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Vibrations?! What the...

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Ok, it's no secret I haven't actively consciously projected in a while.  It's been a good ten years or so.

I decided to give it a try again this morning.

Within a few minutes I started experiencing... the vibrations?!

When I was practicing before I hardly ever experienced them.  So strange.

Almost like I've been reset or something. 


Quote from: Xanth on September 16, 2023, 17:41:56Ok, it's no secret I haven't actively consciously projected in a while.  It's been a good ten years or so.

I decided to give it a try again this morning.

Within a few minutes I started experiencing... the vibrations?!

When I was practicing before I hardly ever experienced them.  So strange.

Almost like I've been reset or something. 

All aboooooard :)  (vibrations yelling)
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on September 16, 2023, 17:56:21All aboooooard :)  (vibrations yelling)
It was so strange.  It's been so long.  I wonder why now?  Oh well.

As you said!  Time to enjoy!  :)


Quote from: Xanth on September 16, 2023, 18:57:42It was so strange.  It's been so long.  I wonder why now?  Oh well.

As you said!  Time to enjoy!  :)

There's no better time than the present!  Glad your back at it. 

Your revamp of the website and your active participation in the conversations is refreshing!
The Adventure Continues...



Okay, so I can only speak to a 10 plus year break that ended around 2008, but yes, coming back to the practice involved vibrations for awhile.

Consider this a re-attunement exercise,lol.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


I'm struggling to experience them. Then again they've always been absent. I think around 3 experiences in 60+ years means they don't like me. Bad entities seem to be elusive too, unless I go looking for em mawhahahaha.
I can still cross the veil fast. I've not tried any rescue requests or retrievals for a while... 10 years is a looong time but think back to that millennium thing. It seems like last year it occurred. It is strange how decades become compressed in later life. Maybe they'll become so compressed I'll get the vibrations again as it crumples.
Maybe I'll get them on that one way trip out of here.
Nah, that'd be too easy for the NP...
Nice one Xanth though, kindergarten parties will be your next one.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


 It's kind of funny. I read here once in a while how some people have a hard time of turning the vibrations on. After a few seconds of closing my eyes, my vibrations are already making themselves noticed. They can go from 0-60 quite quickly too.

 You are back on the path again Xanth. Even though it may seem like a step backwards, sometimes we need to return to the beginning before we are shown the path forward again. It's exciting, in that you are getting to experience the "bells and whistles" again. It looks it is time to don that "explorer's cap" once again!  8-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


When I'm in the 'zone' (SP or also so-called "VS") nowadays I don't have them anymore. Or at least it has been 'a while'. It makes me sad because I really miss them. They were pleasant and a good signpost that 'something' is about to happen or happening.


I have always had the vibrations in some way, shape or form. They are not always the MEGA vibrations they were when I first began going out, but they are always something. Not necessarily each and every time, but way more often than not. I suspect it is because I remain conscious within every aspect and element of the shift. My consciousness has always broken it down into discernible components. It has been an area of great fascination and study for me. I want to see every little bit of what happens in there. Internal frame workings have always been what holds the bulk of my attention. I will say, also, that due to this, due to at all times throughout the OBE centering myself first within the shift ( ie: remaining in wave form ) I experience synchronous states, what Tom Campbell calls parallel processing. I can be in multiple environments all at once. <— This is the kingpin for me. It hinges on wave form, the vibrational state ( fractaling down into its frequency components ), centering my attention within the shift itself — I am able to ride all the waves.

It has been a long time since I have written in any detail on the subject but a decade ago I wrote this:

Synchronous States: Holding Multiple Realities Simultaneously