Very strange dream and possible first OBE

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ok i just got outta bed and wnna post this trange experience i just had.

First off i started in a dream and i was going through these hallways that were pure white, it was like a puzzle game, i had to go trough each level and i had objectives to complete, but knew that when i was finished i was going to have an obe, so i was going through these hallways reading stuff about myself and loved ones, and i had to stop people and talk to them, (it's almost all gone, i can hardly remember anything). Anyway i got to the end of the 5 levels and i had to choose from a list of options, the options were something like:
Out of body experience with loved ones: short, long, or medium
Wake up with memory
Go back to a dream of loved ones
there were some more options (it was so much like a computer game)

It was like an options panel you get in a game, obviously i picked, out of body experience: long.
I was transported to a place with a long white stone path and rolling green hills, there were many tables and chairs scattered all over and the place was littered with people. I tried to move around and i felt really sluggish, i thought i must have been still in my body, so i thought to myself: "I'll sit in one of the chairs and when i get up I'll leave my body behind" so i sat down, concentrated for a few seconds, and leapt up! everything became so clear, i was floating around this place trying to find my friends. i passed endless crowds of people, until i found my crowd, they were wearing pale robes and had cone shaped hats and some of them were carrying balloons, i talked to someone i cant remember who it was, i remember i wanted to see my deceased uncle, it had been one of my objectives in my previous dream, he was standing in front of me with his back to me, i tried to move in front of him and speak to him and thats all i remember.

does anyone think this could have been my first OBE? or just a very strange and in depth dream?


That was pretty cool! If it wasn't and Obe then it was an intense lucid dream, either way you're on the right track, very good awareness.
Where does this silence come from?

The untold past of the Earth:


Sounds to me like a very lucid dream. I find I have been having them more since developing an interest in AP and OBE's. Maybe its a sign we'll progress soon into a full blown OBE. That'll be cool.