part in the scene actively from the perspective of my body. This does not pertain to dreams or lucid dreams those are always 1st pesron only when I am trying to actively visualize/imagine a scene am I stuck in a 3rd person perspective.
Good and evil are not conditions imposed by some benevolent deity, but states the soul must experience in order to surpass them and awaken.
-Neville Goddard


I'm so happy you are back, Lumaza! Two days before you reappeared, I was looking for you on the other forum. I started worrying.
It's amazing that your students succeeded with this technique. I agree, that Focus if so important not only for AP, but for any areas in our lives.
The following is a suggestion to everyone: Try focusing on the index finger of your right hand. You will see that within one minute you will start feeling sensations. That means your thoughts are alive, they interact with every cell in our bodies. They interact with all energy around us. They exist in all levels of the multiverse and can take our spirits anywhere. Think of your thoughts as the greatest tool you can ever possess. Many people think that thoughts have no measure,  but they are wrong. If thoughts became suddenly visible in our reality, people will be very careful with their negative and scattered thoughts. They manipulate the unseen energy at all time and manifest into events, circumstances, etc at a later time.
Continuing Focused thoughts have extra strength and power, greater than any of us can understand at the moment. And I do love focusing on inner motion. It's my favorite technique. I never thought of roller coaster, but I'll give it a try. :)

"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: Phalanx on March 23, 2017, 20:19:52
Similarly I tried teaching a few people, at first it was a long winded technique with all sorts of stuff but after some time it fell to simplicity to basics. I used the the term focus more often and found they got better results. What I taught them isn't much different that what you have posted here.
I have tried teaching at a Community College in the past. I have also tried to help many people here via PMs and also a program that a 14 year old girl on Facebook created, named Destinies Plan. But it was rare that someone stayed interested long enough to put the patience, practice and perseverance that was needed to achieve success. Most of them got a "sneak peek" of what could be. But they all petered out after awhile. These people I am working with now are good. But like I said 8 out of the 10 are still actively pursuing it.

QuoteI asked them to think/imagine/visualize of a door, but more like the shape technique... I stopped asking what kind of door it is or shape or size or color because I found if you start asking them some people said that it changed when the question was asked, like at first it was a ruddy brown oak round top door then I ask them what its shape and size or color was and then it would change and as though the person was now uncertain leading to the door to actively change size and such as they were trying to think "or pick" colors and types that it should be and the door reflected this. But just asking them to think of a door and not questioning it they come up with their own usually a door that was familiar to them because I would ask them later what kind of door it was out of my own sheer curiosity but it wouldn't change. And instead of telling them again and again to just visualize this door, I told them to focus on the door if your thoughts stray bring it back to the door and just focus on the door passively, that it will take some practice but sooner or later it becomes easy. Used the term focus as often as possible, just focus... and it worked far better than visualize, visualize, visualize.
I think you misunderstood my directions. I am not there instructing them live. They have the "homework" of practicing themselves. My job was to just get the started. They don't know about the Doorway technique. I only gave them the basic 3 shapes to practice.
The Doorway tech is for people to use and question themselves. Shapes, colors, memories. All of those a "triggers". They all bring up a image. Think of the color red, Well, what was the object you "pictured"? Was it an apple. Think of a geometric shape like  a square. Now you will find that your mind races to find something to associate with that square. The same goes with memories. Everything creates a association with some form of imagery, feeling or thought. This is what helps you to disassociate yourself from you immediate physical focus. Mind you at first it's only momentary, like a blink. But with time you learn to hold it longer. The longer your focus is "there", the longer it's away from "here". Thus you find yourself disassociated from your physical body at the time.

QuoteI have my own issues with visualization/imagining at the moment which I might start another post for, but I am having problems with 1st person and 3rd person perspectives. As an example I do a visualization of shaking my friends hand, I can see myself or my body from a 3rd person view granted I have full control over it as normal I view it from the outside, and would very much like to take part in the scene actively from the perspective of my body. This does not pertain to dreams or lucid dreams those are always 1st pesron only when I am trying to actively visualize/imagine a scene am I stuck in a 3rd person perspective.
Continue holding your focus on whatever you are in 3rd person and it will become a 1st person view. You say it doesn't pertain to Dreams. But it does. I have had many LDs that began foggily in 3rd person view. Somewhere along the line while staying same scenario at hand, it became a 1st person view. I constantly have this happen. The thing with Trigeminal Neuralgia is it can really mess up your sleep. That in itself keeps me a light sleeper. But, I have had many nights of staying aware right into my Dream sequence. Those were nights that the facial nerves were overactive. This actually happens quite a bit too, unfortunately. The good thing taught me Tibetan Dream Yoga and what the Shaman call "Dream walking".
A good example of 3rd person to 1st person is I will be some scenario watching a horse run. It looks like I am behind it. Most of my 3rd person situations start like that. Soon I find myself getting closer, until finally I am riding it.
I have had LDs though that during the experience I switched back and forth numerous times between 1st and 3rd person views. Only when the Dream simulation had completed, did I see what was going on. It was a scenario where one moment I was outside watching a scene, like from a movie screen, the next thing I was inside the house acting in it from a 1st person. Then it cut again to watching and back forth for the duration of the simulation. It was surreal and very entertaining.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: LightBeam on March 23, 2017, 20:37:00
I'm so happy you are back, Lumaza! Two days before you reappeared, I was looking for you on the other forum. I started worrying.
It's amazing that your students succeeded with this technique. I agree, that Focus if so important not only for AP, but for any areas in our lives.
The following is a suggestion to everyone: Try focusing on the index finger of your right hand. You will see that within one minute you will start feeling sensations. That means your thoughts are alive, they interact with every cell in our bodies. They interact with all energy around us. They exist in all levels of the multiverse and can take our spirits anywhere. Think of your thoughts as the greatest tool you can ever possess. Many people think that thoughts have no measure,  but they are wrong. If thoughts became suddenly visible in our reality, people will be very careful with their negative and scattered thoughts. They manipulate the unseen energy at all time and manifest into events, circumstances, etc at a later time.
Continuing Focused thoughts have extra strength and power, greater than any of us can understand at the moment. And I do love focusing on inner motion. It's my favorite technique. I never thought of roller coaster, but I'll give it a try. :)
Thank You for your concern Lightbeam!  :-)

Robert Bruce's "NEW technique" taught me how powerful movement of energy could be. I love creating motion scenes. When I first started to learn AP, I used the motion of rowing a boat quite a bit. Then I read Robert's "NEW tech" and I began using that. It is an excellent technique to use to defer pain. It also works great when you have a tickle or itch while attempting to consciously shift. That can be very annoying in itself.

I'm wondering if someday Science will find that this is caused by manipulating some kind of "Dark Matter" or something like it. I have studied the topic of "Torsion Field Technology" and see that it explains this very well. You are manipulating some unseen energy. This is really apparent in that technique that I wrote using the "Phantom Wiggle". (That link is back on Page one of this thread)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla

Subtle Traveler

Quote from: Lumaza on March 23, 2017, 18:44:36
Thank You Subtle Traveler!   :-) Even in my worst times, I never gave up my practice. I did have to find ways to "modify" it though. I had "help" though. My Guides came through. I'm sure it is some kind of "test" on some level. 
My Trigeminal Neuralgia is still there. But it has taught me so much. Pleasure through pain I guess!  :-P
Here is a great "Healing Mantra" for anyone that wishes to use it.

fwiw ...

there are forms of 'high dimenstional healing' that can be used. This stuff is pretty fair out there for most people (I use one suggested by a former Arcturian physician in Tom Kenyon's book) ...

but honestly ... it really works ... the technique is fairly straight forward and my guides seemed to step aside for the other higher dimensional healers to come forth ...

let me know ... if you want to know more (if not, that's OK too)
As above ... So Below ...

Individuality is a human perspective ...


If you have 8 out of 10 those are very good numbers, I come to find that in the end usually only a small margin of people tend to stick to it, some longer than others but the majority just plays with the idea and then slowly sinks back into their normal life.

I didn't miss understand the technique, what was meant was the shape technique but with the use of a door instead of a shape just happened to be what was picked and just always used it. It was a bit late when I had typed it up so I was off the mark a bit what I wanted to say.

Good and evil are not conditions imposed by some benevolent deity, but states the soul must experience in order to surpass them and awaken.
-Neville Goddard


 First off. Thank You to the "Powers that Be" for making this thread into a Sticky. There is some good helpful info for those that are just starting and I hope to keep adding some other helpful tips to this thread as well.  :-)

I just returned from a road trip to a Renaissance Faire in Oklahoma I was a Merchant of. It was a 13 hour drive, but it gave me plenty of time to think.

One thing I have noticed is that in the past 2 or so weeks, my ability to "visualize" at will has been a bit sketchy. So, I have been learning new tricks to "trick" visuals to begin to appear.

I would be just noticing the darkness in front of my closed eyes and then I would begin slowly mentally reciting the Alphabet. After I did the total Alphabet in order, if nothing kick-started a visual, I would then move on to mentally writing each letter on at a time. At first, my visual screen would be stay blank. But very soon that changed. Many times I would just continue to mentally write the letters, ignoring the "Hypnagogic Imagery" that was appearing in brief flashes. I did not try to "hone" in or "lock" in on the images just yet. As the images prolonged longer and longer, I soon did begin to lock on or hone in and soon found myself deep in some kind of fun exploration. You kind of learn when it's time to go "all out" and grab/join the visual or to just keep a "passive focus" on it.

I also noticed that certain letters that I was mentally writing created a "association" with some kind of pictorial or imagery. Example, F for fish. This is the same thing I noticed with the Doorway technique in general. Focusing on basic shapes, colors, etc. does create visual imagery associated with each of them. The same I find happens with the Alphabet/letters as well. This is a helpful little trick for you next time you may find a difficulty with a focus on visual imagery. The important thing is, even if you can't see it yet, just know its' there and it will soon appear. Many times I focused on a Doorway in front of me. At first, there was nothing there. But I knew it was there. So soon one appeared.

I hope this helps you!   :-)

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Hey There, I've been meaning to drop in on this sooner. I'm really excited to see you back I think we were all worried.

I tried your shapes, I chose the circle and interestingly no matter what I did it kept changing itself into a heart. I've had some shifting going on with this although nothing much to actually share at this point. One thing I have noticed is simple truly is best. Before this I did some work focusing on nothing but color. It takes work but I try to focus only on the chosen focus point while leaving behind any preconceived notions.

What I have found is the colors and the shapes will do what they do no matter what I think. And what they do rarely resembles what I would normally think. Like with your alphabet the imagery is off the chain. Once I feel like taking a break from the shapes I'll switch to the alphabet and see how that goes. I did have one full on shift that occurred right between the colors and the shapes. I think the exercises helped with that.

Glad you're back and looking forward to all your news. Hugs!


Quote from: Nameless on April 06, 2017, 18:30:11
Hey There, I've been meaning to drop in on this sooner. I'm really excited to see you back I think we were all worried.
Thank You for your concern Nameless!  :-) Lessons are taught in many different ways. It's amazing how so many positives can actually arise from negative situations.  :wink:

QuoteI tried your shapes, I chose the circle and interestingly no matter what I did it kept changing itself into a heart. I've had some shifting going on with this although nothing much to actually share at this point. One thing I have noticed is simple truly is best. Before this I did some work focusing on nothing but color. It takes work but I try to focus only on the chosen focus point while leaving behind any preconceived notions.
What I have found is the colors and the shapes will do what they do no matter what I think. And what they do rarely resembles what I would normally think. Like with your alphabet the imagery is off the chain. Once I feel like taking a break from the shapes I'll switch to the alphabet and see how that goes. I did have one full on shift that occurred right between the colors and the shapes. I think the exercises helped with that.
Simple definitely is the best. This whole practice can get pretty complicated. But I find that for people new to this or people well versed that find themselves "stuck", that following a simple "blueprint" really is helpful.
Never fight what it is morphing into. You usually know when to lock on though. Many times I have the morphing begin right at the beginning of the exercise. If it is strong/stubborn, as in your circle turning to a heart, then I will just go with the flow and continue to "allow" it to take whatever shape it wants. That's when your curiosity becomes a blessing.

I used and still occasionally do, use a focus on a "child's toy spinning top" to begin my visuals. Many times it would change into a "figure skater". That, I definitely did not expect. At first it caught me by surprise and caused me to lose my focus. But after a while I learned to just go with the flow and let it do what it wanted to. At the time though, the last thing I expected was that visual. The same thing occurred while in the shower one time when I got shampoo in my eyes and momentarily shut them. All of a sudden I found myself teetering at the edge of a raging waterfall. I immediately lost my "real" balance and almost ripped my shower curtains down trying to steady myself. At the time, I wasn't attempting to shift at all. I had just reacted to the shampoo in my eyes.. The shift was spontaneous. That was surreal and I realized from there on that for some reason I have some kind of strange connection to water and projection. I now lie in the bath for about 1/2 hour a day and to project. The water is very healing as well. It has helped me handle my chronic pain without the use of meds anymore.

The hardest part is basically not reacting to whatever the "morph" will be. Like you said, rarely does it resemble what you would "expect". But this practice in general (Astral Projection) requires that we put any "expectations" on the "back burner", at least for now. You can explore more once you get deeper into a scenario. I like to trust that I am seeing or experiencing what I need to see or learn. School is always in session there, as it is here in this physical realm as well!  :-)

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I like the spinning top idea although I have not tried that one. Shiver your timbers you could have had a bad accident in the shower with that one. I've had a few like that, fortunately I usually get a small warning before hand although not always.

I love that the water is helping you. Looks like you have found your element in a very real way. I can see that combination giving you a great boost in NP. I like that word - morph. They are never what you expect. I try not to react to strongly and mostly I succeed but sometimes it'll just knock my socks off.

I do sometimes have a problem. When I try to focus I will get a sinus like pulsing pressure. It's very much like a head cold feeling. Is that common? It can make it hard to concentrate.

Also interested in how your students come along as time progresses.


Quote from: Nameless on April 07, 2017, 17:07:04
I like the spinning top idea although I have not tried that one. Shiver your timbers you could have had a bad accident in the shower with that one. I've had a few like that, fortunately I usually get a small warning before hand although not always.
The "spinning top" works very good.  :-)
It would have been different had I intended on seeing something. But what I experienced caught me completely off guard. The next time it happened, I was showering and closed my eyes just to find myself in the middle of a busy City street. Nobody was noticing me, but I definitely felt my "nakedness", lol.

QuoteI love that the water is helping you. Looks like you have found your element in a very real way. I can see that combination giving you a great boost in NP. I like that word - morph. They are never what you expect. I try not to react to strongly and mostly I succeed but sometimes it'll just knock my socks off.
My true Element is Air. But I work with the others often as well. Water brings in the healing and cleansing. I just kind of melt away in the hot water of the bath. It is very easy to lose my physical focus.
...yes, sometimes, it just knocks your socks off and blows you away. I find those times it's hard to hold the focus. Just when you least expect it ..........!

QuoteI do sometimes have a problem. When I try to focus I will get a sinus like pulsing pressure. It's very much like a head cold feeling. Is that common? It can make it hard to concentrate.
Is it just pressure or do you get a runny nose as well? I ask because your "sinus pressure" sounds to me like the onset of a "exploding head" signpost. I had that happen often and still get in once in awhile today. It always begin as a pressure. But I notice that I can create that pressure, if I wish, by just focusing on my 3rd eye location.

QuoteAlso interested in how your students come along as time progresses.
Still 8 on board. I just returned from a show, so I hope I still have 8, lol. I need to give them some new challenges. But I am walking them along very slowly. They have also noticed that they are remembering their Dreams more and a couple of them have had very vivid LDs. That doesn't surprise me though. Opening yourself to a "new awareness" has it's perks, as you already know, Nameless!   :wink:
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on April 10, 2017, 23:19:06
Is it just pressure or do you get a runny nose as well? I ask because your "sinus pressure" sounds to me like the onset of a "exploding head" signpost. I had that happen often and still get in once in awhile today. It always begin as a pressure. But I notice that I can create that pressure, if I wish, by just focusing on my 3rd eye location.
Still 8 on board. I just returned from a show, so I hope I still have 8, lol. I need to give them some new challenges. But I am walking them along very slowly. They have also noticed that they are remembering their Dreams more and a couple of them have had very vivid LDs. That doesn't surprise me though. Opening yourself to a "new awareness" has it's perks, as you already know, Nameless!   :wink:

It's just pressure. I looked up exploding head signpost and got exploding head syndrome. LOL, who knew - but no that's not it. haha. Same here with the 3rd eye.

Glad to hear you still have them onboard. It should start getting real interesting for them soon.


 I used to train new people in "Cold Call/Door to Door Sales". I had kind of a 3 week make or break prototype. The first week the new person did great on complete and total enthusiasm. The second week was a balance of enthusiasm with some product knowledge. For some reason though, the 3rd week was always just product knowledge and in 3 weeks you really didn't know anything, but the basics. This is when I either saw if they could see the error of their ways and regain that enthusiasm or were they just going to fall.

The same is with this practice in general. The people I am "tutoring" are now commenting once in awhile how this can be kind of boring. Just waiting for imagery to occur when you are new to this and being able to fully create a strong focused will can take quite a while. It used to take me an hour, sometimes longer to get not the zone.

So my new instruction for them was to start playing with the shapes they are seeing. My favorite way to do that is to "mentally" trace the outside of the shapes. Many times while tracing the circle, I will actually "feel" the rotating as well. This will be your first actual proof of some kind of "energy work" occurring.
You can stack the squares, you can move the triangles all around your "inner screen". Be creative. What this does is it improves your ability to create a stronger focused will and it helps you "lock on" to what you are seeing. In other words, it takes you more into "there" and further away from "here".

I know that regular practitioners of "non local states of consciousness" don't have to wait an hour for the "show" to begin. They have put the patience, practice and perseverance in their work and likely do that in every aspect of their lives as well. I have put over 4 years now into extensive practice and see that it really does pay off. It's like learning how to play Guitar or any other instrument. You must practice and practice regularly and often, usually for years, before you can excel at your chosen goal.

With this practice, you normally receive "sneak peeks" of what it can really be like, earlier on. You normally get enough of a "sneak peek" to either persuade or in some cases "dissuade" you from going further. Many people say they can handle their fears. That is until they actually have to confront them head on. The same thing goes with "ego". I notice if you don't reign your ego in, you will be taught to very soon.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Hello Lumaza, it is a fine technique you developed here, I was having difficulties focusing on it since I wasn't very visual at first, throughout the years I've learned the shapes come spontaneously in my mind and only then can the forms that you describe in the Doorway begin to take shape. I was not aware of those subtle thought processes leading me unaware into a state of no-being until I realized your technique was actually describing the pathway to ease my mind into progressively relaxing to accept the visualizations she would always come up with. It is indeed difficult to let go of all that noise and thinking patterns and ideas we sustain, but it worked just like counting sheep, meaning it would drag me unaware of myself into whatever I had previously focused my intent to be. The bright side is I can now allow myself to be drawn in deeper until the shapes start taking a form in themselves without me trying to control them and I saw them become the gate to launch into a wonderful experience, it was just like you said :-) It's nice to be back in the Astral Pulse, it's the first place I found had people very open to discussion and friendly, it's easy to connect intuitively with them.

I read in your work teaching people how to project and it's amazing you had such a great rate of success, I'd say two of the ten is a pretty low rate of failure lol watching your commitment indeed fuels me to want to become that committed to the Art too. I'm thankful since my guides show up everywhere and I'm always paying close attention, I could not sleep in bed comfortably not even in a million years without them.

There is also another you mention which you use to alleviate pain, this would be something that could help humanity it seems, in the Hand of Creation
Quote from: Lumaza on September 15, 2015, 22:38:19
Soon, I started to feel sleepy and relaxed. So, I paused for a moment and closed my eyes, while sitting at my computer. For some reason my left hand started to move gently, kind of swaying to the music. I relaxed further and now my physical hand had stopped, but my etheric hand was now swaying gently to the music. I watched this with a passive interest and my hand started to create balls of flames, then just bubbles. The bubbles soon began to rise. I followed them upwards and the next thing I knew I was spiraling upwards at a great rate of speed. I saw my home disappearing before my eyes, then the clouds, then I was in space and I watched as Planets were passing by. Soon I found myself in a very relaxing area devoid of light, sound or anything like that.

The last two weeks had been very hard on my physical body. I had been travelling and working 16 hour days, while not being able to sleep soundly at night for some reason, even though I was so exhausted. When I came back from this area devoid of light and sound I found that my body didn't hurt anymore. Whatever or wherever it was that I found myself, it was certainly a place of healing.

I do want to say though that at no time in this whole thing besides closing my eyes did I create any "conscious" intent to go anywhere or even see anything. I had just simply closed my eyes to relax and the next thing I know there was action all around me. I am extremely thankful for that healing though. I have been on Percocet for the last week to handle my pain and I detest pills of any kind. Percocet is extremely hard on the body.
when I would sit for too long in the computer I would have slight chest pains that would come during the next day, what I found is that the desk was unaligned with the pc up front, and this foreced me to turn my legs to a side a bit, so my body was turning even slightly to face directly at the pc, after months with this internet told it was my posture, so your technique sounds like it could help me since even now I don't realize when i'm slightly turning and I have had to use diclofenac potassium to alleviate the slight sharp pains in the chest area. How long did you practiced it before it worked for you? Thanks.


The cold call/door to door sales technique seems like it could bring some relusts to me too. I have trouble sharpening my focus "mentally" but it is nothing some months of commitment cannot solve, the "sneak peak" could surele be brough into real life to influence people to make certain choices, it remainds of Szaxx going about making people do his bid since he was a Kid, scary though. lol :-D