Souly for Retrievals!

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Quote from: Aaron330 on April 15, 2014, 22:59:33
Great resources there, thanks for those links. I read through a dozen or so different retrieval stories and I think I am starting to understand them better. From what I understand, these are not necessarily the actual PEOPLE who are lost in the afterlife with some sort of problem, but it is usually an aspect of that person which they are struggling with?

For example, one guy helped a lady out who was digging in the mud for her baby that she believed was buried. He had to help convince her to move on and that her baby was ok no matter what happened, but that she wouldn't find him in there. This wasn't the actual woman's spirit somewhere in the astral plane, but just an aspect that represented the part of her that still deals with the sadness and depression of this loss?

Correct me if I'm wrong here.

I cannot correct you in any way because my answer is: I don't know.  :|

We can only speculate.

Yes, it is well possible that at some level a retrieval is much more healing of a person.

Many APers also 'retrieved' aspects - even of themselves. We are multidimensional beings, so this might be a kind of healing if you retrieve some personality aspects that came about ("split off"?) by a kind of trauma or problem and thereby heal them.

I had some experiences of this kind of "healing-retrieval" myself, one also with a little validation of sorts: I 'retrieved' or "helped" a former friend whom I saw in a slim state although I always remember him as an obese guy, he was NEVER slim, so this already was a strange and unfamiliar sight of him. I had not seen this guy for 20 years or so. Only later (!!!) another friend who is still in contact after all those years with him told me about him: He is often very sick and chronically ill. And that he therefore lost weight considerably!  :-o

I had helped him in a kind of delirious state with him wandering about aimlessly and quite lost in the city of your common childhood. The delirious state indeed seems to have hinted to s.o. rather more ill than dead. I then connected him to another friend of him from that time (who passed us) and that one then led him away (home) in a caring way. It had all patterns of a 'retrieval' including the connecting with a guide, but it might rather have been a healing of sorts. As far as I know he is still alive or at least was alive at the time I did the 'retrieval/healing'. Maybe there is not much difference between these two regarding the process and intent (both is being of service to s.o. else who got 'lost' in some way).

In other retrievals I just took the person's hands and counted down in order to 'shift' reaching out with my other hand above me and then the light set in, that is when the experience always ends for me. I do not know if that was a soul retrieval helping them home (into the light) or just another way of helping an alive being out of a state of coma/delirium/confusion by always 'giving them some kind of (en)light(enment)' about their situation. Again: I don't know.

Be that as it may have been, it is always a good feeling to have helped s.o., even if it wasn't 'real' but a simulation, which I don't know either. I suspect there is some 'realness' however in the sense that I really dealt with another soul or an aspect of it.


Quote from: Volgerle on April 16, 2014, 11:00:29
I cannot correct you in any way because my answer is: I don't know.  :|

We can only speculate.

Yes, it is well possible that at some level a retrieval is much more healing of a person.

Many APers also 'retrieved' aspects - even of themselves. We are multidimensional beings, so this might be a kind of healing if you retrieve some personality aspects that came about ("split off"?) by a kind of trauma or problem and thereby heal them.

I had some experiences of this kind of "healing-retrieval" myself, one also with a little validation of sorts: I 'retrieved' or "helped" a former friend whom I saw in a slim state although I always remember him as an obese guy, he was NEVER slim, so this already was a strange and unfamiliar sight of him. I had not seen this guy for 20 years or so. Only later (!!!) another friend who is still in contact after all those years with him told me about him: He is often very sick and chronically ill. And that he therefore lost weight considerably!  :-o

I had helped him in a kind of delirious state with him wandering about aimlessly and quite lost in the city of your common childhood. The delirious state indeed seems to have hinted to s.o. rather more ill than dead. I then connected him to another friend of him from that time (who passed us) and that one then led him away (home) in a caring way. It had all patterns of a 'retrieval' including the connecting with a guide, but it might rather have been a healing of sorts. As far as I know he is still alive or at least was alive at the time I did the 'retrieval/healing'. Maybe there is not much difference between these two regarding the process and intent (both is being of service to s.o. else who got 'lost' in some way).

In other retrievals I just took the person's hands and counted down in order to 'shift' reaching out with my other hand above me and then the light set in, that is when the experience always ends for me. I do not know if that was a soul retrieval helping them home (into the light) or just another way of helping an alive being out of a state of coma/delirium/confusion by always 'giving them some kind of (en)light(enment)' about their situation. Again: I don't know.

Be that as it may have been, it is always a good feeling to have helped s.o., even if it wasn't 'real' but a simulation, which I don't know either. I suspect there is some 'realness' however in the sense that I really dealt with another soul or an aspect of it.

Interesting. I'm sort of starting to understand these better, but still trying to piece it together. I've ran across a concept of Frank's that I believe has something to do with this. It's the concept of people being stuck in "emotional loops" in the Astral. Frank describes people that die sometimes end up projecting their emotions into a continual loop on the astral for hundreds of years. On page 169 of the pdf Frank says,
QuoteWith many of them the emotional-lock could so very easily be undone: if they would just stop for a moment and observe just one little aspect about what they are doing. But they go on missing it by a whisker, each time. So the loop, or spiral, continues.

I thought everyone had the same process in death from reading many NDE's. Meeting "The Light" seeing their life review, etc. So do these people go about their business after all of this death process is over and then proceed to create an emotional loop for themselves unknowingly? Last question (I'm chalk-full of them, I know). Is this what "retrievals are? Going into people's emotional loops and/or fear projections that they are stuck in and don't realize it, and helping them to get out? Because I can imagine wanting to do retrievals on many of my highly-religious family members who will no doubt be stuck in the "Christian Heaven" on the BST for quite a long time.
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep; because my dreams are bursting at the seams.


Wow retrievals are so amazing! It really all seems pretty deep, how you could help someone in that way. Must be very difficult at times, figuring out what to do, I know when your trying to help someone in the physical sometimes it seems impossible to do anything for them. Having the desire to help them, but at the same time getting dragged down with them. I can't imagine how it is in the non-physical.

I was wondering, can people ask to have soul retrievals done on themselves? Or would a person who knows about soul retrievals and know enough to to ask to have one done even need one in the first place?


Quote from: Ellury on May 26, 2014, 00:43:47
Wow retrievals are so amazing! It really all seems pretty deep, how you could help someone in that way. Must be very difficult at times, figuring out what to do, I know when your trying to help someone in the physical sometimes it seems impossible to do anything for them. Having the desire to help them, but at the same time getting dragged down with them. I can't imagine how it is in the non-physical.

I was wondering, can people ask to have soul retrievals done on themselves? Or would a person who knows about soul retrievals and know enough to to ask to have one done even need one in the first place?

The basic issue is that when anyone asks for help, it is provided. Sometimes I get help when I don;t even know I need it. There is really a variety of needs that anyone can have and also a variety of abilities that a helper could use. It's a job that is done by volunteers and so if you available, willing and have the abilities, you can do the work. That's all it takes.
It's all a dream
Light passing by on the screen


I would definitely be willing, but I know I don't have the ability. I mean, I'm in no position to help anyone, but I have a desire to help people. There's just the part of me that .. really does care about people and hurts to see people fight and suffer. When someone is pouring out their feelings to me, I want so badly to be able to do the right thing for them to cheer them up. I don't know why I feel so emotional about this. Everything I've been reading in this thread has just been tugging at my heart... maybe it's because I know I've been the cause of messing up someones life because I couldn't get past my own feelings.


I wish someday I am able to help some people move on too, but I may have to fight some fears first and not to mention enhancing my abilities.

Two nights ago I had an interesting regular dream though. A guy I know in real life was doing something very dangerous, I was at the roof of a big building and I have a fear of heights but he was playing on the edge of the building. I firmly told him to stop because that was a very dangerous thing to do but then he kept going back because his little sister followed his behaviour and now was maybe trying to end her life? This ended with me getting her in a corner with her brother by her side and trying to convice her not to do that, both of them were crying, I got the sense in that moment that she had a very difficult life and was abused by her mother, so I told her it was difficult but she had to move on and she wasn't alone etc. Then when I felt it was ok I just softly caressed her head and woke up.

I don't think this was something real but perhaps a test to my intent/natural reaction? Who knows, when it happened I just felt I absolutely had to act. I'm confident some day I will get to help for real.
Certain things you just gotta know to experience. Certain things you just gotta experience to know.


Ellury & Micael,

Honestly, what I'm reading in both of your dreams and experiences, you are already beginning the sometimes subtle and sometimes not so subtle, testing of your willingness and capacity to work in various modes such as Retrievals. Be open to the possibilities.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


That's great news EV, I'd love to help and it would make me very happy for various different reasons. I'll keep practicing.  :-)
Certain things you just gotta know to experience. Certain things you just gotta experience to know.


Really? That is pretty exciting! : )


Quote from: Micael on May 26, 2014, 02:53:59
I wish someday I am able to help some people move on too, but I may have to fight some fears first and not to mention enhancing my abilities.
Quote from: Ellury on May 26, 2014, 02:35:02
I would definitely be willing, but I know I don't have the ability. I mean, I'm in no position to help anyone, but I have a desire to help people.

The first step is dealing with your own blocks, whether they are fears or other things. You first have to be able to get to that place where you can help, that's the biggest hurdle. The higher you can raise your energy level/frequency the more you can do. Many times when I am helped in the AP, the helpers just touch me and that does it. 

I have only met someone one time who I feel needed help, but he couldn't reach out. He seemed very frightened and was in a hurry to leave after I started talking to him. He was a religious man who had an accent from the southern U.S. It seemed like I had gone back in time and I explained about how we have the internet where I am from and that I would look him up when I got back. I got his name which was a very unusual name. I could only find one reference to anyone with his name when I looked him up. It was a guy who had died about 3 years ago. He was from the southern U.S. Hoping I run into him again and can offer help if he is willing. 
It's all a dream
Light passing by on the screen


I do hope you guys have the chance to do retrievals. It's a busy afterlife and help is always required.  These experiences are crystal clear and have a different feel to dreaming or AP.
You know some details at the start and instinctively follow YOUR way of doing what's required.
They can be quite grand at times once familiar with a good number of experiences. To start it's typically a one on one and never above your capability to do the job.
You'll understand my motto, 'failiure is not an option'. It has a new meaning in retrievals that's hardly apparent in the physical. I hope you're free of most fears and your emotional side is ready for waking to new experiences.
The inner strength you'll already possess and the care is obvious from your posts.
The roof experience may have been a test.
If it had a sort of FEEL to it after the experience you'd have noticed the difference from typical dreams in the overall ambience.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: deepspace on May 26, 2014, 05:13:50
The first step is dealing with your own blocks, whether they are fears or other things. You first have to be able to get to that place where you can help, that's the biggest hurdle. The higher you can raise your energy level/frequency the more you can do. Many times when I am helped in the AP, the helpers just touch me and that does it. 

I have only met someone one time who I feel needed help, but he couldn't reach out. He seemed very frightened and was in a hurry to leave after I started talking to him. He was a religious man who had an accent from the southern U.S. It seemed like I had gone back in time and I explained about how we have the internet where I am from and that I would look him up when I got back. I got his name which was a very unusual name. I could only find one reference to anyone with his name when I looked him up. It was a guy who had died about 3 years ago. He was from the southern U.S. Hoping I run into him again and can offer help if he is willing. 

That's a great verification deepspace, what are the odds. Hope he gets out of his own fright.

I know that eventually I will get there because spirituality, meaning, going within and growing up is pretty much my life. I could go as far as saying that at some point spirituality was more my father and mother than my actual parents.  :-P

Quote from: Szaxx on May 26, 2014, 05:47:48
I do hope you guys have the chance to do retrievals. It's a busy afterlife and help is always required.  These experiences are crystal clear and have a different feel to dreaming or AP.
You know some details at the start and instinctively follow YOUR way of doing what's required.
They can be quite grand at times once familiar with a good number of experiences. To start it's typically a one on one and never above your capability to do the job.
You'll understand my motto, 'failiure is not an option'. It has a new meaning in retrievals that's hardly apparent in the physical. I hope you're free of most fears and your emotional side is ready for waking to new experiences.
The inner strength you'll already possess and the care is obvious from your posts.
The roof experience may have been a test.
If it had a sort of FEEL to it after the experience you'd have noticed the difference from typical dreams in the overall ambience.

Well I did have a feeling after the experience so much so that I couldn't sleep afterwards but I figure that could've been my interpretation... It was a pretty vivid dream also but nowadays my dreams generally happen like that because I'm heavily building my recall, the situation also seemed to progress from regular dream content. Either way I know I can do this, I just need my expanded awareness and a chance from our buddies 'up there'.  :-)

Certain things you just gotta know to experience. Certain things you just gotta experience to know.


So, I often see people on here say something about coincidences not be a coincidence, or something to that effect. Well I think I get the jest of that when I say "what a coincidence" I would dream about an Academy that has students being tested (for what I don't know) and little orbs following them around giving them tasks to do... Is this what you guys were talking about training and tests? I logged the dream in my dream journal. I mean whatever that dream was that I had, I want to go back and get started on my tests and outsmart that orb!


I can't say whether or not retrievals are a good idea for some who are just beginning their explorations. This really just depends on how easily you accept the non physical reality and the skills you develop. Since I went the lone wolf path for so many years, I missed out on so many opportunities simply because I did not recognize what was happening. Sure, I had mastered flying, I was competent in telepathy but rarely relied on it, and I had a high success rate in achieving projections. The thing is, I just didn't know that their was any other purpost to all this other than to just really screw with my mind and make me develop a new reality paradigm.

This all changed quickly when I joined the Pulse and became exposed to the idea of retrievals. The thought of doing one instantly resonated with me. It was very long before I had my first one. I failed the first go around and wasn't aware that failure wasn't an option. You have to get the job done, you just do. So you will eventually return to the same retrieval after you have had time to reflect and gain further skills or at least, better awareness of your situation.

The feeling that you have failed can be very emotionally draining. You can also become easily obsessive over it and play it over and over in your waking mind. This can be both good and bad.

You can't force a retrieval to be your destination but when you are ready and you want to do one, the universe will respond. Someone can have years of dealing with these yet they may not possess the particular mindset or skills needed to get the job done in certain situations so sometimes a newbie may be called in for the job.

Their is also no greater feeling than knowing you have help someone or at least a part of someone break the torturous cycle they have been trapped in. I recommend that anyone who is interested in doing one, to give it a shot. After all, failure is not an option and you will return once you have gained further insight.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


I'm pretty excited to just get out there and meet other beings, to learn, to explore, etc. Anything I am needed for once I get to astral, I'll be willing to help and give it everything I got. I don't like failing. I feel bad letting people down, so it drives me to do my best.

Right now, all I have is my dreams, so I'll just put more effort into paying attention to whats going on in them! I feel like maybe I'm missing something from them. I dream a lot, and I mean a lot. What I post isn't even half of what I dream in a night, it's just soooo much that I usually forget a lot of details. Something right now is just telling me to pay more attention to my dreams, so I'll listen to that instinct.

There's just so much I am looking forward too, especially the meeting other beings. I generally like people and really enjoy getting to know them. I like you guys a lot! I'm in a bubbly mood right now lol.


Let's bump this one with another.
I became aware walking along the left hand side of a road which was made of limestone chippings, it was a wide single track road. On my left a high wall, a main road on the other side of it by the noise of the traffic I could hear. Across the dirt track road was a field of rough ground and grass, this was visible between the large bushes that were growing along the other side of the road. It was winter as patches of snow lay around in frosty clumps on the field and dirty blotches along the roadside. It crunched beneath my feet as I walked towards a darker forested area in front of me a hundred meters or so. I heard the sound of a heavy truck behind me. I turned and saw an old design from way back and turned forwards again. Looking into the distance I saw a small barrier and a couple of armed guards waiting. The truck stopped a
In front of me around 30 feet or so. The  container on the back moved and sniffles were heard from within. I decided to look inside. Climbing up the side of this solid machine I lifted the tarpaurlin cover to see a small group of sorry looking people. They looked battered and were very cold, I asked them ,,"You OK?"
They replied in a language I don't know so I used telepathy discreetly. One of the group lay on the floor and wasn't moving. I knew this one was dead, I checked anyway to find a barely warm neck with no pulse. I was then stared at by the group, one gripping her mouth as tears filled her eyes. I couldn't stand the pain I was feeling so decided to push the boat out on this one and take whatever consequences came my way. (I absolutely hate that feeling of loss, it drives a cold blade through me from times gone by and there's none of it going to happen here).
Something clicked inside me and I tried the other side of the dead ones neck. Instantly delivering heat, I brought life back into this one. His dreams were of the tunnel and seeing someone in white meeting him was where I intervened. I left the tearful girl with him in her arms and disconnected from him and opened up to the group as a whole. They had escaped some 'government action' that would have had them sent to some workhouse or camp somewhere where they wouldn't be seen again. They left quickly taking only themselves. They were cold and hungry. I entered the drivers mind and found he had a good amount of food for his long journey. I choose take his food making him believe he had left it behind. I opened the door slightly so the guards didn't see me and he gave me the food bag he brought, a vacant look on his face.
He then searched for some paperwork, I slipped the food into the back of the truck after finding a small notebook and removing it. The food was soon devoured. I left the stowaways where they were and hitched a ride on a large footplate that was conveniently there.
The driver set off for the barrier and the armed guards came out walking the few feet to the driver once he stopped. They spoke German and the driver pushed papers at them saying nothing. One of the guards walked around the truck bashing the rear container asking what's inside. The driver shouted something neither of us understood. The guard then jumped when he saw me standing on the footplate. Gun in my face, he called his oppo who came around from the front of the truck. They asked me what's in the back, I told them its full of workers going to hell, in broken German. I entered their minds now and convinced them to lower the guns as I was going to pay them lots of money as a bribe. They conformed to my wishes and I supplied them with lots of notes they saw as cash. I previously tore up the notebook. They lifted the barrier and we all set off. Once clear from the guards, I jumped off and woke up.

Another success, I originally wanted to visit Europa. Not WW2 Europe. There's a few million miles out of sync here...
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Like you told me once Szaxx, we don't always get the experience we expect, but sometimes a related experience we may need (or someone else may need, in this case). Nice work.

Europa versus interesting mine, your Guides have an interesting sense of the ironic.

Was there something under the ice of Europa you were looking for?

I could also mention the gravel drive, but that was maybe more a humorous reminder for me, I somehow think...funny guys... :-D

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Mincing words again lol.
It seems every time I've tried this trip it ends in a retrieval. Short and interesting, it keeps the general theme of difficult communications operating. It was very easy this time.
Europa is one moon I've been interested in for a while. The ice will be quite thick and something beneath is maintaining a magnetic field that's not the core. It has to be conductive. I'm not too sure if its ion based or ferro-metal based. Its most likely ionic, too many pointers push this direction. As for life, it's possible, one question I have is, how much life is there in our dead sea?
I'm not sure if a visit was made in '69.
I traveled everywhere, sound is a clue, something noisy keeps coming back like a hint of a reminder.
Maybe I'll get my chance and beat the probe they're sending. Hot news if I'm successful, going off Saturn's ring system.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


 Last night I listened to William Bulman's most recent seminar found here.
In it he spoke of the Monroe Lifeline Program. The lifeline Program has to do with Robert Monroe's Focus 23, where people go to help souls that are stuck. I don't have the funds or the time right now to go to for the 5 day/6 night Lifeline program, but have always been open to be a "Invisible Helper". This is a term that was penned by an incredible lady named Annie Bessant. You can find out more about her and her research in this fantastic video by Kurt Leland. So, I wanted to create my own technique to achieve my goal. Here's a quick rundown of the Focus levels for anyone that wants to know more about them:

I have 3 goals that I have always strived to achieve in my practice of non physical/other realm exploration. I say other realm because I find many areas of the Astral that are just as physical as this one.
Goal #1 is to be an Invisible Helper to any Humans or entities that may need assistance in this realm or any others.
Goal #2 is to learn how to heal myself, so that I can take that teaching and heal others in need
Goal #3 is to remember what I once knew and unlock my full potential

It has been a while now since I have had a full on, with total recall actual Retrieval. I have had experiences whereas I was aiding someone, but then I "clicked out" and lost my awareness on what was occurring. In other words I didn't consciously see it through. Other times I would be right in the middle of a Retrieval and then I would get distracted and it would be gone.

Last night I laid down to relax. I felt the feeling of depth coming on, so I decided to try and find this Focus 23 area. I am sure that because of the thousands and more people that have focused on this area, that there had to be a "real"/actual Focus 23 zone somewhere in the Astral. So I began creating Doorways as I do in this practice here:

I started asking my Doorway questions, but nothing happened. I just kept noticing the darkness before my eyes. I was about to give up when all of a sudden I saw a small wooden sign on my right hand side saying "Focus 23 ahead". I then felt movement. I was moving forward. There were other signs along the way similar to the first one that were stating that I was on the right path. Then I came to a wooden door with a glass window. It looked like to regular office door. On the glass was printed in black lettering "Focus 23". I opened the door and saw a room with some chairs lined down the side. I then sensed, I can't say heard a bellowing voice saying "Sit down and someone will be will you shortly". Like I said, it wasn't an oral voice, it was more inside of my head. Likely telepathy.

There was no one else in the room. All the chairs were empty. It looked like a regular Doctor's office, but with no magazines, lol. There was though a wall that was solid black and looked like glass. The only opening in it was the same small opening that you see in bulletproof glass. Just enough room to get your hand through.

I sat there for what seemed like an eternity. I contemplated why I was there and figured that this waiting had to be some kind of test in patience. I did feel like my thoughts were being sucked out of my brain though. It was like I was being drilled on why I wanted to help others. What my motives for coming here were.

Finally something happened. The glass wall disappeared and I was looking at a escalator that was loaded with people, but they looked more like just the forms/shapes of people. The escalator was moving upwards. All of a sudden I saw someone fall off the side. They plummeted to the ground. I quickly thought myself over to that location and saw that the fallen soul was a young boy. He had to be about 6 years old. He was in tears and I went to comfort him. I asked him what his name was, the thought came back Richard. I then asked him if he knew where he was, the answer was no. Okay, now I knew I had to do something. But what? I thought about it for a minute and asked him what his favorite thing to do was. What he enjoyed, hobby wise. He sent the thought back "boats". I then asked him how he would like to go on a boat and meet some new friends. He stopped crying and sent the answer yes to me. A boat immediately materialized beside us. We got on and the next thing I know we are docking. That was weird, I don't even recall the trip there. It was like we were almost instantly there. There just happened to be a kid's paradise. There was swings, money bars, kids everywhere. The 2 adults that had docked us told us telepathically to follow them. So we did. We were walking down a street and came upon a large white building, akin to a Hospital. I told Richard that he needed to go "check in". Richard then gave me a hug and went with the 2 adults up the stairs and into the building.

I then turned my focus back to my physical body and smiled. It feels so good inside when you can help others. Not only is healing for them, but it's healing for myself as well.  

Thank You for listening!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


The lead up to the assessment area or room in your case was a nice touch. My way ones were in the void and progressed to a myriad of locations, a few in the formless environments rarely travelled in.
That feeling of having your thoughts sucked out of your brain is the assessment. I found this intrusive method indescribable and knew what was occurring, it wasn't controllable in any way. I knew I could have stopped it but then no further experience would have ensued. Later I found out how to do it without the indivual/s even knowing I was 'in there'. I have posted this in 'Oily' a group retrieval of sorts. It's the initial stages of learning how to imprint info to and from others.
That voice booming inside your head without a sound takes some getting use to lol. It's telepathy and a method of communication used in many finer environments, this is also the sole method in the formless environments.
The percieved location would have not been threatening in any way, it would have had an authorative appeal. I'd guess the empty chairs were symbolic of your personal preference. A room full of individuals may have been challenging or even discouraging. The long wait while you contemplated your desires sufficed. The test, passed with flying colours led you to an experience. The thoughts you had needed to fit in with what the brain drain gave as some kind of feedback to suitability. I've had this many times, unlike you though, I had to wait weeks before been sent on a retrieval. Then many more followed almost nightly.
While you were in your experience, can you recall absolutely everything about your physical life? I've often found a great deal of these memories temporarily erased until some progress has been made in the adventure.
Clever thinking on getting the young ones thoughts off the fall. I'd also guess this was looping over and over for him. The boat ride is his need, its irrelevant for you and typically no recall of the trip exists.
You delivered the boy into safe hands so he could heal. You also entered the transitional or hospital zone where many go with issues upon death. I normally deliver to a white light behind an open doorway with the guide or family of those being rescued. Most often I put them where they need to be and phase back. The fuss of gratitude is nice but I'd  rather get on with another retrieval.
Top marks for being assessed and sent in one go. I hope you get more.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


 Thank You for your reply Szaxx. I agree with everything you said there. I have found telepathy to be the chosen mode of communication in these areas. I could have quoted individual parts of what you said here to break them down further, but instead I decided to just say "I agree" and then I wanted to handle your question separately.

Quote from: Szaxx on August 21, 2015, 23:33:33
While you were in your experience, can you recall absolutely everything about your physical life? I've often found a great deal of these memories temporarily erased until some progress has been made in the adventure.
I didn't try to recall anything. I wanted to keep my focus entirely on the scene at hand in fear of losing focus again. I find in my LDs though a lot of my memories have been erased. Many times I just live the scenario while fully consciously aware of my actions, but never coming to the realization that my physical body is sleeping peacefully in my bed. What would you call that a half-way LD, lol? I am Lucid as in having full awareness of the scenario at hand and am a active participant in it.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I've done a number of TMI programs, including Lifeline, and your experience resonates strongly. It seems to me that you had guidance right there with you whether it was visible or not given the nature of the way everything fell neatly into place and suddenly you were docking - which evidently was focus 27. The hospital and the park being the big giveaway.

I would say in future ones (which tend to be harder as guidance gives you more of a challenge), you can always mentally ask guidance what to do and they will assist in some way. It's clear they took you up to 27 in this one. It might be worth trying to start off in focus 27 as well when you intend to do a retrieval. That way when you make the trip to 23 you know how it feels making it easier to move back to. 27 without guidance. If you do decide to start in 27 it's also good to have an anchor point. At lifeline you are encouraged to create a special place so when in 23 you can easily bring people back up by thinking of your special place( I have a jetty on a small lake in a forest). Also, I think starting in 27 you are more like to visually have a guide with you (rather than invisible in the background) because 27 is a gathering point of such individuals.


Quote from: Lumaza on August 22, 2015, 05:05:12

I didn't try to recall anything. I wanted to keep my focus entirely on the scene at hand in fear of losing focus again.
I find in my LDs though a lot of my memories have been erased. Many times I just live the scenario while fully consciously aware of my actions, but never coming to the realization that my physical body is sleeping peacefully in my bed.
What would you call that a half-way LD, lol? I am Lucid as in having full awareness of the scenario at hand and am a active participant in it.
Having a choice relies upon the actual knowledge being present. As you said and as I have found countless times, this full physical awareness of all memories etc is rarely present. You're within a scenario and are the personality you represent ( with extras), in what you automatically deem as the reality you live in. There are exceptions where your awareness tells you instantly. These tend towards the tests of your mettle or psychological limits.
The proposition you're in is always solveable but how you do this isn't. By successful completion of many of these your challenging experiences can push you beyond what you thought was your limits.
A perfect example was my New Jericho large scale retrieval already posted. I can still recall the initial scene like it was yesterday, there's many physical world experiences that fail in this level of recall.

I hope you are given more of these challenges, obviously in increasing complexity.
The  various F levels are interesting in they define a broad spectrum of similar environments, I still am unsure on the borders of these. The comment on things progressing in difficulty is so true.
You can't get enough of them lol.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: floriferous on August 22, 2015, 06:53:41
I've done a number of TMI programs, including Lifeline, and your experience resonates strongly. It seems to me that you had guidance right there with you whether it was visible or not given the nature of the way everything fell neatly into place and suddenly you were docking - which evidently was focus 27. The hospital and the park being the big giveaway.

I would say in future ones (which tend to be harder as guidance gives you more of a challenge), you can always mentally ask guidance what to do and they will assist in some way. It's clear they took you up to 27 in this one. It might be worth trying to start off in focus 27 as well when you intend to do a retrieval. That way when you make the trip to 23 you know how it feels making it easier to move back to. 27 without guidance. If you do decide to start in 27 it's also good to have an anchor point. At lifeline you are encouraged to create a special place so when in 23 you can easily bring people back up by thinking of your special place( I have a jetty on a small lake in a forest). Also, I think starting in 27 you are more like to visually have a guide with you (rather than invisible in the background) because 27 is a gathering point of such individuals.
Thank You for your reply Floriferous. I was hoping you would have read this and had some helpful tips. A trip to the Monroe Institute some day is still on my "Bucket List".

I have seen the white building, aka Hospital in other Retrievals I have had as well. It's like I always end up there sooner or later in the process. After a while my Retrievals seemed to get few and far between. At least the consciously aware ones. I think I may have still continued, since it's my main goal, undergoing them on a subconscious level. Starting in Focus 27 and backtracking does seem like a good idea as well.

I never really got much into focusing on Focus Levels in the past. I guess I thought for some reason that there wasn't actual areas such as these and that we were just creating them ourselves. But when you have a "real" Retrieval and end up at this Focus 27 location, especially it being what other people say they experience, (without you knowing ahead of time), you just know that there is something to this. Once again, seeing is believing.

I have always had a "gathering point" in the other realms. It's actually more of a launching pad I use. It's been my tranquil Island beach retreat, but I never looked at it as a gathering point for Focus 27 and Retrievals. That's a handy tip there!  :wink:

Last year a Medical condition knocked me out of whack. It made it so just meditating was a challenge. For a while I just gave up my daily practice and just relied on my nightly LD for my exploration. But my LDs always led to a completely different area then my conscious APs were. I see them both as NP explorations. But they seem to have their own "playgrounds" per say. It's almost like a completely different plane from one another. But as I said, they are both considered non physical or "other realm" I like to say experiences.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Szaxx on August 22, 2015, 15:52:04
I hope you are given more of these challenges, obviously in increasing complexity.
Challenges, challenges and even more challenges. The other realms are full of them, lol. I see it as their method of communicating with us. What better way to learn something, then seeing and coming to the realization for yourself.

QuoteThe  various F levels are interesting in they define a broad spectrum of similar environments, I still am unsure on the borders of these. The comment on things progressing in difficulty is so true.
You can't get enough of them lol.
As I stated above, I used to think these Focus levels were a thing of myth. Sure I had read Frank Kepple's posts and Robert Monroe's books, but it seems in the end that's what they concluded as well. But now I see that because so many people have focused on these individuals levels that something tangible has been created. My Island retreat is almost a mirror of the Astral Pulse Island. Of course there's a Pyramid on my as well. I have always been fascinated by those, as you already know. But I use this area often as my launching pad or I will just be relaxing, take a glance around and see something new there that I haven't created. This leads to my next adventure.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla