Projection & False Awakening

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I wasn't going to post any of this, because it's already on my journal so it really isn't necessary, but I have a question.

I had 2 projections today, here's what happened:

(sorry for the tl;dr)

  #1 - I rolled out of my body and stood up in my room.  At first movement was very sluggish and I fell a few times before being able to get my bearings.  Saying that I fell is a little misleading because I wasn't really walking at all, I was floating.  So really I was getting flipped around in the air and feeling like I was falling because it felt like gravity was re-orienting itself and I was having trouble adjusting.  After a few moments I oriented myself and walked to my bedroom doorway, from which I could see my dining room and kitchen.  When I looked into these rooms they bother appeared as bedrooms with large beds in them.  Each room had a different color scheme, but they were otherwise fairly similar.  Just a plain room with a big bed in the middle.  The color schemes were a bit odd though.  I'm not entirely clear on them, but the dining room was definitely plaid - wall paper, carpet, and everything on the bed; the color I'm unsure of, but it was a warm color (something in the yellows, greens, oranges, reds, etc.).  The kitchen had a blue decor, but I can't remember the pattern.  I was a little confused at seeing my kitchen and dining room as bedrooms, so I rounded the corner and looked in the living room, and sure enough it was a bedroom too.  The walls were wood grain paneling and the bed was all cream colored, but the front door was still where it always is (unlike the doors that are normally in the other rooms), so I made my way for it.  I jumped through the front door and I was in my driveway, but the barns around my house weren't there.  It was just like a dirt road in the middle of the woods at night.  I could see some stars above me through the trees and began walking.  I took a few steps and then blacked out and was back in my body.

#2 - I woke up and took off my mindfold and looked at the clock, which said 8:38.  I was confused by that because I had set an alarm to go off at 8:00, but with my earplugs in I assumed that I just didn't hear the alarm and it just snoozed itself (which my phone's alarm does if it goes off for a while and you don't turn it off).  So I got up and went to the kitchen.  In the kitchen I saw a pan of cooked chicken tenders on the stove.  That's when I asked myself how I cooked chicken tenders if I started projection practice at 5:00pm and it's now after 8:30pm and no one else was at home.  At first I thought that I had put them in and let them cook while I practiced, but realized that made no sense because they would have been burned up little black charred nothings if they cooked for 3&1/2 hours.  It suddenly occurred to me that I was still projecting or perhaps lucid dreaming since this seemed to be a false awakening and I didn't remember having any of my normal exit sensations.  Then I was back in my body and decided to stop while I could still remember the experiences.

the details are mostly unimportant.  what i want to know is if you guys think the second experience was a lucid dream or a projection.  to me it felt like i just woke up and got up like normal, though the experience seemed a little "fuzzier" than waking reality, I thought I was awake.  i didn't realize it was a false awakening until later.

now i know this is kind of splitting hairs, but i'm curious.  do you think the second experience was an LD or a projection?  I didn't have my normal exit sensation/experience, it just felt like i was coming out of trance and waking up.  But then things went weird and I was back in body waking up again.  i guess it doesn't really matter, but i was wondering what others thought.
be awesome.


A false awakening can be so real you'd think its the physical. As you were walking around with reality fluctuations Id be tempted to say a projection.
As lucid dreams tend to be more surreal and this goes un-noticed until you wake in the physical nothing stands out in your trip #1, other than fluctuations.
Trip #2 is questionable as cooking chicken borders on the surreal. It may have been a thought you had recently which became generated as a reality fluctuation.
They are oobes.
Nice share.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: personalreality on July 20, 2012, 02:59:17
now i know this is kind of splitting hairs, but i'm curious.  do you think the second experience was an LD or a projection?  I didn't have my normal exit sensation/experience, it just felt like i was coming out of trance and waking up.  But then things went weird and I was back in body waking up again.  i guess it doesn't really matter, but i was wondering what others thought.

I am glad you are having projections again. Keep up the good work.

I would say the second experience was a lucid dream.

The first experience was a classic OBE initially that turned into a lucid dream because of a loss of energy to fuel the projection.

If you can project upon immediately falling asleep (day time or night time), you have a much better chance to have a classic OBE into the etheric plane with less reality fluctuations due to a minimal loss of energy. This is hard to do, but it does get easier with daily practice.

When you project during sleep or upon waking from sleeping, you have a much better chance of having a lucid dream that contains many reality fluctuations due to a loss of energy. The reason for this is because you just came out of a dream, so you are more prone to slip back into a dream.


Thanks for your responses.

I've always had insomnia which makes my normal sleep irregular and i often have to take sleeping pills to sleep at all.  So, I don't really remember my dreams often because I'm typically so groggy when I wake up (from the medication).  Because of that, I have very little experience with lucid dreams so the experience I had seemed unusual to me.

I'll have to admit, I've had dozens of projections since I first started successfully projecting, but they are always short and I never get very far.  I've become very experienced at achieving projection, but I have little experience beyond my exit.  I know what to do, I've read every book out there practically, I just need to practice more.  When I actually started successfully projecting I got distracted in my life and just stopped.  Now I can start where I left off and move further into the other dimensions of reality.
be awesome.


Keep at it. Deepening to the extreme. Roll on the floor examine the very molecules that make it up. Burn your hands away after levitating something you've just squashed. Then do your stuff for 60 seconds and repeat. You look and feel silly but you can stay out much longer doing this.
Crazy and it works too.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Sounds like a good plan.

I'll do it.
be awesome.