white glowing orb thing

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My understanding is that it could be you seeing with astral sight and that being astral wild life or possibly the infamous orb spirit.  I've also heard of people seeing something like this and knowing some how it was their crown chakra so they visualize putting it on there head and bam they're out of body.  I don't really know which of these it is so the time you see it you'll probably be deep enough to think to it if there is no reply try putting it on your head in a visualization.  If there is a reply it's most likely a spirit orb (I dunno if these are even real or not but if you get a reply from it chances they are.)  If you don't get a reply and you get no OBE when you put it on your head then it's probably astral wildlife.  And of course if you do OBE from putting it on your head than it's probably your crown chakra.  Hope that helps.


Originally posted by runlola

...what is the infamous orb spirit?  

The orb spirit is supposedly a person's soul who's on the astral planes in the form of an orb.  
Originally posted by runlola

If it is astral wildlife should it be so close to me?  I can only see it when I open my eyes during deep meditation.  Sometimes it is 6 inches from my face...sometimes it is 10 inches from my heart & larger.

Well there is astral wildlife like that which will suck energy kind of like an astral mosquito or leech which I have heard of that look like a "white whirring thing" if I rightly remember.  I read it in Robert Bruce's article about astral wildlife on the main page.
Originally posted by runlola

Could I just be seeing my chakra? Whenever I try to OBE but I get really scared & pull back. [:I]

I did say that it could be your chakra didn't I?
-> Checking post.
Yup I did.[:P]
But seriously if you meant actually seeing your chakra I think the crown chakra is the white one and I don't think that it would be over the heart plus chakras aren't visable as orbs even with energy sight they would probably be barely visible jolts of electricity.  At least that's my understanding (my understanding is the chakras are nerve clusters which produce energy as we all no nerves do this so of course that would explain energy given from them.  That's just my understanding though so correct me if I'm wrong.)


I see this pulsating white light quite often. First time I remember seeing it as a very young child.. but then for many years it was gone, maybe 10 or more.. This year when I have started meditating it has appeared again. Even when I just go to lie down my bed and relax & close my eyes, the light appears, when my eyes are closed. It's swirling and moving around, there are many of them too, they fill my field of vision. Sometimes lights appears when my eyes are open too - in this case they appear at the borders of my vision field (periferal vision).

Some texts on meditation that I've read suggest that these white lights are the first experiences for meditators, in future you should expect starting to see more, for example different colors of lights etc. That is, if you continue your meditative practices steadily.

I must say that I don't hold any beliefs to what this light actually is (chakra / spirit / etc). It might be just a hallucination. But I find it interesting and the last thing I would hope is for it to go away. I hope that by studying these kind of phenomenon I'm going to learn something valuable. [:)]