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Unknown experience

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This is one of my early NPE, which I listed in journal as Unknown experience.

I tried the direct approach and got the sensation of floating, I was floating in grey mist and didn't have a body, in the mist I saw a man walking up ahead below me. Slowly I float and enter into his head (like a ghost, maybe I was), and look through his eyes. I was in some corridor with a lot of doors and benches, there were a lot of people waiting to enter in these doors. A man on the right asked me if I also waiting for this door. I am answering him that I just passing by. I move ahead and went to end of the corridor. A man come out from last room and I enter. It was a big office with two desks, a woman from the left desk asked me if I'm next and I said yes. Then she responds that my documents are all good and I am ready to go 'Up', in that moment the woman from the right desk call me and asked me why I want to go 'Up' so badly. I just give her a stare look and wondered what was happening here. At that moment I hear a loud voice and opened my eyes, it was my mom. She was asking me to get up already, but I closed my eyes again pretending I am sleeping. To my wonder I was in the same spot and the woman from the right still waiting for my response. I started to wonder what was that state of mind and tried to change my location, like making a teleport out of the close man-size mirror. But it didn't work and now both women were waiting for the response I didn't have. I get frustrated and open my eyes again and got out of bed.

The weirdest thing here was that I wasn't asleep and I have been hearing the conversation of mom and brother on the phone in my room.