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Anyone dream of a meeting last night (wed nite)

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heh, whenever i go lucid, i ALWAYS think other people are dreaming WITH me, its like a bad habit. i start talking to them, making them realize theyre dreaming. i know we're not all connected through dreams, but whenever i do dream, i believe this is true. its weird every time too. o well....


"Think about giving it your all today. Then think again."


Patty: How did you come to realize that they were from the board if you didn't ask their names?



We were continuing a conversation from the board. It's like the dream started in the middle of a conversation that began here. But I wasn't directly part of that conversation here - sort of like I had read part of it, and was saying something like 'did you see the thread about blah blah blah...'  and we were discussing it.

It felt familiar. It wasn't an LD, except when I looked at my hands and they melted I became lucid briefly. I started playing with what i could do with my hands (I grew an extra finger on my right hand, and then I twisted two fingers around each other by thought power.)

but it could have been just on my mind. The melting hand thing makes me want to ask, as that is sometimes seen in OBE. I wondered if someone from the board was OB and I was not, or something ---- But it doesn't look that way from the response.



I know this feeling though.  Oddly I had a similar experiance a little while back.  The conversation in the dream continued where it had dropped off in the forum.  Oddly when I went back to look at the topic again some one had posted something similar to what was talked about in the dream.  I do not know what happened nor did I contact that person to find out if they were there.  I don't know if I just didn't remember reading it or what.

But I have had isues with precognition and dejavu before so I passed it off.

David Rogalski
I am he who walks in the light but is masked by the shadows.


I dreamt I was discussing topics from the board with two other people from the forum.  I would not have remembered the dream at all except that at one point we looked at our hands to see if they would melt, which they did, I became lucid briefly and the two people were still there though I didn't think to ask who they were.

I don't know if we really meet other people in our sleep states or if it is all internally generated. Either way is valuable as far as I am concerned ---- but I have to ask!  Were you there?
