I'm new - what was my experience?

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I've had lucid dreams before, but something happened two nights ago that was very strange.  I was going through a tunnel, except it didn't look like a tunnel - it looked like I was in the cosmos.... stars all around me and vast dark-greyness.  And I realized, holy crap, I'm conscious and this is so cool, where am I going??  So I went along with it, til I got to the end and saw an opening with entities/spirits/people??  And they looked like they were made of gas or something and they wanted me to come in to their "place" and I wanted to go, but I couldn't get in there.  (I don't remember what happened after that....so I probably woke up or, well, I'm not sure what happened, but I don't remember anything after that.  I had some lucid dreams that night, but I don't know if they were before or after my little trip into space.) 
So my question is.... was I astral projecting?  What the heck was happening.  It was completely different than having a lucid dream... I was in a totally different place - it didn't look familiar and it didn't look like any of the places I ever visit in my dreams.  Any one have a similar experience? 


Well, were you completely conscious at the moment, experiencing everything with more clarity than usual? If you couldn't control everything it was most likely just a very vivid dream. I have to say, it does sound a little like a projection, maybe etheric though. Can you give a little more details please?
Twin Flame Harmonics Ascension Aid



I was conscious and everything was extremely vivid.  During my lucid dreams, I'm always in control and I'm always on "earth" or a place that looks like earth (except there are always animals that I've never seen before). This experience though, was different.  I became conscious in the midst of the traveling through what appeared to be space, but rather than control it, I just kind of went with it.  I just enjoyed the scenery (stars and darkness) and then wondered, "where the heck am I going to end up?"  It seemed as if I was traveling through a tunnel of stars, really fast.  No sounds, no vibrations.  Just lots of stars and I seemed to be moving pretty fast.  Is this enough detail?


Sometimes when I project I feel as though I'm going through a tunnel. I think that your dream turned into a projection.

Quote from: lacygone
And they looked like they were made of gas or something

Perhaps you were seeing their aura.


Quote from: lacygone on October 06, 2007, 16:14:53
  Is this enough detail?

Yes it is, you were definitely projecting, astral or etheric, I can't say. Indeed the "gas" could have been the beings aura's, or maybe it was just their regular form. If this was an astral projection they could've just been a manifestation of your own consciousness of how you would picture a person in the astral to be. In the etheric it could've been an entity of space or maybe some other etheric projectors. Maybe the reason you were going through space is because if you were etheric projecting and didn't notice it you might have blindly floated up into space from earth without noticing it and then regained your vision, but just let yourself keep floating along.

So really, my best bet is that you were Etheric projecting, not astral. I hope that helps  :-D
Twin Flame Harmonics Ascension Aid
