it finaly happened...

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this is the closest i have ever been to AP in my life and the best thing is i did it completly without thinking, i have to tell someone about it  because im so excited and since the only people i know are skeptics this thread will do :D

right so i had to get up early to go into dublin today to run a few messages so i had to get up early right, set my alarm for 8:30, not really early but i have been getting up at 12:00 during my time off, anyway for some reason i wake up at like 6:00 and cant get back to sleep no matter what, i drift off a few time and when i look at my clock again its like 6:30, got ticked off then, drifting in and out of sleep i wake up at 8:00, drift back to sleep, blah blah blah, anyway this time when i wake up it wasnt like the other times, it was like i was opening my eyes and seeing through a cylinder or a kalediscope, i could see my light hanging from the roof, then my view sort of became clearer and i knew i was seeing out of my eyelids, once i realised that, my body felt all blobby, i could feel my real body but then above that was my astral body, all kinda floaty and blobby like, i cant describe it adequately, i think my head and my astral head were still connected but my astral body was floating away at a 45 degree angle to my body (if you get me),  then i pulled myself back in because it hit me that i had to get up soon and i didnt know how long the AP would take since i heard you can loose track of time, it wasnt like i actually decided this either, the thought just flickered briefly through my mind and bam i was back in my body, it was brief but there was no mistaking the feeling, there was no lose in conciousness, no falling back to sleep, i was in my body opened my eyes with a smile on my face and did a little dance, im quite pleased with myself really, i also went on a fast for 3 days there so maybe that had something to do with a change of energy or something or maybe it was blind luck, im thinking a combination of both or even a combo of many things, hopefully now that i know what feeling to look for it may come a little easier but in saying that im sure my next AP will come an unexpectantly as this one, looking forward to it anyway *woot*


Congrats! It seems the first few times are always short lived. But, a learning experience it was indeed. Sounds interesting.


its so weird though, truthfully i was always a little skeptical about it and maybe thats what was holding me back so the one time it worked was when i was completly open and not expecting anything, truthfully i tried to recreate the whole thing this morning but it failed miserably, fingers crossed it wont be long to my next one and then an actual extended experience would be nice


Hi there Atat23 !!

Well done.  You'll probably remain sceptical, even after you've had several OBEs that are so lifelike that you find it hard to differentiate between the OBE and actual physical reality.

I've had quite a few "OBEs" now...I'm not sure how many. Not hundreds, but a fair few !

I always asked the questions "is this an OBE" or "is this a dream" after the type of experiences of the kind you mentioned.  It didn't matter how clear the experience was, either mentally or visually, I still couldn't quite accept it.

However, this all changed when I managed to conciously will an OBE. I remember the first one very clearly...I was lying on my bed, relaxed, thinking (as usual) that nothing was happening. Then, I heard what sounded like a freight train running through my house. I realised that I was surrounded by a 3d blackness. Then I realised I was in the back of a limo. A butler opened the door for me and I stepped out onto a beautiful driveway. The experience was as vivid as waking "reality" - maybe more so !

My most recent OBE was a couple of nights ago.... Lying in bed, feeling very tired, I heard some very strange can I describe them...pots & pans banging together ? electronic noises, etc ? Anyway, I quickly realised "there's an OBE on the way". So, I relaxed. I could feel myself start to float up. As always, I got excited and this started to reverse the "seperation".  So I was quick to gather my thoughts and just relax, let it all hang out...let it happen on its own. As soon as I "let go", the seperation re-commenced. I found myself 3 or 4 feet above my bed, it was extremely dark in the room (I don't think my vision was too clear anyway) but I could make out the shape of my girlfriend in bed. After a couple of failed attempts at trying to fix my vision, and some floating around in the bedroom, I decided "right, thats enough" and headed back for my body.

Keep up the OBE attempts Atat23 ! and don't get too disheartened if you don't experience any for a while. I've spent months and months trying for OBEs in the past, with not a shred of luck. But don't give up, and they'll happen !!

I'll Name You The Flame That Cries


ok, i havent been on since my last time i posted but thanks for the replies its always encouraging to know that others have been able to overcome obstacles that i am now currently facing.

I came back on and was going to start a new thread as its kinda related but kinda not to my first experience, the thing is i did actually have another experience but this one was a little less "comfortable" than the first, so me and my family went out to sunday lunch, to a nice little italian restaurant, not traditional but oh so nice :), anyway we came back and everyone pretty much fell asleep, i was in my room reading and started to feel my eyes closing, i put my book down, laid back and rested my eyes for a bit and must have drifted off, i dont know how long i was out but i do remember suddenly being in the 3d blackness you talk about although i wasnt in it for long as i was soon able to see into a garden, not much detail i just remember it being green, it was like i was looking through a window of rippling water (best description i can think off), everything was blurry so i thought to myself "clarity now" and "clear vision" i couldnt think what to do but i had read that this helps you see clearly and again it was as if i was on automatic pilot, it wasnt a consious decision to do this i just did it, so i was quite pleased with myself there. Then the problems started, for some reason my arms felt like they were on fire, it was like a really intense version of pins and needles but really hot and it was causing me discomfort, i ignored it and kept going, trying to clear my vision but the feeling wouldnt stop, i didnt know what was going on, i cleared my vision enough so that the centre of my vision was clear but the edges were still blurry, i could see the grass in the garden and i was being drawn down into it like i was crashing, at one point i think i was actually drawn right down under it, i could see soil and stuff untill i kinda focused on my arms again, my vision blurred more and i woke abruptly.
I thought the feeling may have been i was lying funny and my body actually had pins and needles but i when i woke i was lying flat on my back and my arms felt normal, its not gonna put me off trying till i get it but does anyone have any ideas what it could have been?, im thinking its just a basic lack of control but thats just a complete guess since i know i lack control atm anyway :)


I also once experience that burning in my arms... like freaking needles hitting them all over. I just ignored it...... don't really know what it is or why it happens  :confused:
In somnis veritas


im sure next time ill have better luck ignoring them, it was more of a shock than anything, i was completely not expecting it so my concentration just *poof* and as a result my experience ended quite abruptly