Souly for Retrievals!

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Up until the final three days this course at TMI had felt like a frustrating bust- No sleep and nothing but purple color tours with very little visuals to claim any reference to. I had gotten almost nothing the other 18 class members were sharing; nearly everybody was reporting positive results. On some level, I did realize that something personal, something special to me was energetic, maybe spiritual change...maybe it was just my hopeful imagination...I was very tired and very despondent.

But even within this frustration, I had to admit that I had still received more than glimpses of F27 and the Reception Center, the Park and the Healing and Rejuvenation Center (the Hospital). It wasn't as much as I had hoped for, but it was something substantial enough that I could pursue, that I might validate to my satisfaction.

Day Four put me into F27 and I felt that I actually entered the HR Center and asked for healing for myself. I experienced an old dream of healing that I had originally rejected and this time, with a clearer understanding, I allowed it to complete: the 'veggie-chopper'.

Day Five, I did my first retrieval, the one with the soldier.

Day Six, the final day, I did three sessions, the first was a re-visit to the Healing Center where I underwent another 'blending' kind of healing process, similar to the veggie chopper. During this session, I also received the idea that F23 also includes areas known as Purgatory and what I have come to understand as as the Badlands. Maybe 'post-Hell areas'?

The next session I tried to contact a friend who had passed six years ago (just to check on her) but was again unsuccessful; but came away with the feeling that she was okay. I then went into the retrieval of the woman who had been buried while still aware (last retrieval posted in this thread).

The final afternoon session turned out to be my most complex situation of the week. Most TMI sessions are around 45 minutes, maybe as short as thirty or as long as an hour, it varies...and as a participant, you can't really tell. I went to my 'resort' in F27, then flew over to the Park and once given permission to descend for a retrieval, I did.

I materialized 1500 feet over a desert and I 'felt' I was over the was an endless desert and way down below me was what I guess a Bedouin man wandering lost in the desert. I floated down near him and he barely took notice of me as he struggled along. I floated a few inches above the sand and paced along with him. I finally said hello and he acknowledged me almost begrudgingly. I asked, are you doing okay? And he said, yes, I am managing...

I offered my help and he refused. I asked why? And he said because I don't know if you are a devil or an angel. I thought about my appearance and just how I was presenting myself; I think I made an intention to 'brighten' myself but that was all; I did not want to misrepresent myself. I said to him that I am a person just like you but I am here with the ability to help you. He said that makes no sense, you are either one or the other, an angel or a devil. I said I won't pretend to you that I am an angel, I am not...but I am also not a devil. If I was a devil, would I just not take you now?!

He looked at me and said if you are not a devil or an angel then you are just a mirage and I am mad. I said that I am not a mirage and not a devil and not an angel, but maybe a friend who can help you out of this situation. He questioned, How do I know you are not a mirage? I said, because I KNOW that I am not a mirage...or a devil...

He said, How do I know you are what you say you are and not madness of my mind? I responded, You don't know...but at some point, you will have to trust.

This conversation went on for what seemed like the whole 45 minutes, if not what felt like hours, honestly it felt like an incredibly long time...I finally left him in silence and floated along with him as he wandered. I said, You notice that I leave no footprints? He said, Yes I clearly see that.

I poked a few questions which clearly aggravated him: How many weeks, months or years have you been out here? (He couldn't recall how long) Isn't it interesting that, in all this wandering, you have never come across your own footprints? (That irritated him) When was the last time you had a drink of water? A man couldn't go for much more than a day out here without water, you would just die...has it been weeks or months? (that seemed to have finally set the realization within him).

The Hemi-Sync Return Signal had sounded, a kind of low volume clarion/foghorn that brings about a certain recognition of place within the environment and also signals the return instructions that will follow; the session was coming to an end. I felt the need to quicken the pace or I might lose this whole scenario. I started to float away and upward from my Bedouin companion. He sensed this and implored me, where are you going? I said that it was time for me to leave and he needed to make a decision; I added that if he was not ready then I or another would become available to him when he was ready. This produced a definite response and he reached toward me and I took his hand. I said to him, Look, it can't be any worse than where you are right now. And he agreed. Holding his hand, we lifted off the sand and his eyes we rose higher I could tell the Physical Reality symptoms were leaving him: the tiredness, the hunger, the all of these physical issues left him, he became lighter and more free. I felt good and in control as we moved towards F27 where I would drop him off.

But that's not what happened. If I had indeed picked him up in F23...we still had to move through and beyond the Belief System Territories of F24/25/26...the BST's...not a problem for me, but what about him?

That had not been an issue for me...until now. As we rose up from F23, I felt a strong grip with his hand. Heading for 27, I was surprised when I felt the loss of his grip somewhere around F24/25...he fell off and disappeared somewhere below...

After all this effort and expectation, I was just a little frustrated...what had happened?! The realization did not occur to me instantly, so I re-scripted the event... I was back in F23 hauling him back up by the hand, and I held on even tighter, with more determination...and he still let go and fell off in 24/25...and I could not stop it...

So I did it again! I re-scripted...held his hand, gripped it even tighter, put more determination and Intent into it...I was gonna get this man into F27...and as we rose higher through the frequencies...he fell off somewhere into F24/25...I just could not stop it.

The realization finally hit ME! This man had gone to where he needed to go, not where I thought he needed to go.

I came down to the debriefing late and sat in silence with twenty other people describing their experiences...and in absolute wonderment...and a certain degree of bewilderment at what I had just experienced.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Ur at TMI right now EV? Does TMI purposefully keep you tired so you are constantly on the fringe of theta brainwaves? What classes did you take? I definitely wanna check it out some day.


Fantastic retrieval experience, EV.

So my conclusion would be: It can be about helping the deceased people climbing further up the ladder which does not mean that they necessarily reach the top of it so fast or with one jump so to speak.

I checked the Focus Levels again and if I am right he was then attracted to some kind of religious BST then according to his beliefs in his past life?

QuoteFocus 24 – The site of non-physical activity generated by simple or primitive religious or cultural beliefs.

Focus 25 – The expression of the major organized religious beliefs in recent human history.

So you helped him move on/up anyway. Just from his own astral 'badland' (or hell) to F24/25. He wasn't ready and able to go higher (nearer to his original home / Source). But he might be better off now in a BST and can move on from there 'later at another time'.


 EV, I second Volergle's comment here. "What a fantastic Retrieval experience", with such great memory recall as well!

All I can say is that this further validates my past comments about "expecting the unexpected". Just when you thought you knew the "rule's"/lay of the land", it changes.

It looks like your "Retrievee" needed to be "slow rolled". He wasn't quite ready to move to the end of the process, which could also be known as his "new beginning". That would be so cool if you were called on in the future to help him move onto his next step. That you could retrieve him once again. You already know him, so the "trust factor" is there.  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Windwalker- No, I am not currently at TMI. My retrieval experiences were from January 2019 at the Lifeline course. TMI feeds you three times a day with great food and there is plenty of time to sleep, so no, they don't force you to stay awake, lol. My lack of sleep was purely my problem and you may be right in that my Higher self (?) was keeping me near that Theta state or breaking down my resistance in some way. It felt like that much of the time...or maybe I just have a sleep disorder, lol. If you ever get the chance to go, I highly recommend it! TMI is great people teaching great courses resulting in transformative experiences!

Volgerle- Thank you and I think you are right. For me, Retrieval is just about getting people unstuck from wherever they are, which is often a confused after-death state. As for the BST's, something about the frequencies of the various levels resonating with different people naturally draws them to those Focus levels. TMI advises us that this may happen during a retrieval and to just trust that the person went to where they needed to go; it just caught me by surprise when it happened.

Thank you Lumaza!
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


EV...Sounds like you had a great experience at TMI.  I have read books with authors describing their experiences they had at TMI and they sounded very familiar to yours such as starting off slowly with not much happening and than what seems to be some sort of breakthrough or transformation that takes place near the end...Awesome!  Maybe I will read your book someday or have I already???   :-)
The Adventure Continues...


What a beautiful experience that was EV! You and your retrievee learned something valuable. Your recall is fantastic and I totally agree with Volgerle. He went where he needed to go.

I'm guessing you initially felt like you had failed but you know better now.

For some inexplicable reason I feel excited after reading your post, like maybe something just got answered for me as well.


 Last week I listened to a fantastic Radio interview featuring a man named Father Nathan Castle. For 25 years now he has helped over 250 people/souls that died suddenly due to traumatic events, adjust to their current afterlife. As being a "Man of the Cloth", he "perceives" this through the grace of God, which means his descriptions will contain a lot of religious overtones. That didn't bother me though, I always maintain a open mind to new teachings, regardless of where they come from.
After hearing that 2 hour interview on the radio, I went to look his name up on YouTube and enjoyed all of his material there.

I perceive what I do via Retrievals in a different way then Father Nathan, but we each share the same goals though.

Here is a link to his website. I'm sure you will find him fascinating, like I did.

For even more videos interviews by him, you can search his name on Youtube.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Interesting find. There is also a book as I found out by (very) quick search.
"Afterlife, Interrupted: Helping Stuck Souls Cross Over—A Catholic Priest Explores the Interrupted Death Experience"

You can read his forword in the preview. Good that he says he does not want to teach catholic doctrines or convert anyone. Interesting man indeed. He does not seem to use AP though in a traditional way, does he? He says they seek him out in dreams but then he also seems to converse with them clairvoyant/audiently in waking state, as far as I see it from the first chapter. Here it is:


Quote from: Volgerle on July 21, 2019, 11:59:29
Interesting find. There is also a book as I found out by (very) quick search.
"Afterlife, Interrupted: Helping Stuck Souls Cross Over—A Catholic Priest Explores the Interrupted Death Experience"

You can read his forword in the preview. Good that he says he does not want to teach catholic doctrines or convert anyone. Interesting man indeed. He does not seem to use AP though in a traditional way, does he? He says they seek him out in dreams but then he also seems to converse with them clairvoyant/audiently in waking state, as far as I see it from the first chapter. Here it is:
He spoke quite a bit about this book in his interviews as well.

I sent him a email. We will see if he responds. I have some questions for him. He not only constantly helps those in need in the "NP", he also does it here on a daily basis in this physical realm. I was reading some of his experiences on is website. He went to Oklahoma to aid in the recovery of that devastating Tornado there. He also went to Joplin, MO to aid in their Tornado devastation. He is a true "Saint" at heart!  :-) 8-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I read through this thread with interest. What you guys are describing and call "retrievals" we in the shaman world call it psychopomp work - helping people cross over after they die. What we call "soul retrievals" is bringing back lost soul parts for people who are still alive! Thank you for these descriptions =)


Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on July 02, 2020, 03:47:52
I read through this thread with interest. What you guys are describing and call "retrievals" we in the shaman world call it psychopomp work - helping people cross over after they die. What we call "soul retrievals" is bringing back lost soul parts for people who are still alive! Thank you for these descriptions =)
I was curious about what you were going to say when or if you read this thread. Once again, similarities!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on July 02, 2020, 03:54:33

I was curious about what you were going to say when or if you read this thread. Once again, similarities!  :-)

Yes! I am so curious if my AP experiences will eventually tie in with my shamanic journeys. Time will tell. Thank goodness I take such detailed notes!


I find it a bit  :cry: that in this thread about 'human' astral soul rescue nothing has been posted for over 2 (!!) years.

Time to change that now.  :wink:

Question to all of you experienced travellers: Has anyone in the 'meantime' had any new retrieval situations in the astral you'd like to share? Mine were rather missing due to an all-time AP low and physical life crises with 'grounding' effects, although I renewed my 'vow' to go for retrieval work next year again.

I am still writing on the book about it (started years ago!) which is almost finished and am still 'collecting' accounts to quote in it with links to the original posts if they are on the internet or reference to the literature.

So far I have around 45 or so accounts (including a few of mine). Quite a lot already.

Anyway, if anyone of you has sth new for me to add I'm grateful.  :wink:

Moreover, by coincidence (or not?) yesterday I came across this talk between Juergen Ziewe and an experienced astral retrieval worker named Mike Marable which I found interesting.

QuoteThis is part three of our discussions  between Mike and myself regarding our Astral Journeys. This time in our chat we put emphasis on the much lower Astral levels, the twilight areas, where the energy is low and people are often desperate to move on, though not knowing how. This is where Astral helpers come in. Mike explains how he goes about his job as a soul retriever. We are discussing how minor shifts in consciousness and focus on metaphors or beacons of light in the lower regions can open worm holes into a higher dimension. It is not always straight forward rescuing people as they can sometime be a drain on the rescuer, if they are not prepared.



Quote from: Volgerle on December 10, 2022, 14:36:50
I find it a bit  :cry: that in this thread about 'human' astral soul rescue nothing has been posted for over 2 (!!) years.

Time to change that now.  :wink:

Question to all of you experienced travellers: Has anyone in the 'meantime' had any new retrieval situations in the astral you'd like to share? Mine were rather missing due to an all-time AP low and physical life crises with 'grounding' effects, although I renewed my 'vow' to go for retrieval work next year again.

I am still writing on the book about it (started years ago!) which is almost finished and am still 'collecting' accounts to quote in it with links to the original posts if they are on the internet or reference to the literature.

So far I have around 45 or so accounts (including a few of mine). Quite a lot already.

Anyway, if anyone of you has sth new for me to add I'm grateful.  :wink:

Moreover, by coincidence (or not?) yesterday I came across this talk between Juergen Ziewe and an experienced astral retrieval worker named Mike Marable which I found interesting.

Not anyone :?

Seems this forum is all about the hype on ETs these days but not for helping former fellow humans?

Not that I love the ET topic too. I do and had my experiences with them (astrally).

Just thought that s.o. of the experienced and still continuously projecting members (unlike me) had a kind of helping experience with stuck humans 'in the meantime'?

Seems the 'dead' retrieval topic is really 'dead' now, quite literally.  :wink:


I think there has been a shift, whether on the astral level or in perceptions I can't say. I have not felt called to a retrieval in quite some time. My work now is more personally focused. I can't speak for others but I personally feel the retrieval work is done.


I've had many vivid dreams with on and off awareness in the past few months that involve helping on a mass level. I often have others with me that team up to help the mass consciousness. Before it was more helping individuals that are stuck during APs, but now it has shifted, at least for me. During APs I take control of my experiences and usually I explore based on personal desires. At times I get redirected by some unknown force during APs to help, but that hasn't happened in a while.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Very interesting. Yeah, Possibly it's really a shift that happened. It could well be that we are not called upon this activity with individuals at the moment anymore as often as it used to be.

Thanks you for the feedback, Nameless and Lightbeam.


A kind of 'sequential' retrieval from 2 days ago with a guide appearing (at first) ...

Saving A Girl From Being Bullied At A Railway Station

After exit with some struggle I stood before a door as expected and waited instead of going through myself (which was the initial plan to use a door portal to meet my Retrieval Team from the other side).
I did not have to wait a long time though. A tall young lady appeared. She had blonde hair and was at least two heads taller than me it seemed. She introduced herself as being from a Nordic (Scandinavian) country. When I asked her name she somehow denied the answer or did not react to it.
Instead she said we have not much time, only 15 minutes or so or that she is only available in 15 minutes for a longer talk with me.
Anyhow, so she explains to me almost in passing that we have to go first to the railway station because that is where the children often are who need help. This first confuses me because I cannot understand why children might die at railway stations so often (remembering my retrieval with the drowned kids at the seaside or lake which made more sense to me since little kids drowning happens more often than kids being run over by a train at a station).
Of course, so I join her on her quest and strangely we do not arrive at a kind of railway station first but somehow in the staircase area of a multi-storey highrise building as it seems.
She does not use the stairs or an elevator though, but kind of signals me to do the same as she does: Jump over the banister down below and then in free fall grab a banister again below when you have passed 2 or 3 levels. And then repeat it downwards until you reach the ground level. That seems the fastest method to go down indeed.
I am not shocked at all since I am ,trained' to do similar things from dream simulations. So we both jump down Tarzan or Kamikaze style and grab some banisters in between stopping, hanging for a while and then letting to in free fall going lower again. There are many levels indeed.
I asssume that there is a kind of metro / subway / ,Tube' station in the basement of this skyscraper building when we reach our destination, the ground. However, before we reach our target down below I feel my vision is going away and I fade out. I still have time to say sorry to the guide lady but then I am out fast.

Later (Part 2 of the retrieval event if you will) I have dreams about the metro (,Tube') in London and at one point get lucid again while I am really in a kind of subway or railway station.
I instantly remember my mission and look out for a child not wasting any time.
I see a little girl crouched on the floor against a wall and she is being bullied by a bigger male kid (or more, not remembered) with something being thrown at or held against her (don't know what it was).
I chase the ,bad' kid(s) away easily and take her by the hand and together we go to the next station platform.
I remember my mission of doing some kind of handover but I see no ,guide' or light source or whatever. On the station platform a train enters and we look at it and she remarks how beautiful it is.
I grab the little girl to lift her up and then enter the train carrying her, hoping to find the guide (maybe the tall Nordic lady again) inside to take the kid further ,up' (the train probably leading to Focus 27?).
This does not happen however while the train starts to move out of the station. I look at her and suddenly ,she' is no longer there but I kind of hold an empty transparent shade of her in my left arm like a kid sized plastic puppet.
Then again the projection / dream ends and I fade out of the scene quite disappointed again.

My analysis:

There is a lot of metaphor in this which is interesting in both parts of the event. In detail:
The guide was very ,tall' and I was told already years ago in forums that in dreams or projections guides often appear this way if they appear as humans, sometimes they are a head or more taller than you. I found this information to be correct in many of my own dreams or projections since then.
Another hint is when she said she is ,Nordic' and the North might also indicate her higher origin from ,up there' (maybe from the F27 Reception Centre area?).
She was also quite business-minded getting down to action immediately not wasting any ,time' (I assume she was knowing that ,my' - not her – time is limited for this kind of activity before I fade out). I believe that the retriever guides are this way, always focussed on their job and to get it done with our without our help. The retrievee comes first, not the retriever helper!
Our way jumping ,down' in that high building's staircase to the station also signifies the astral levels. Maybe we really started at the ,reception centre' area in Focus 27 (although I am not sure where I started but it was a lighted and thus 'higher' place) only to then descend to the Focus 23 or 22 area to fetch a child from ,down' there.
The railway station that confused me first might actually signify a place (or state of being) to be retrieved from indeed. You often first have to wait for the train to take you elsewhere (probably better), there's lots of travellers in waiting areas at stations.
The child(ren) themselves might still be caught in their own imagination or F2 dreamscape and not even take notice of the station, just like the harassed child was. Maybe that was the trauma it suffered most from in its short life life or was it even the cause of its death?
The train we entered was then maybe the ,portal' going moving her ,up' again to Focus 27. When I made her aware of it she then 'saw' it and commented how beautiful it was. That was maybe the decisive moment already: Noticing the 'portal', the transport system or even a guide?
The empty shade I held after boarding the train was maybe a sign that she then already had moved onwards and hopefully upwards. So already showing her the train or entering it with her did the trick.
Maybe it was a success after all?


 Volgerle, I have to thank you for not only your sharing here, but the desire you have to make retrievals a part of your life. You don't always have to be consciously aware to have retrievals. Once you choose that path, it becomes a part of you.

In the video link below, Kurt Leland talks about Annie Bessant and the name she gave for those that wish to help in NPRs. She called them "Invisible helpers". Once you choose that path and are also "accepted into it", you find that it becomes a part of who you are. In Kurt's Leland, he further breaks down the "characteristics" and the "purpose" of those that choose this path.

I have not posted in this thread for a while now. A few days ago I was perusing our Forum here and the Souly for Retrieval thread caught my eye. I have to apologize Volgerle, I didn't see your post above with the video link to the conversation between Jurgen Ziewe and Mike Marable. Since I have seen that, I have written a personal email to Mike. I hope he responds. I had a few questions that I think he could clear up for me. I especially enjoyed Mike's talk about the "lights" and that the lights/orbs act as "portals". Many times, I follow the light or orb to get "there". But rarely are they used to complete a task and set the Retrievee free, so they can move onto their next path. In my Retrievals, I can utilize any form or can create any atmosphere, simulation or scenario that is necessary to accomplish whatever has to be done. I just can't decide or force the Retrievee's decision to move on. During the Retrievals, it is normally their nightmares and torment that I am in though. That is why we find so many of these experiences in dark and dreary environments. The only happiness in them is when the person finally decides to moves on. That moment is filled with elation!  :-)

Your recent experience for some reason seems really similar to a experience I had last night. After seeing your post with the video link into it, you renewed my passion for having "conscious Retrievals" again. I know I never stopped. I even found a way to further the Invisible Helper concept. I do it here in the physical as well. My Art is based on it. Every Crystal Amplifier I create, (a Crystal Amplifier being my wire wrap tree designs), I focus on the intent to amplify the owner's positive thoughts, wishes and desires. The trees are twisted copper (conductor). I then mount the roots onto a Quartz Crystal cluster (energy source), then onto a piece of driftwood, all awhile focusing on my intent.

Anyways, back to your experience above and how it kind of helped me to understand the weirdness of my own experience. My experience involved children as well. After it though, there were things that didn't make any sense. As it is, that didn't matter now. It did when I was "living" it though and that is all that's important.

Long story short. My experience involved some kind of accident that left a vehicle submerged in the dirt. Underground is kind of akin to the "subway", tube or train station you spoke of. The vessel I was helping the kids out of may have been a train itself. When I cleared the dirt, I saw that the seats had collapsed onto each other. Now here is the part that did not make sense. The seating was stacked, and I had to remove a layer of the seating before I could save a child. "Layers" seem to be a familiar feel while in a Retrieval experience.
I saved the first child, he had a bit of blood on him, then I began removing the layers of steel that were between the next child. Each time I removed a layer, I saw the child there was in worse condition then the last one. Pretty soon, it seemed like I was now rolling the stuck metal out of the damaged vehicle, just like one would with rolling a hospital bed. It seemed like a "gurney"/stretcher of sorts.  I continued until I either completed the task or lost conscious awareness while doing it. I am a bit foggy on the ending though.

On another note. I have to apologize for not continually posting here in this thread. Since I have chosen the path of being a "Invisible Helper", I experience a number of retrievals, in all different shapes and forms. I don't want to post here about them every day. I feel that continually posting my retrieval experiences to be like bragging. That's the way I feel. I know others don't agree with that. But I also see and feel the frustration over the years here on people that have wanted to learn how to and experience Retrievals, yet for some reason have been kind of blocked from learning it. It showed in a lot of Ginny's threads here on Retrievals when she posted about her own experiences. She was really adept with Retrievals.  It just goes to further the problems that were recently spoke about in a thread on the Pulse and that is "experience envy". It really is a thing. I have had many PMs from members here over the years where they shared their frustrations.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


A very interesting retrieval Volgerle! Thank you for sharing this at such a necessary time; we all could use a reminder of the truly helpful work that is always open to us.

I think your recollection and interpretation is probably 100% correct. I would like to add a few ideas.

There are, indeed, many times, SO much metaphor is involved and I wonder that it is not just our individual way of interpreting the energies at work in the moment, but also metaphorical forms our guides may utilize in order to acclimate us to the situation of the person being well as the probable metaphorical energy and situation of the retrievee herself (in this case). This is all energy, after all; energy structures that are widely variable, it seems. So, is part of the magic that a guide brings to the event the ability to match the metaphorical cognitive ability of a certain the natural metaphorical tendency and situation of the other words, matching the receiver to the sender? Projectors such as ourselves are brought into retrievals because we carry an energy marker that only still existant beings carry, and that apparently is enough to catch the attention of those somewhat recently deceased and still too closely focused on the Physical Realm. Otherwise, the guides wouldn't need us; they would just perform the retrieval themselves. But also, it might be a good training ground for us, as well. So, the reasons we are brought in likely vary.

The metaphor of the underground subway or train station is fairly common for the more experienced. It is the natural departure point to other areas of the Non-Physical. Kurt Leland describes it often in his books and I have read of it in many others' narratives. In my own experiences, I've not so much gotten the subway but often find myself on a bus or train, going somewhere. Eventually the idea sank in and has become a lucid trigger for me. The fact that you found the girl in a sort of subway station tells me she was likely recently deceased and at the point of departure, but somehow menaced and bullied by some kind of private, personal hell. Your appearance with your PR energy marker was enough for her to instantly clear her confusion and recognize the reality of the transit system right in front of her and to move on. It can happen that quickly and cleanly.

The descent through the levels and the guide suggesting you grab a bannister every few floors struck me as very interesting. Whether it was from F27 down to F22 in Monroe-speak, we can quibble about; I think the retrieval was likely in F23...but the descent required you to move down in terms of frequency and I think the guide was warning you that it would be a strain on your maintaining awareness. Therefore, the idea in a very metaphorical sense, was to visualize it as descending floors in a building and reaching out to grab hold of a bannister and pause for a few moments to re-establish your awareness as you moved downward. This is similar to the idea of maintaining awareness in a RTZ OBE by grabbing hold of something physical to steady yourself; in the astral, it is more directly about taking a moment to readjust/stabilize to the new frequency. My question is: Why wouldn't a guide just tell you this in a straightforward manner, why cloak it in such metaphor? Many of us have had these moments. My guess is that it is all part of the teaching and learning...learning in unusual and unforgettable ways...and maybe a little fun for our guides thrown in. lol

So, it appears that your awareness did fade out, maybe due to the rapid you learn the hard way what the guide was warning about...maybe it was meant to happen that, later in the night, you get another crack at the situation when your consciousness is better situated, and you complete the mission successfully...Nicely done! What a cool experience!
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: Lumaza on April 16, 2023, 13:58:55
I have to apologize for not continually posting here in this thread. Since I have chosen the path of being a "Invisible Helper", I experience a number of retrievals, in all different shapes and forms. I don't want to post here about them every day. I feel that continually posting my retrieval experiences to be like bragging. That's the way I feel. I know others don't agree with that. But I also see and feel the frustration over the years here on people that have wanted to learn how to and experience Retrievals, yet for some reason have been kind of blocked from learning it. It showed in a lot of Ginny's threads here on Retrievals when she posted about her own experiences. She was really adept with Retrievals.  It just goes to further the problems that were recently spoke about in a thread on the Pulse and that is "experience envy". It really is a thing. I have had many PMs from members here over the years where they shared their frustrations.
I would welcome you posting here some of your retrieval experiences again.
I understand, yes, there is 'frustration' if one has not the same (amount of) experiences, especially for beginner projectors. I was often frustrated myself, especially when I had months of dryness. I still do and I am even now not 'out' very often to do something of value. So this is why I was happy about this recent projection.
However, I would not call this frustration 'envy', it's a bit of a hard word for this. This would almost literally mean to 'begrudge' somebody these experiences. I do not believe that people here do this. At least not in my case. Actually, I often feel inspired and motivated by other accounts (retrievals or not).
Moreover, as you might already well know - and I posted it here and on PMs too - I am ... still ... (LOL) writing a book on Retrievals which will be an ebook available on Amazon & other outlets via a self-publisher but I might make it available for free. It will be very 'comprehensive' and touch many aspects and sub- and super-topics and also projection techniques for people who have no experience with AP at all. Also lots of literature references and quotes of course (I have a bit of an academic background so I cannot do without this, lol).
Also therefore, as you might see, I love collecting old and 'fresh' authentic retrieval accounts to include them in part or full with quotes and links to the original post on blogs, websites or forums (or reference the literature if it's from books). It's something similar I did years ago with the 'validations' - see my signature below, just in book form.
Now so far, I have already found over 40 retrieval accounts from different sources including here, plus adding my own. So as you can see, I have another 'selfish' motive why I'd be very happy if you posted further examples here in this thread (and everyone else here of course!).


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on April 16, 2023, 23:08:52
A very interesting retrieval Volgerle! Thank you for sharing this at such a necessary time; we all could use a reminder of the truly helpful work that is always open to us.

I think your recollection and interpretation is probably 100% correct. I would like to add a few ideas.

There are, indeed, many times, SO much metaphor is involved and I wonder that it is not just our individual way of interpreting the energies at work in the moment, but also metaphorical forms our guides may utilize in order to acclimate us to the situation of the person being well as the probable metaphorical energy and situation of the retrievee herself (in this case). This is all energy, after all; energy structures that are widely variable, it seems. So, is part of the magic that a guide brings to the event the ability to match the metaphorical cognitive ability of a certain the natural metaphorical tendency and situation of the other words, matching the receiver to the sender? Projectors such as ourselves are brought into retrievals because we carry an energy marker that only still existant beings carry, and that apparently is enough to catch the attention of those somewhat recently deceased and still too closely focused on the Physical Realm. Otherwise, the guides wouldn't need us; they would just perform the retrieval themselves. But also, it might be a good training ground for us, as well. So, the reasons we are brought in likely vary.

The metaphor of the underground subway or train station is fairly common for the more experienced. It is the natural departure point to other areas of the Non-Physical. Kurt Leland describes it often in his books and I have read of it in many others' narratives. In my own experiences, I've not so much gotten the subway but often find myself on a bus or train, going somewhere. Eventually the idea sank in and has become a lucid trigger for me. The fact that you found the girl in a sort of subway station tells me she was likely recently deceased and at the point of departure, but somehow menaced and bullied by some kind of private, personal hell. Your appearance with your PR energy marker was enough for her to instantly clear her confusion and recognize the reality of the transit system right in front of her and to move on. It can happen that quickly and cleanly.

The descent through the levels and the guide suggesting you grab a bannister every few floors struck me as very interesting. Whether it was from F27 down to F22 in Monroe-speak, we can quibble about; I think the retrieval was likely in F23...but the descent required you to move down in terms of frequency and I think the guide was warning you that it would be a strain on your maintaining awareness. Therefore, the idea in a very metaphorical sense, was to visualize it as descending floors in a building and reaching out to grab hold of a bannister and pause for a few moments to re-establish your awareness as you moved downward. This is similar to the idea of maintaining awareness in a RTZ OBE by grabbing hold of something physical to steady yourself; in the astral, it is more directly about taking a moment to readjust/stabilize to the new frequency. My question is: Why wouldn't a guide just tell you this in a straightforward manner, why cloak it in such metaphor? Many of us have had these moments. My guess is that it is all part of the teaching and learning...learning in unusual and unforgettable ways...and maybe a little fun for our guides thrown in. lol

So, it appears that your awareness did fade out, maybe due to the rapid you learn the hard way what the guide was warning about...maybe it was meant to happen that, later in the night, you get another crack at the situation when your consciousness is better situated, and you complete the mission successfully...Nicely done! What a cool experience!
Thanks, EV, for your great feedback, always appreciated.

Love the idea with the stabilizing onto each level/frequency. That makes a lot of sense.
I also remember the train station metaphor from one of Leeland's books indeed.

I will go on posting my next retrievals here since I feel there is more 'in store' now. Well, at least I hope so.


I think everyone that comes to this thread will appreciate this video that I came across today while perusing Youtube. The problem is not all the souls that pass are ready to see what this man did. Many souls are so terrified and confused that they find it hard to move on. That is why "Retrievals" are necessary. Many times, they are victims of severe abuse or trauma and just find themselves stuck in their own personal "Hells". Once they agree and "choose" to move on, they can join and "be" the "light" once again.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I love his story! Especially the part where the light told him to loosen up. He worries about things that don't matter in a long run. That resonates with me. Just play, have fun in the game and choose happiness and love. Don't take life so seriously.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow