Spontaneous OBE Possible Extraterrestrial

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Kanes Messenger

So about 2 weeks ago I went to a Shamanic Ayahuasca ceremony at which I experienced the most painful psychological, emotional, and physical experience of my life by a million. I died and went to hell, then managed to come back.

The two reasons this is related to my OBE are - It awakened me to MUCH more of the non-physical immersed within our reality, and after the ceremony I was in an extremely heightened state of consciousness.

After the 3 nights of the ceremony I couldn't sleep for about 35 hours because I was in the clouds more or less and overwhelmed with excitement. That day I had accidentally bought the wrong crystal (orange calcite) which opens all your chakras and boosts your energy, it also promotes OBE's. I laid down to meditate and try to sleep because I knew I had to get some sleep and for some reason I placed the crystal on my chest lol. I cleared my mind and sort of dozed off lightly.

About half an hour in I woke up outside of my body, I was about a meter and a half above my bed, and looking out the window (sideways compared to my physical body). Out the window I saw a dark ball of energy a bit smaller than a basketball and electricity coming off it. and I could tell it was trying to communicate with me. I got the feeling it was an extraterrestrial but I began freaking out and calling my guides for help and eventually got sucked back into my body.

My whole body was warm and stimulated and I could tell the crystal had played a part in it and it was still perfectly balanced on my solar plexus region.

Now later that night when I was trying to sleep I felt an extremely intense uncomfortable energy in my room next to my bed trying to connect with me and heard a strange buzzing sound. I knew there was an entity trying to communicate with me, so I decided to try and talk with it, I'm not sure if I was communicating properly but basically it was trying to trigger my ego and give false fear-based information to me. Involving an alien intervention and such. It was extremely disturbing and I felt scared and shooken up after. Clearly it was a malevolent being. I'm wondering if that was the same being I saw during my OBE. It could be, it might not be.

If anyone has any insight or ideas based on my experience please share.

Thanks :)


The fact that you were trying to sleep, heard the buzzing noise, and felt the disturbing presence means you were is sleep paralysis. (SP)   These are the classic signs.  Any time you are in a negative frame of mind (which you were because you were already freaked out by your previous experience) you will experience these creepy things during SP. Your thoughts will manifest. Try to avoid SP if your mind isn't peaceful and confident.  I have the exact same symptoms when I try to project with fear/negativity.  I feel a presence that can be only be described as sheer evil.  What I have found is if you totally ignore this stuff it just fades away.  I definitely think you shouldn't try to communicate with it. That is just giving it more power.  Treat it like it doesn't exist and it'll go.  I think most of this stuff is just manifestations of your subconscious fears.  Could it be a real entity?  I don't know.  I'm not God.  But what I have figured out is if you don't fear it and ignore it, it disappears every time.

Kanes Messenger