Where to read more about phasing and the different types of Obes

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I want to know where to read more about phasing (books / terms to Google / podcasts [YouTube videos] etc..). The reason I'm asking is that in the few places I've read there's more than one type of obes/AP and that most people (at least IME) don't have the classical obe where they see their body. I know Robert Monroe's books especially his third and final talk about phasing. Any advice / help?



Luffy. Youtube.com has numerous videos on Astral Projection. Just do a title search there.

 I am baffled though about what you are looking for. ????

 You have been a member here for a quite a while now. This Forum is loaded with fantastic information that could help you achieve your goals. The stickies here are loaded with all kinds of techniques to Phase.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: luffy28 on October 17, 2023, 17:45:21Hi,
I want to know where to read more about phasing (books / terms to Google / podcasts [YouTube videos] etc..). The reason I'm asking is that in the few places I've read there's more than one type of obes/AP and that most people (at least IME) don't have the classical obe where they see their body. I know Robert Monroe's books especially his third and final talk about phasing. Any advice / help?


What you're asking seems to be regarding the different ways to "enter" the non-physical.  They all lead TO the non-physical though.  It's like choosing your focus, find a way to "enter the non-physical" which is easiest for you.  There's no difference beyond that.

But Lumaza nailed it.  Just head over to Youtube and do a search, you'll find loads of information.  Maybe not all of it Phasing related though.  haha