Can i mimic in the astral realms

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So this is a brave and straighforward question... could i like mimic my favorite scene or scenery in the astral realms ? like say if i wanted to mimic a favorite porn scene or something like that lol :evil: :wink: :-D


You can create what ever scene u like to


Seriously, the universe has a lot to show you. Your fantasies are your own business.


Quote from: Positive3 on September 14, 2016, 09:42:05
You can create what ever scene u like to

Positive3. How many times have you projected OBE? Were you able to create any scene you wished?

I have projected hundreds of times and I find that there are many times that I am unable to gain anything close to 100% control over the experience.


Quote from: RobertForsythe on September 14, 2016, 17:46:33
Positive3. How many times have you projected OBE? Were you able to create any scene you wished?

I have projected hundreds of times and I find that there are many times that I am unable to gain anything close to 100% control over the experience.

100% control, no. I have attempted to completely replace the current scenario by going through a doorway but it led to the void instead of a tropical island.

I have had the most success with changing realities when I am not consciously thinking about what I am doing, just embracing the fact that I can.

I have been involved with many sexual experiences in the non-physical, but they never seem to lead anywhere or have the same quality as experiences in this reality. It doesn't matter if the experience is completely in my control, or out of my control, or I am completely unaware - it is the same every time!

I think the quality and "realness" of the experience is related to your awareness. Most of the time my dreams are half pie physical where you only experience the specific sensations you focus on, and to a dull extent at that.

Raising the awareness to the point of indistinguishable physical sensation with mental clarity has come hand in hand with making the scenario unstable for me.


These sexual acts and scenes could be messages to you that you need to get off something! Maybe porn. Because it holds you back maybe. I think the amount of awareness in these cases when we can't act freely is for a reason, to watch closely, what is the message. Look inside you, your physical life and see what is not letting you go. You can live "dreams" where there is an event also and you see somebody as a third person (two guys or women acting) and see what they are doing.

Maybe it is an addiction if somebody wants to live up more about something which can be experienced in vast amounts here in our main focus. Not always an addiction of course, but many times - depends on the message and feelings.

I believe in the same thing that we can experience anything which we can imagine or would like to see, if we earned the "power" for it, but we can experience some dreams from our selves (helpers), showing some issues which are not useful for us anymore here.

Some of these are for ThomasOfGrey lol :D I just wanted to point out that we have those dulled down awareness for a reason maybe. When it is obvious that it was some kind of lesson, to get off something or do something. I had a lot.
I tried to raise my awareness in dreams to high degree many times but maybe it is a bad idea because the scene ends and the purpose of that scene was not fulfilled lol.

I hope some of these infos helped someones.
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Quote from: Phildan1 on September 15, 2016, 07:35:44
These sexual acts and scenes could be messages to you that you need to get off something! Maybe porn. Because it holds you back maybe.

This may be a misconception but porn or anything labeled immoral aren't necessarily bad unless you think they are. It's honestly all relative to the persons perspective. The only one who can judge you is yourself because no one could do it better than you. Experiences are labeled and judged by your own consciousness at a very honest and understanding level.


@Phildan1, I am confident that you are correct about the porn and its relation to these experiences. I am not a hardcore porn addict, but there definitely problematic aspects there. I have been looking at porn for nearly 20 years before I read an article about porn addiction in passing. That is when I started to carefully evaluate how things I saw or felt in every day life had a neural pathway that reminded me of porn, and I had been completely unaware of this influence. Since then I have made an effort to nearly stop all use.

I actually get mixed messages on this topic from the astral experiences involving sex, sometimes I feel like the system is encouraging it and telling me it is alright, in other experiences I have literally been told to leave the reality by a character there.

@funfire, I think you are also correct about the subjective nature of morality. The fact that I get the mixed bag of experiences described above backs up this view. The most important thing seems to be the individuals reaction and thoughts regarding the event rather than the actual content of the event.


I hope I can help with some suggestions sometimes lol.

But the original question was about creating any scene in the NP. Well look at our dreams, with good awareness and higher, they are as real as this reality.
Another fact is that if something is existing here already, it came from the NP. So it is obvious that yes, using our mind, we can create anything. Of course I will test it if I can lol. But unfortunately many people manifest out their fears.
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That has always been my problem, even when I set astrally and have appear to be wide awake, I will not have the same conscioness that I have when I am awake,to me its like ok Iam out my body then I lay back down and wake up and its like awww nuts, I am convince that it something the is related to balance between the subconsciousness and consciousness, That and my spirit guide is never around...


Quote from: Methen on September 15, 2016, 19:59:25
That has always been my problem, even when I set astrally and have appear to be wide awake, I will not have the same conscioness that I have when I am awake,to me its like ok Iam out my body then I lay back down and wake up and its like awww nuts, I am convince that it something the is related to balance between the subconsciousness and consciousness, That and my spirit guide is never around...

What worked for me: at bedtime every night, before every sleep cycle or dream, tell yourself many times that I am aware in my dreams (imagine it), something like that in present tense, which means that you already got this ability when you are in a dream. Maybe it will work in weeks, and you will maybe get some dreams - maybe one in every week or some in a month - where you will have awareness on the top. It will be like you stop the scene gradually and look around, ask for somebody to talk. If you don't get any guides, helpers, it will be maybe a sign that they will interfere with your development and don't want everything at once.

Of course if you still didn't met one, you can't tell for sure, who is that lol. Maybe just a local stranger. But I think the best advice could be that don't look after helpers and see what you can do when you have the power to change everything.

Before falling asleep, don't expect anything, just fall asleep as you used to. And someday you will get something. Don't overdo the affirmations + imagination, because it will charge your brain up and you can't fall asleep hahaha :D
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Quote from: Methen on September 15, 2016, 19:59:25
That has always been my problem, even when I set astrally and have appear to be wide awake, I will not have the same conscioness that I have when I am awake,to me its like ok Iam out my body then I lay back down and wake up and its like awww nuts, I am convince that it something the is related to balance between the subconsciousness and consciousness, That and my spirit guide is never around...
That is known as a "sneak peek". You learn how to meld with your NP personality when you practice more. You also learn more about controlling your etheric self there.
Try some daily etheric exercises. They seem to really teach you how to control your Etheric self/body once you find yourself in the "Otherworlds".
Here is a great place to start:

I have had many a times where I became Lucid in my Dream just when the "sht was hitting the fan". I found myself in situations doing things I would never do here. Now the task at hand was to consciously control the chaos. Not the entire scenario though, just my own actions in it.

You could look at it as my higher self has found a foolproof way to make me Lucid in my Dreams, lol. Once again, a positive coming from a negative situation!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla

Karxx Gxx

side note, i'd stay away from that in teh beggining at least.

I take my experiances as test's whether or not they are.

when I first projected, something would create fear then i woudl run. after a few times, i was like 'this is a test' and it would stop. the next thing is sometimes theres a opportunity (may have created some) to bang. When i did, i went less lucid and it was more like a dream (or it was a dream and i became less lucid)    so with this distraction, i cant do much else if i want to learn or progress (which is MY goal)

details left out but you get the gist.

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