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The Ringing Cedars Series

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I would be interested to hear others opinions on these books. You can learn about them at,


Have you read them owl? I ordered the first three from Amazon and I'm still waiting on their arrival. What did you think?


Hi summersolstice, yes I have read all the books. I was fascinated with them and couldn't put them down. I plan on reading them again this spring when I can read outside, I read them back in December and kind of rushed through them the first time. What ever or who ever Anastasia is I believe she has vast amounts of knowledge and wisdom. There are some things in the books that I have a hard time accepting as real or possible but I may wrong.

I think anyone who feels a connection with nature would enjoy these books. Also the explanations she gives on such things as the pyramids, stone henge, aliens and many other things really blew my mind.

Anyway, I think a lot of people here would enjoy the books. Please let me know your thoughts once you read them. There are allready Anastasia workshops going on in the US right now and in Russia there is a major Anastasia movement.



Thanks, I'll be watching my mailbox!


Owl, I received my copies of the first three books in the series and I just finished the first, Anastasia, last night. I liked the book very much and I sincerely want to believe in the existence of Anastasia but, like you, I feel that some or the claims made in the book are a little difficult to believe.

I really don't think the effects this book has had on people are that much different than those of Thoreau's Walden Pond, or the "back to the earth" movement of the late 60s. I know I was swept up in the movement after reading Walden and being exposed to The Whole Earth Catalog, Stephen Gaskin's The Farm concept in Tennessee, and communal living in general. After experiencing the hardships inherent in such a lifestyle I quickly fell away from it though I didn't give up the dream that such a lifestyle was possible. I think this book has introduced, and reintroduced, a lot of people to the idea.

I've read some accounts that claim the author made everything up and other claims that say the author is merely trying to protect Anastasia's privacy. As she's quoted a saying in the book, "I exist for those whom I exist".

Whether she exists or not, the book has apparently sparked a primal urge in a lot of people who aren't happy with their overly complicated lives and who are longing for something simpler and better for themselves and their children. They see that technology and industry have brought us pollution, over crowding, and materialism and have moved us away from our spiritual natures. I have to say that I agree. 


Summersolstice, I'm glad you like the books. For me there there are a lot of things in the books that fit well with many of the Native American teachings that I have learned about. I think, (feel) there is definitely some higher source of energy involved in the creation of the books. I'm not convinced that the author was capable of making up such a story, but there are also things that I just can not believe. I have experience in wilderness survival and one thing that really bothered me was the the author never talks about how Anastasia survives the long Siberian winters. I know that in a survival situation if you do not eat meat you will die. You would also have to use skins to make warm enough clothes. In the books Anastasia is said to be capable of transporting her actual physical body to any location she chooses. May she just gets out of Siberia for the winter and spends that time in a warm location, I don't know? There are other things also that I have a hard time with.

Anyway, there is something in those books that I connected with. I am a nature lover and I am disgusted with what we humans have done to this planet. Since I was a small boy I have always wanted to live off the land in the wilderness.

I will be planting my gardens soon and I am going to try some of things Anastasia suggests. Keep in touch and let me know your thoughts after you read some more.