First lucid dream...mean anything?

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This is what first got me looking into astral projection.I fell asleep one night about 2 months ago and found myself walking around in the woods that were across the street from my old house in NJ. The way the woods were was much different then it was when I lived there. It looked like it was changed for people to play paint ball. Fallen trees with white splatters all over them and bunkers every here and there. I figured this was because alot of people did play painball in those woods including me and its been about 2 and a half years sense Ive been there so it could be different.

Now I can't quite remember who all was with me but there were at least 4-7 people running around with me. This is where I started to become aware that I was in a dream. The thing that really made me realize that I was having a lucid dream was the fact that when these white wolf type creatures starting chasing us, It wasn't like they were trying to kill us or anything. I could almost feel a strange connection to these creatures But it was scary to see these things. So jumped to get out of the way of one and was amazed to see that I had taken flight about 8' in the air and was floating slowly down. During the time I was froze in disbelieve and floated back down to the ground.

After a moment another wolf came at me from the side and I gathered my wits back and lept up to the top of one of the pine trees that was near by. While I was up there I noticed this video camera or webcam type thing resting in the trees pointing down at the place were we were surprised. As I looked down I could see a few people still running around with the wolfs. It was almost like they were playing and not in a struggle for life or death. Right after that I hopped over to another tree top and found another camera sitting there.....

I can't really remember anything beyond that point. All in all it was enough to prove to me that the astral does truly exist. I had never read or hear one word pretanding to lucid dreaming or astral projection before I had this dream.

After reading tons and talking to many people it got me thinking that those wolf creatures were some kind of spirit or being that was trying to (wake) us up from our dream and let us realize that there is more to life... .I dunno...Any input?


Hi freemind

Can't say I have any ideas about the wolf creatures, but that was a great experience.

I've experienced all sort of animals during my experiences, even some that weren't quite "normal" (but not deformed, just different).

How wonderful to jump out of the way and find yourself defying gravity!!

Good on you.

We all find nonsenses to believe in; it's part of being alive.