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Making Contact- Alan Steinfeld

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Give it 4 out of 5 stars

This book is a series of essays by recognized authors in the field. It is well-written and expresses several (I would say) slightly cutting-edge viewpoints. Like LightBeam mentioned a few posts ago, over the last fifty years, there has been a significant disconnect between ET encounter/experiences and Non-Physical/OB/Spiritual experiences...those studying either phenomenon apparently refuse to admit to even consider, much less discuss the other side's perspective.

You watch a dozen Ancient Alien episodes and you get almost nothing of the spiritual quality or possibility of the spiritual experiences...they are always an afterthought, whereas most discussions I have listened to from the spiritual perspective readily admit the likelihood of the ET involvement and a dovetail coming together of the perspectives at some point.

This book actually crosses that divide. The Grant Cameron piece is great! The Linda Moulten Howe is pretty good. John Mack, Whitley Strieber, Henriette Weeks, Dr.s Hurtak, Darryl Anka, Caroline Cory...all very good with subtle insights to share. I especially enjoyed Grant Cameron's 'Theory of Wow' which describes how, over the last hundred years UFO/ET encounters have progressed in both numbers of individuals contacted but also an unquestionable and increasing number of 'public' displays such as the mass sightings in Hudson Valley, NY in the 1980's, the Phoenix Lights of 1997, and the appearance of crop circles for the entire world to witness. Other topics delve into multi-dimensionality, telepathy, hybridization, etcetera.

First published in 2021, this book makes new tracks into the little explored territory of reconciling experiences within both the ET and Spiritual worlds; a fine effort and worth reading...not much else is out there that attempts the discussion.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


I haven't read this book but it sounds interesting, especially for someone who is not familiar with the stories of many of the contributors. A compilation like this should give anyone an opportunity to string together new insights to what's really going on in our reality as we know it.

May our highest Spirit always guide us in these encounters whether physical, NP or other.