Introduction and a couple of Questions.

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Hi Everyone,

I've just signed up to the Forum so thought I'd introduce myself and also have a couple of questions to ask.

I've been into LD/AP/OBE for about 4 years now since reading about it on the net.
I'd had a few as a child but never knew what they were, or that it was something that could be experienced on purpose.
I've always been a very vivid Dreamer (now a blessing,  once a curse), had very good Dream recall and once I started trying to get into the NP, was very lucky having 3 LD/AP/OBE in my first week trying.
After that it was sort of like turning on a tap and I started having them more and more, with practice I'm now at the point where I can get into the non physical on a nightly basis.

My first question is about something interesting I read on here, a post by Xaneth saying that it's your awareness level that dictates your experience, that to be 100% conscious and having full waking memory is the holly grail of Astral Projection.

In about 95% of my experiences I do feel 100% conscious though, have full waking memory and everything feels as real, if not more real than how I'm feeling right now, I also have no problem remembering goals or remembering something I've read that I want to try.
Sometimes I get into the NP by becoming aware during a vivid Dream, mostly though I get in by holding on to my consciousness while I go through the vibrations and humming sensations, I then feel as though I'm flying up into the air, or falling through my bed and this is also often accompanied by whispering or laughing in my ears.
I wait for the sensations to stop after around a minute or so and then just get up out of body.
Would this all be concidered AP? even though in some I become aware during a Dream and in others I go through sensations,  then get up out of my body?

I spend most of my time in the RTZ, often getting out of body in my bed and going out into my local area, or somewhere I've spent a lot of time in my life, basicly a copy of this World but with some minor differences.
I've been many other places I've never been before as well though, different Planets and different times but I've been reading a little lately about higher Astral Planes and the akashic records, things like that and it's got me wondering so I'd really like to hear from people who believe, or don't believe these higher planes exist.

Having had so many experiences now, I've had a lot of fun testing things out and doing the impossible, but I've started to feel I want to use it for deeper, more meaningful experiences.
Being from England I'm not a very Religious person but I have an open and inquisitive mind and am often attracted to the mystical or paranormal.
Since having these experiences, I've also become very interested in the nature of reality and things like that.

Don't want to make the post to long so thanks for reading and I look forward to talking with like minded people.


If you are aware that you are tuned into the astral, then this falls into the AP category that we have created to distinguish dreams from OBE. Although dreams take place in the astral as well, just lead by our sub consciousness that can create all kinds of temp forms based on recent thoughts, beliefs, fears, etc. So, it does not matter how do you tune to the non physical, as long as you are aware you can lead the experience.
As far as going deeper, it's very simple, you just have to apply your intent and think where do you want to go, what do you want to learn, what or who do you want to see or communicate with, etc. I suggest write down these goals and focus on one at the time, so that when you tune later, you can remember to "teleport" yourself there and not just walk around in the RTZ, because there is nothing interesting there.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Hi LightBeam,

Thanks for the reply.

Nothing interesting in the RTZ?

Hmmm, maybe I've got it wrong then and I'm not in the RTZ as much as I thought, as I've had many very interesting experiences.

I maybe didn't explain myself very well but I don't just walk around the RTZ, I often teliport somewhere else and know that you can manipulate the enviroment with expectation, though the more vivid and aware I've become, the harder it can be to do this I've found.
In my earlier experiences where I was a little less aware,  I could manipulate my environment with ease, like you say by just imagining being somewhere else.
As I've become more aware in them though, it's been a little harder to make my mind let go and do the impossible with such ease, even though I fully know I can do anything I can imagine.

I don't have to write goals down or ingrain them luckily, as I think just as I do whilst awake, so can easily remember anything I want to try.

I've talked to many very interesting, seemingly very intelligent and self aware characters also.

What confuses me is how do you know where you've teliported to isn't still the RTZ? Just a different location in it.
If I teliport to a big city or, a desert island with a seting sun, I just assumed I was still in the RTZ.

How do you know when you're in a higher plane?


Below is one of my higher dimensions experiences. Basically when you start feeling the love and oneness of the universe and you perceive yourself more as an energy and not as a human anymore, then you have shifted at a higher frequency. But the multiverse is soooooo huge and versatile. There are many worlds that are somewhere in between the lower RTZ and the absolute higher shapeless dimensions, which are my favorites to visit. Everything is very different than earth like cities, humanoids, etc, that it is hard to explain and you feel that the beings residing there are very intelligent and spiritually developed. You just know, I don't know how to explain. But, I have visited worlds that have been established and are pretty stable. I was not able to alter shapes of buildings, etc. I was kicked out of that environment when I tried. I guess the collective conscious model of there realities protects against alteration from non residents so to speak.;msg313858#msg313858
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


I see.
That sounds very interesting and your experience also sounds great! I haven't been anywhere like that yet but least now I know it'll be pretty obvious when I do.

I often call out for things to happen but haven't really tried asking for anything spiritual now that I think about it, until a few days ago which is probably where I'm going wrong.
I've only recently started reading about Astral Travel (I've done quite a lot on Lucid Dreaming) and wasn't really a very spiritual person until I started having these.

I've spent a lot of my time in the NP going back to see different Historical events I'm interested in, seeking out breathtaking scenery and sensations, and just talking to and asking the NP characters questions, things like that.

I did ask a couple of days ago to show me the Mental Plane (as I'd read a little about it that day), just as I did a very brite light washed out my vision completely for a few seconds, then everything went back, similar to how it was before, everything now had a faint glow over it though and there was a strange, soothing music coming from the sky as the clouds swirled, it was very beautiful!

Looks like for deeper experiences, I need deeper goals!



Welcome Sandman, you're a lucky guy.  :-)

Does asking to experience this or that in a lucid dream work well for you guys? For me it normally doesn't but I mostly only ever asked for my guides or to be taken o them so perhaps that's not the "right" request.
Certain things you just gotta know to experience. Certain things you just gotta experience to know.


Quote from: Micael on June 10, 2014, 01:12:12
Does asking to experience this or that in a lucid dream work well for you guys? For me it normally doesn't but I mostly only ever asked for my guides or to be taken o them so perhaps that's not the "right" request.

I would suggest to rely on yourself, not external sources, although I do like guides, but ultimately, you need to believe that you have all the power necessary to achieve things. Guides just guide you from time to time when needed, but they cant do everything for you. You need to be aware, and then you need to mentally apply intent, strengthen your energy, strongly believe in what you are capable of and go from there.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Hi Micael, thanks for the welcome.

Asking for things works more often than not for me, it can be a little hit and miss and I sometimes get things happen other than I was expecting.
That's what I like though as I wouldn't want to be able to control everything all the time, it would take the exploration out of it and that's what I love.


Quote from: LightBeam on June 10, 2014, 02:12:37
I would suggest to rely on yourself, not external sources, although I do like guides, but ultimately, you need to believe that you have all the power necessary to achieve things. Guides just guide you from time to time when needed, but they cant do everything for you. You need to be aware, and then you need to mentally apply intent, strengthen your energy, strongly believe in what you are capable of and go from there.

Sounds like a very good suggestion. Up until now I was limiting my expectations of productive interaction with non-physical realities to guides, entities who have the job of guiding us. But I'm beggining to realise that ultimately it isn't anyones job to guide us but primarly our own.

Now when you said to strengthen my energy in which way did you mean it?

Quote from: Sandman. on June 10, 2014, 15:35:18
Hi Micael, thanks for the welcome.

Asking for things works more often than not for me, it can be a little hit and miss and I sometimes get things happen other than I was expecting.
That's what I like though as I wouldn't want to be able to control everything all the time, it would take the exploration out of it and that's what I love.

Yes if we really think about it, it's really a silly idea to expect experiences to be predictable in realities so far out of what most of us are used to deal it. If I can somehow turn down a bit the element of randomness and stir myself in a direction of learning experiences I consider myself sucessful, the rest is the thrill of exploration which for me is really big...
Certain things you just gotta know to experience. Certain things you just gotta experience to know.