Afraid of my own creation?

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I want to describe how I experience astral projection, because it has gotten to a point where it doesn't feel pleasant anymore.
The first faze is where my spirit leaves my body and begins travelling through consciousness with a feeling of love, gaining knowledge. This is how I think AP experiences should be. But then comes the second faze. The second faze is where this experience is over and I find myself back in the bed, only this time it is my body who gets out of bed and begins to fly. It is this that I am afraid of. I doubted this second part of astral projection ever since the beggining, where it didn't even feel real, everything was pixelated. Now I can see very clear, it's like it advances more and more, I feel like I'm the only person in the whole world and I'm not getting any knowledge. I feel like I'm creating this, and I feel like I'm not supposed to. Can you please tell me why? Do you experience the same? Where do I go with this "creation"?



Understand that I am only offering my opinion, based on my personal OBE history. I hope that a few others will offer their perspectives and opinions, because I think the question you ask is one that is often asked by new OBE experiencers. My first point is that, yes, almost all of us reach an early point in our experiences where we ask this same, or similar question.

Why, after several incredible experiences have they almost, seemingly regressed, and what does that mean?

I was forced to deal with this issue during my own OBE journey, at least, early on...and as I read of other's experiences through many years now, I have seen a very similar pattern.

It seems that as we first discover the OBE, we undergo a myriad of experiences which literally capture our imagination and intellect. And then suddenly, we seem to start over. But now, our interpretation of the event are changed, usually it seems somehow diminished in various ways. i experienced this and it appears that many others have, as well.

So, I think the short answer is that it is part of the learning process...and not just a process, but a system, a kind of automatic system...because the pattern has become all too apparent to me...

You get some OBE experiences and then you get returned to zero...the starting is that simple and straight-forward...

Now you are expected to understand the basis for the experience- the energetic, the emotional, the mental components...

I have only had a few pixilated visual experiences, but yes, they were early on, and I now think that they were some kind of interpretational alert to how I was perceiving the experience...honestly, I am still unsure but certain posts like yours seem to reinforce the idea...the pixelation is a clue to your interpretation of the energetic event, it also tells you that the event is somehow false... actually. it probably tells you many things...

I know this is difficult to understand where you are right now, on more than a few levels you want to immediately disagree, but actually the truth is somewhere between what you are thinking and I am offering for you to consider.

This might even involve you're going back to the earliest OBE experience of just an etheric OBE, the weird kind of physical feeling to that...and moving from there. Actually, that is what it reads like.

And now you have a decision to make. No one seems to ask it...the question doesn't even seem to be offered...

But, no doubt, there is a question hanging in the air...

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


With great power comes great responsibility, I forget who said that but it seems especially true for the spiritually minded.

I think the differences in many of our experiences is one of advertising. At first we get the fly-over, the brochure so to speak of all the fantastic stuff we can do. But then we have to book the trip, pack and and actually go and experience it first hand. So while it looked great from the air or in the brochure on the ground the trip becomes quite daunting as you realize things like you don't speak the language, bugs bite and the food takes getting used to.

So where DO you go with your creation, same as what comes next. There are some who feel/believe it is all up to us as individuals. I personally feel that in large part that is true in some ways but I don't think that is the whole answer by any means. I think most of us ARE indeed guided in certain directions, often being subtly shown the direction but it's up to us to figure out how to get there and what to do with our knowledge and training once we get there. The problem with us as a species seems to be we want more and seem to always expect this great big reveal at some point. Sometimes that does happen but more often, not so much. Of course like EV stated above this my own experience and thinking talking. In any event I hope I've helped.


I concur with the others' comments, adding that trying commands from the book "Adventures Beyond the Body:
HOW TO EXPERIENCE OUT-OF-BODY TRAVEL" By William Buhlman might help break things up a bit. They are akin to short command prompts on a computer. Hope this helps.
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