what do you think about as you use Binural beats?

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Do you think about projecting? do you just focus on the sound? what do you do? do you just try and think about nothing at all?


the sounds work without you concentrating on them, so its preferrable to focus on a visualization, relaxation,"noticing", etc.

"how long shall I be with you" -Gospel of Matthew


Either I visualize somethig, try to focus on that, or I train noticing, focusing on my earhiss.


I am deaf from one side... I haven't tried binaural beats, this is something I want! I am pretty sure it should still work even if I am deaf, the vibes will get to me. Now I can find binaural beats on Youtube, but I am not sure which ones to select, where could I find free beats which actually work? I know maybe I should pay for it, but I am poor right now and I just want to give it a try first.


go to the energy body and chakras section of the forum, there is a sticky there with a link to some very good free binural beats

"how long shall I be with you" -Gospel of Matthew


....or just do a simple search on Binaural Beats in the upper right hand corner Search engine. There is a quite a few posts on them to be found here.


Thanks I know I should have used the search engine!

majour ka

I was having a conversation a couple of days ago with someone who is adept at astral travel and also studies of the mind and conciuiness and we both agreed whole heartedly that if you want to progress in this field and gain control over your ability to AP then meditation is by far one of the best things you can do. Nothing to formal or complicated. Just something that helps you build an awareness, understanding and relationship with your subtle body and who and what you are beyond the physical. Apart from potentially enhancing every aspect of your life it will help your ability to AP no end. Find a good mediation you enjoy and start doing a bit each day or as often as your able...and enjoy the benefits :)


I do not use the beats, I use something similar.  I try not to think of anything.  I listen to the music to get my mind to relax.  It helps me to get into the ap mood so I can ap.


 I don't think this is really a Binaural Beat MP3, but I have listened to this while meditating/Phasing and it has taken me to new depths.

It's classified as a "Ambient Meditative Trance"

Use headphones if you can for the full effect.


Basically anything by Anugama is pure Gold. But this one is incredible. It's called Chakra Journey, but don't let the name scare you away.

Try it, I think you will find it will put you "in the zone".  :-)


Me, personally, I found that layering a binaural beat + a mantra (in two separate browsers) will intensify my meditation.

On Youtube, there is a chant titled "eternal om" which is basically self explanatory. The other one I like is Om Mani Padme Hum on repeat.

In the background, I will play a binaural beat. Lately, I've been drawn to the Schumann Resonance and the theta/low alpha wave beats. I tend to avoid delta waves because I find that those hinder my imagination. I listened to delta waves for a week before bed and I completely stopped dreaming and went into a death-like sleep. I was like "What gives?"  :?

So, for imagination, I do find that theta waves and some alpha waves are good in binaural beats. Theta waves in particular make me feel like my third eye is being massaged. Literally, all of the tension around my pineal gland on my forehead will start to lift away and a huge pin-pointed energy surge will occur there. It's really neat.

There are some higher pitched beats in terms of hz. It can go up to the 800s-1000s. If you type in "pineal gland activation", you will see some beats that are 800+ hz and they sound like a high pitched oscillating fan mixed with a lot of beeping. I've found that falling asleep with these on has given me more vivid dreams, for sure.


I've experimented with binaural beats. My mind will do a funky little thing and I'll start to feel like I'm made of jell-o, but I haven't been able to successfully leave my body while its on. I try not to focus on it. I usually wait for my head pictures to start doing their thing then watch them.
Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.