tips on how to detach the mind from the physical

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Hello guys, how are you?

I mentioned in my first post that I had set only one goal for myself and I've been focusing on it ever since, the goal is: reach the void state (or the 3D blackness, however you'd like to call it) and I think I'm having some great progress. I've been keeping a diary and I'll list all the things I think that were important so far

I can easily make my body feel numb to some extent.
Previously I would take very very long to ignore any physical sensation (itches, discomfort etc), but now I can do that pretty easily and relatively quickly, I'd say that around 7 to 10 minutes I'm able to not feel most of my body. Firstly I'd put some Yoga Nidra to help me with that,  but now I don't need it anymore  8-)

I'm able to focus more on the blackness behind my eyes
Before I couldn't focus too much and would easily fall asleep, right now I still struggle with sleeping accidentally, but it takes way more time than before so I keep my focus for longer

I had some significant symptoms
Sometimes I'd feel my heartbeat increase and that would snap me from the relaxed state and yesterday I had the same feeling of falling from somewhere and my body shuddered and I opened my eyes, just like it happens when you dream you're falling, you know? But I was 100% awake, just a bit distracted of course, but definitely awake. I read somewhere that those can be symptoms of being close to the void state so I think that was some great progress.

I started to see some "plasmas"
while staring at the blackness
When I focus on one point of the blackness, that's great to keep me distracted for longer.

Those were the things I think that were more important to me in my opinion, I can easily achieve all of these things now in practically every attempt. I've been doing the phasing method that Xanth posted a long time ago and it was, so far, the only method that helped me to achieve such progress. I have a "routine" now where I keep persisting on those methods that granted me those great results, but my only problem now is: I can't seem to detach from the physical world at all.
Even when I'm distracted and focused on my meditation I still have those thoughts on the back of my mind like "I have a body, I have a name, I'm in my room, I'm laying on my bed" and I think that this is the only thing that is holding me to reach the void state so far. Like I just feel very relaxed and numb, but I don't feel detached AT ALL, so after awhile I just become bored or too tired to keep going.
Any tips on how I can detach from the physical world and become just pure consciousness?

Thank you 🙏🏻🖤


Quote from: alterdive on March 07, 2024, 09:53:33Any tips on how I can detach from the physical world and become just pure consciousness?
Hello Alterdive.

 You are setting the stage, per se. Now you need to look beyond the veil. Everything you have said above shows that you are at the Doorway. Now you need to find a way to go through it. Years ago, I created this thread here to do just that. It is called "the Doorway" and is based on keeping your physical mind busy until the "natural" shift in consciousness occurs. The Doorway technique has evolved quite a bit in the years since.

 Today I still utilize it when I do my "Phase soaks". A Phase soak is basically a Phase session while lying in my bathtub. It only takes a few initial "rituals" to prime the pump and get the process going. One of those is just simply running the water for the bath. I found the key for me at least is in consistency. Having certain "rituals" that do every time prepares your consciousness for NPR activity, before you have even closed your eyes.

 The Doorway technique is based on utilizing simple "geometric shapes, colors and even Mantras". These create "mental associations" that will jump start the visual portion of your journeys.

 I found it difficult to just turn the mind off or should I say "monkey mind" off while I Phased. So, I created more of "pro-active" approach. It has and still does work well today for not only myself, but many other people as well.!/the-doorway/
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on March 07, 2024, 13:01:55The Doorway technique is based on utilizing simple "geometric shapes, colors and even Mantras". These create "mental associations" that will jump start the visual portion of your journeys.

 I found it difficult to just turn the mind off or should I say "monkey mind" off while I Phased. So, I created more of "pro-active" approach. It has and still does work well today for not only myself, but many other people as well.!/the-doorway/

Thank you so much for your answer Lumaza. I'll definitely try this tonight and see what it'll happen. I'll come back with an update soon