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Hey everybody!
       This weekend, I'm pretty certain I experienced my first projection! I think it could be argued it was more of a LD but let me just recount my experiences and you guys can be the judges (:

           It was around 4 am last saturday, I was in my bed asleep and suddenly I awoke but I didn't feel groggy or anything like I usually do. I felt like 75-80% conscious and I was overwhelmed by SUPER intense vibrations. Robert Monroe has described the vibrations as more of an electric shock surging through your body minus the pain which is EXACTLY how I would describe the sensation. I realized this was a shot at finally projecting so I began to accept the vibrations and let them flow through my body. I then instinctively did this thing I've been able to do since I was like 10. It would probably take me a good bit of writing to explain it in great detail but to put simplistically: I can activate the sensation of surprise or shock through my body but I can prolong it and make it last as long as I want. If anyone is curious about this, i'll post a separate forum somewhere else on here about it. Anyway, whatever that was... it made everything about 10 times more intense for me. I could FEEL my astral body; I just couldn't move it. I tried to rollout, move my arms, etc but nothing worked. I then started to visualize my arms outstretched in front of me because I've read this is the action to take when you can't separate. My goal location was in the room I was sleeping in.

      So, the visualizations began as two little yellowish blurs in the blackness of my eyes. Slowly I could see them turning into my actual hands. It's difficult to explain what they looked like but I would best describe it as green outlines of a flowing current of energy. I could see my *hands* between the outlines but it wasn't as bright as the perimeters. Anyway, these became extremely vivid to the point where they were *real*, and I started to see a room in front of me. At this point, I was flashing in and out from this room to my close eyelids and it was EXTREMELY intense for me. I kept focusing on being in that room and eventually I was literally there. Everything was green. The only color I could see was green but I remember it being a very detailed view. I was in what seemed like a house's computer room. I can't put my finger on specifically where or who's house it was but it was extremely familiar for some reason. I was there for about 3 seconds and it was all just so real it shocked me. I could hear the background noise of the room and feel the weight of an entirely new state of being overwhelming my senses. This threw my back into my body.

       At first, I was like pshh that was a dream but the more and more I analyze it I have concluded this was basically a conscious projection. I'm still having difficulty getting anywhere near this stage with my fully awoken consciousness. I'm just really stoked it happened! The only special thing that happened that night was I had a very intense and nearly lucid dream but throughout the dream I was focusing on projecting. If anyone is curious, I'll give a full account of the dream because I really do feel this had something to do with waking up later and experiencing all this.

I feel like this was a major step in my journey and I just want to thank everyone for the support!


Congratz keep up te good work  8-)



NoY, Do you think it was legit? In your opinion.





wow..i m still waiting for my first conscious projection..:P....nice work buddy!. :lol:


My advice to you and to all:
    Practice all the time but before you go to sleep, try to focus on lucid dreaming. Most people argue dreams are just projections and if that's the case, lucid dreaming will likely improve the relationship between your awoken consciousness and your second body. Never read that anywhere but it has worked for me! Best of luck, friend!



The first couple times I projected I left my body and felt like a blob of energy plopping around my house I could see things in grey tones, I didn't know how to control myself an didn't realize what was going on- I was probably 13. after that I would wake up floating on my ceiling- I didn't realize it was my astral form- thought it was my physical body- I was soo freaked out and couldn't tell anyone because they would think I was crazy. Try to do a little more everytime- try to just get up and walk around and look around- things get super cool once you learn how to manipulate your form... and once you get good you can even shape shift.