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Kurt Leland - Books & Astral Projection Log

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I use a grade from 0 - 10 (10 is the best/highest) on the books and documents.

The Multidimensional Human, 2010, Kurt Leland

Unordered by me so far.

Note: This book shall not be mixed up with a book, by Jürgen Ziewe, with
almost the same title.

Music and the Soul, 2004, Kurt Leland

Unordered by me so far.

The Unanswered Question, 2002, Kurt Leland

Unordered by me so far.

Otherwhere, 2001, Kurt Leland

GRADE: 8.5

This book is mostly about Leland's travels into the non-physical world. Much like
Monroe, Leland describes what he call different Zones. I think Leland's descriptions
could be seen as an alternative to the Monroe Focus Levels. I was not able to
map Leland's experiences to the various Focus Levels. Leland's non-physical world
was somehow different.

Much of the book goes about describing the Shadow Worlds: Alternate Was, Alternate Is
and Alternate Will-Be.

To my surprise Leland's experiences how an individuals personality is completely
burnt away. Only a small gold figurine is left!

I have to ponder over exactly what that could mean.

The non-physical world Leland describes is his own representation. Anyone else seeing
the same things will most likely perceive it differently. Leland uses his own words to
describe several things. He has more than one guide type and discarnates are called Shades.
Leland also introduces the concept of astral Gateways with Gatekeepers, preventing
immature individuals to enter.

The book is much about personal growth and following the higher self's master plan. At
some parts I would say that reading Leland's Astral Log was better.

Leland brings up various views on religion, specially Christianity, and how it has become twisted
over time. Leland also takes a short tour into the Afterdeath Zone of ancient Egypt which is
no longer inhabited by any discarnates.

Some criticism on the book is that it at some places uses very long sentences. At other
places Leland uses difficult wordings, so I had to re-read sentences several times.

Maybe I wanted a little more structure in the book. As it is now, Leland has tried to
make it become a travel guide. I still give it a fairly high grade because of the insights
and questions it provoked in me.

Menus for Impulsive Living, 1989, Kurt Leland

Unordered by me so far.

Astral Projection Log, 2002 - 2010, Kurt Leland

GRADE: 8.5

The Astral Projection Log can be found at no particular cost at Leland's

The Astral Projection Log is a collection of selected (?) astral experiences
that Leland has had over the years 2002 - 2009. Leland has managed to get
quite some lengthy answers from astral entites. He also gives numerous
and detailed descriptions of astral environments.

Several of Leland's Log entries have quite some depth focusing on personal
growth, dream symbols and afterlife matters. Leland meets guides and
discarnates (called Shades) on his journeys.

I'm amazed at the quality and volume of his experiences. Leland's approach
is slightly different than the Monroe school. He is influenced by
theosophical principles.

The Logs are not describing a complete astral structure in the same way as
for example Moen's books. My guess is that to get the full structure from
a Leland point of view, you'll have to read some of his books.
To aid the reader, I've picked and commented some of Leland's Log entries
in the links below:

Leland gets two important questions from a guide. I don't know where to put this
environment in terms of the Monroe Focus Levels. Could it be either F 26 or F 27?

A guide teaches Leland about BST zones and the growth of the soul.

Leland enters an Afterlife area of reflection and life evaluation. A guide
enhances Leland perceptions for the time of the experience.

Leland meets an alien (non-human) guide who deals with discarnate humans.
She explains that the high number of births on Earth gives cause to a great
inflow of incarnates from other reality systems.

Leland follows some discarnates on their Afterlife review.

Leland explains how energy healing with a crystal is done in his psychic
development classes. An astral being (a brownie) inhabits Leland's

Leland gives a great run-through of the Dream Zone's three types of dreams
and how we can learn things in dream teachings, so called Simulations.

Leland undergoes astral hospital treatment to achieve further personal growth.

A non-human guide teaches Leland about how discarnates plan and choose their
next incarnation.

Leland writes about his experience of Focus 10.

Leland listens as a guide teaches musicians in a Dream Class to aid personal growth.

A guide informs Leland that he is an oddball. Leland gets more advanced lessons
in Dreams, get to know sharing of discarnate lives, and "BST" in Dream land.
These are two important Log entries:

Leland visits the Akashic and gets a tour by a guide:

Non-physical bodies:

Happy reading. :)
Former PauliEffect (got lost on server crash),


Pauli, thanks for making a thread on Kurt. Btw, he is a very nice guy, we had some forum discussions with him on the Astraldynamics board.

I've read Otherwhere a while ago and can recommend it. Very interesting perspective.

I am now reading his most recent book mentioned above (not yet finished). In the first chapters it has some good summaries (actually the best!) on the Theosophical material and their cosmology and a very good comparison to Monroe's system and some theories of other experts. His writing style is also very good.

Moreover, it's also a great practice book. I think he has some highly valuable exercises to help getting along in the Non-physical and develop your abilities and energy bodies (in all levels / planes: astral, mental, etc.).

Pauli, if you intend to buy it and write a review on it I'm looking forward to further comment on it here and add my own perspective.

Btw, I also have acquired Ziewe's book - but not started yet.


I've updated the review after having read Otherwhere. I wonder if anyone has had experiences similar to Leland's, regarding the soul's master plan or seen any discarnate's personality been burnt away? I thought everything within a person was stored somewhere.
Former PauliEffect (got lost on server crash),


Quote from: Pauli2 on March 23, 2011, 13:12:07
I've updated the review after having read Otherwhere. I wonder if anyone has had experiences similar to Leland's, regarding the soul's master plan or seen any discarnate's personality been burnt away? I thought everything within a person was stored somewhere.
Without re-reading the passage now: isn't he just talking about the burning abway of the (egoic) illusions we have a human incarnations? I think it is just Kurt's visual and rather more symbolic rendering of the general energetic recovery and rehabilitation we get. I wouldn't take it all too literally. Newton in his books also mentions his clients talking about sth like "laserlike" lights from above which the healers use to "operate" on them for soul 'health' adjustment.


I read the Unanswered Question (along with Otherwhere, and Multidimensional Human).  

In this book Kurt Leland explores the afterlife,  crossreferencing three main ancient works- the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the works of Emanuel Swedenborg, the christian mystic, and comparing them to modern NDE reports and puts them in the framework of his own experiences and system.
I consider it to be a scholarly work, in that he does what others haven't, and is to compare the buddhist and egyptian works, and if you have ever read any work on the Egyptian book of the Dead you know how obscure and frankly, subjective it is.  He gives the excellent historical account about how the (Egyptian) 'books' came to be one book today and how they were translated and interpreted.
He also takes his experiences and describes them in  terms of the works discussed, which I found fascinating.  Many other people who read the books preferred the parts where he goes into his personal experiences, which of course are always fascinating, but my favorite parts were the descriptions of the ancient works, and how he reconciles all of them from the point of view of a projector.

I giver it two thumbs up, it's (so far) my favorite of Kurt's books.


Leland has updated his Astral Projection Log with a new year, logs from 2010. Two logs were also added to year 2007. I feel that this update deserved a revision of the review, so I've changed the grade from 8.0 to 8.5, as I felt Leland added some important info I've not read anywhere else.
Former PauliEffect (got lost on server crash),


I really want to read Otherwhere, but it is out of print and goes for almost $40 on Amazon!!!! I really liked reading his blog entries.
The Past, The Present, The Future, The Frunde


Buy his new book. It is even better than Otherwhere.


I plan on buying his new book, but I want to read his books in the order they were released first. I like chronology.

If anyone has a copy of Otherwhere they would be willing to sell to me for a reasonable price, please let me know. Thanks.
The Past, The Present, The Future, The Frunde


Mine is falling apart but I wouldn't part with it.
He is going to republish it  and it will be at a reasonable price.  I'm not sure when, but hopefully soon.


Quote from: CFTraveler on March 23, 2011, 14:19:39
I read the Unanswered Question (along with Otherwhere, and Multidimensional Human). 

In this book Kurt Leland explores the afterlife,  crossreferencing three main ancient works- the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the works of Emanuel Swedenborg, the christian mystic, and comparing them to modern NDE reports and puts them in the framework of his own experiences and system.
I consider it to be a scholarly work, in that he does what others haven't, and is to compare the buddhist and egyptian works, and if you have ever read any work on the Egyptian book of the Dead you know how obscure and frankly, subjective it is.  He gives the excellent historical account about how the (Egyptian) 'books' came to be one book today and how they were translated and interpreted.
He also takes his experiences and describes them in  terms of the works discussed, which I found fascinating.  Many other people who read the books preferred the parts where he goes into his personal experiences, which of course are always fascinating, but my favorite parts were the descriptions of the ancient works, and how he reconciles all of them from the point of view of a projector.
I give it two thumbs up, it's (so far) my favorite of Kurt's books.

To add - it seems to me that Leland's mission and contract here in this lifetime is to help map the inner planes, and also to dig out of the woodwork some of the material on this that has been lost, fallen to disuse, or poorly understood. Thus he devotes a great deal of time rooting out and republishing the theosophy writings of earlier writings.   


A noble goal, indeed.  Unfortunately, to "map" the "inner planes" seems to be quite the impossible task as I doubt you'll find many people who agree with your particular map.
In that same breath, I also understand the need to dig out the material that has been poorly understood... to which, in my opinion, is MOST of it.

People look at the non-physical in entirely the wrong perspective, and as a result, our understanding (or lack thereof) of the non-physical is sorely inadequate.  This goes for the average non-physical adventurer as much as it does for most of the scientific community.