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Ask for a Dream Agent

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Twelve years ago I was a regular practitioner of Lucid Dreams, but like many of us, I stopped the practice and now I'm back on the road again. Something I'm deal with a bit now is keeping my lucid dreams as long as possible, so I remembered a technique I used to use, spontaneously emerged, but which I found very effective and I intend to implement it again.

In a lucid dream I had at that time, I suddenly found that I was constantly being chased by two or three people, no matter what I did, they wouldn't leave me and I didn't understand why. How at some point it starts to happen, I started to lose awareness, and here is where these people were the ones in charge of preventing that from happening, they didn't tell me that I was dreaming, no, but instead they asked me questions and encouraged me to observe my surroundings carefully, in detail and to question everything, and by doing so I could become aware again. For example, I might see a multicolored tree, so they would ask me... Look at that tree! Is it not weird? Are trees like rainbows? And I could respond... maybe it's some different kind that I don't know, and they would respond, look carefully, observe, I'm not sure about this, isn't it doubtful?... Of course, I'm dreaming! I said. And there I regained full awareness. If I had an attack of euphoria and wanted to run or fly through a beautiful meadow (this always makes me lose awareness, due to the emotion) they would grab me and lock me in a room to maintain control (hilarious!) And so with many more situations. It's like I somehow relegated the responsibility of maintaining awareness to these Agents, it wasn't my idea, it just came up. It's very good because I didn't have to make any effort like with other techniques, it was a matter of requesting support and that's all.
In this way I extended the dream for a long time, I may have done it only tree or four times, but the result was good.

The subconscious does such crazy and ingenious things to wake us up in dreams! The other day some big neon lights appeared in the sky that said "Lucid Dreaming" how could I loose awareness with that sign? (A kind of dream agent) I died of laughter and I was able to give myself the pleasure of running through the meadow without getting lost.

Creativity is 100% in F2 and it manifests itself in the best and most fun ways. If you have created a Dream Agent or would like to try and it works for you, feel free to share it here.

.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Okay I can't speak for myself, but a long time friend of mine told me that he always knows he's dreaming when he sees a particular guy.

He's like... "Wait a minute, that guy isn't real, I'm dreaming".

It works consistently for him, which is comical to me because there's nothing unusual about this guy according to my friend. Same guy every time though.


Quote from: Donut on October 04, 2023, 20:32:11Okay I can't speak for myself, but a long time friend of mine told me that he always knows he's dreaming when he sees a particular guy.

He's like... "Wait a minute, that guy isn't real, I'm dreaming".

It works consistently for him, which is comical to me because there's nothing unusual about this guy according to my friend. Same guy every time though.
He's made "that connection", not to the guy himself, but just what he looks like.  For your friend, "that guy" means HEY I'M PROJECTING!

I've had so many crazy dreams lately (for the first time in a long time I'm journaling them), I'm really surprised I haven't spontaneously become aware.   :|


Quote from: Xanth on October 04, 2023, 21:16:50He's made "that connection", not to the guy himself, but just what he looks like.  For your friend, "that guy" means HEY I'M PROJECTING!

I've had so many crazy dreams lately (for the first time in a long time I'm journaling them), I'm really surprised I haven't spontaneously become aware.  :|

  It is wild to me, on one hand I'll back into my wife's car with my own and say "Ah yes, I'm dreaming then", but on the other I will see myself in another body in the third-person but nothing at all tells me I'm dreaming.

  I've been wondering about that. What about the body typing this (and its environment) could seem completely outlandish and unrealistic to someone from a different reality, or time? I can flip a switch and illuminate the room I am in. I'm communicating across vast distances to people with similar interests to mine, using a small glowing brick.


Quote from: Donut on October 04, 2023, 21:43:20It is wild to me, on one hand I'll back into my wife's car with my own and say "Ah yes, I'm dreaming then", but on the other I will see myself in another body in the third-person but nothing at all tells me I'm dreaming.

  I've been wondering about that. What about the body typing this (and its environment) could seem completely outlandish and unrealistic to someone from a different reality, or time? I can flip a switch and illuminate the room I am in. I'm communicating across vast distances to people with similar interests to mine, using a small glowing brick.
Context certain plays a huge role in it.  And sometimes context can't be immediately understood when you don't have a base knowledge of the species first.  👍


I remembered the 'Dream Agents' from one of my old projection and dream journals now.

I then (around 2011) called them  'Awakeners', 'Prompters' or 'Lucidators'. They were different people but also re-occurring / re-visiting ones. One was my late granny it seems (rather a guide/dream-character acting as her).

Here is the thread I made and found now again about the 'awakeners' back in 2011 from my 'dream programming series' on the Robert Bruce forum (so long ago already that I had forgotten most of it by now):

A related interesting pheonomenon was that sometimes some of them referred to an outside sound I had in my room (binaural beats or nature relaxation sounds) making me 'aware' of it.

Here's a quote from that thread with an example, but I remember similar things happened again:

QuoteA girl (unknown to me) says that she thinks that outside the sound of some planes or other flying machines makes such a nice soothing and calming sound. I also hear it and agree with her. I wake up. I hear the sound of my hifi audios I had turned on during sleep. It was a HemiSync Lucid Dreaming sounds. It does not really sound like planes in the sky, rather like rain or a storm. Still it has a deep and permanent sound carpet which is - of course - soothing and calming. I KNOW that "she" referred to this sound which I also heard in my dream then.

This is interesting. A dream personality referring sth (a sensual auditory input) that is going on simultaneously in the physical world around the sleeper. Maybe she wanted to 'wake me up', but not from my sleep but rather in the dream to get more lucid.


Here I found another thread with the dream personalities repeating a affirmation / mantra or me that I also had as background while sleeping:

QuoteHere are two examples:

In a dream some days ago, I am driving with a buddy of mine as a pillion passenger behind him on his motorcycle. He repeats the affirmation to me that is simultaneously playing in physical life in my bedroom. However, he 'mimicks' it simultaneously but uses different words completely, the meaning of which got lost for me (not remembered). This is what I refer to as 'audio-livestream transcription error'. The fact that I know and "hear" the affirmation although the words are changed is a lucid element - the fact that I instantly KNOW (while dreaming) that the words my buddy uses are NOT the correct ones even more!

The same tonight: I am experiencing dream imagery and am "hearing" the affirmation. But it is a different wording again. The rhythm is the same, but the accentuation is different. Thus I 'hear' another word.
And again: I am LUCID enough to KNOW that 1) this is the audiostream from the physical, and 2) this still cannot be right as the words are different. In the dream still I try to get the correction but I do not manage to do so. Then I get almost to the surface of near-awakeness and I put the right affirmation in (means: I hear the live stream), take it "with me" and 'delve down' deeper again into trance state again. I keep playing with it. Sometimes loosing the right wording and 'hearing' the wrong words again or even switching to and fro, still in a kind of trance-like, semi-lucid, hypnagogic or even dreamy state.


It's cool when this happens, need this more often nowadays.  8-)


I just wanted to report that I tried asking for a dream agent twice and failed. The first time an inner voice (this is a voice independent of me, but I know at the same time it's myself, is like a dissociated part of me and my new guide from now on) this voice told me that I don't need one and just go ahead and I did it. But since I'm an insistent person, another day I tried again, I chose a random dream character and told her, you will make sure that I don't lose awareness! She crossed her arms, looked at me wrong as if to say... Me? No way! And she disappeared. Very interesting and fun.

Things no longer work in the same way as they did 12-10 years ago, but my training still continues, especially the issue of controlling emotions, above all euphoria and adrenaline, this ones are the most difficult for me, my "Achilles heel". Recently I was being carried at full speed by a mysterious invisible force, flying over a highway near the coast between cars, I saw a beautiful beach and said... I'll stay there! And this inner voice told me not to do it, that I knew very well that I shouldn't "let go of the force" but I didn't care and I did it anyway. When I arrived at the beautiful beach, the water became dark and turbulent, the sand dirty and it seemed that a big storm was coming soon, that's when I realized my mistake and get into the Void (I got carried away, due to a silly distraction and interrupted the flow of the training).

I also take this opportunity to say that I was reading a lot here on Astral Pulse about the thin line that divides F2 and F3, the information has been very enriching for me and has completely opened my perspective on the matter, it also explained many things that had me confused before. Few years ago I didn't read too much about these things, only the basics. I had hundreds of lucid dreams but I saw them as something completely distant from astral projections at that time, for me they were a route to them, nothing more, but my perspective has broadened now. 

Last year I had anoher training situation in a LD where I was shown precisely this layer overlay.

I found myself dreaming, not lucidly, but very vividly, there I was doing tests with some people, we were in a kind of futuristic base, and we had to work as a team to solve a problem and open a door that would take us to the next test. In the last test, everyone went through that door, except me. Very frustrated, I suddenly found myself in my room and became fully awareness, then a woman appeared and began to give me directions. I told her, Wait a minute! You can't tell me what to do, because I'm in a lucid dream and you are a product of my subconscious. She told me, You are wrong, you are not "lucid dreaming" this is a projection. I answer, Prove it to me. And at that moment she creates many particles of white light that begin to float like fireflies throughout the room. I was completely shocked, someone outside of me was actually there.
My reaction wasn't good, I felt like she had "invaded my mind" in my confusion of what was happening. This scared me a lot and I told her Intruder! Get out of here now, and I set out to "kick her out". This woman was taken aback by my reaction, at times she seemed to lose awareness and wanted to leave, but she gained control again, grabs me and tells me  Calm down! I'm just here to help! I don't know what she did to me, but in a second I was crying like a child, apologizing for my reaction and I hugged her, embarrassed. 

It was fantastic. I liked it a lot because it was as if I was woken up by a slap in the face. Now I'm in a stage of pure training in LD-AP (control emotions, uncondition from human limitations, learn to move through intention-thought, control the energy body, extend the experience as much as possible, etc. Phew! a whole study plan) I feel that I'm being prepared to one day live the big journeys that many of you share here. Some years ago I hadn't been able to reach this point due to my confusion and behaviors, but now it's different, it 's a more mature stage with a real commitment. It's great!
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Quote from: Tak09 on October 25, 2023, 14:34:17I just wanted to report that I tried asking for a dream agent twice and failed. The first time an inner voice (this is a voice independent of me, but I know at the same time it's myself, is like a dissociated part of me and my new guide from now on) this voice told me that I don't need one and just go ahead and I did it. But since I'm an insistent person, another day I tried again, I chose a random dream character and told her, you will make sure that I don't lose awareness! She crossed her arms, looked at me wrong as if to say... Me? No way! And she disappeared. Very interesting and fun.

Things no longer work in the same way as they did 12-10 years ago, but my training still continues, especially the issue of controlling emotions, above all euphoria and adrenaline, this ones are the most difficult for me, my "Achilles heel". Recently I was being carried at full speed by a mysterious invisible force, flying over a highway near the coast between cars, I saw a beautiful beach and said... I'll stay there! And this inner voice told me not to do it, that I knew very well that I shouldn't "let go of the force" but I didn't care and I did it anyway. When I arrived at the beautiful beach, the water became dark and turbulent, the sand dirty and it seemed that a big storm was coming soon, that's when I realized my mistake and get into the Void (I got carried away, due to a silly distraction and interrupted the flow of the training).

I also take this opportunity to say that I was reading a lot here on Astral Pulse about the thin line that divides F2 and F3, the information has been very enriching for me and has completely opened my perspective on the matter, it also explained many things that had me confused before. Few years ago I didn't read too much about these things, only the basics. I had hundreds of lucid dreams but I saw them as something completely distant from astral projections at that time, for me they were a route to them, nothing more, but my perspective has broadened now. 

Last year I had anoher training situation in a LD where I was shown precisely this layer overlay.

I found myself dreaming, not lucidly, but very vividly, there I was doing tests with some people, we were in a kind of futuristic base, and we had to work as a team to solve a problem and open a door that would take us to the next test. In the last test, everyone went through that door, except me. Very frustrated, I suddenly found myself in my room and became fully awareness, then a woman appeared and began to give me directions. I told her, Wait a minute! You can't tell me what to do, because I'm in a lucid dream and you are a product of my subconscious. She told me, You are wrong, you are not "lucid dreaming" this is a projection. I answer, Prove it to me. And at that moment she creates many particles of white light that begin to float like fireflies throughout the room. I was completely shocked, someone outside of me was actually there.
My reaction wasn't good, I felt like she had "invaded my mind" in my confusion of what was happening. This scared me a lot and I told her Intruder! Get out of here now, and I set out to "kick her out". This woman was taken aback by my reaction, at times she seemed to lose awareness and wanted to leave, but she gained control again, grabs me and tells me  Calm down! I'm just here to help! I don't know what she did to me, but in a second I was crying like a child, apologizing for my reaction and I hugged her, embarrassed. 

It was fantastic. I liked it a lot because it was as if I was woken up by a slap in the face. Now I'm in a stage of pure training in LD-AP (control emotions, uncondition from human limitations, learn to move through intention-thought, control the energy body, extend the experience as much as possible, etc. Phew! a whole study plan) I feel that I'm being prepared to one day live the big journeys that many of you share here. Some years ago I hadn't been able to reach this point due to my confusion and behaviors, but now it's different, it 's a more mature stage with a real commitment. It's great!

Everything you experience sounds very adventurous to me. I hope you find what you are looking for. As far as helpers, they appear to you for a reason. Accept their help, unless you strongly feel that they have negative intentions. All consciousness interacts with one another all the time, that is on segmented levels. It is intended that way to exchange knowledge, experiences and to serve as tools to one another for lessons.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow



Your level of understanding and your training is moving to the next higher level.

I know it doesn't quite feel that way, given the current frustrations...but congratulations!

This is how your learning will proceed for the present time...some of the old lessons and expectations have to be either temporarily set aside or eliminated entirely, in order to be replaced by new lessons and new is TRULY learning the hard way...

"Things no longer work in the same way as they did 12-10 years ago..." is what you wrote. That is exactly right and the feeling of that truth is a guide in finding your way forward, in regard to what used to work versus what will work now. That sense of "feel" is very important to your understanding. It is a combination of "feel/think".

Your inner voice is still a trustworthy guide, as well as some NP characters that you 'feel' they are speaking truth to you...listen to them! They may not always be there! In the most recent experiences, they are telling you to relax the demands of your "Intention" and to pay attention to, and follow the course of the environment put before you. Your immediate reaction has been to reject their direction and try to impose your intention of what you want to experience...that was 'yesterdays' idea...and it was a good lesson in intention yesterday...but not have moved into a new level of learning.

You have learned and understood the importance of have learned how to apply you must drop the importance of that idea and pay attention to the next lesson the environment is trying to teach you.

Anytime, NOW, that you experience frustration, it is likely a sign that you are going off course and missing the point of the lesson...let go of the previous moment's intention and open yourself to what the environment/simulation is trying to teach you...everything within these levels of experience are teaching you need to learn to remain open to them...

Now the lessons begin to become very subtle things, especially involving just when to apply Intent and when to back off, relax and 'go with the flow'...

You are already, and naturally, noticing many of the aspects of this new level of learning; getting a sense of the new subtle qualities being introduced...none of this is random or accidental; this is all beautifully and brilliantly created teaching.

If you want some new reading material, Kurt Leland speaks very smartly about these next, advanced levels of learning in his books Otherwhere and The Multidimensional Human. He speaks about Initiation levels as well, which I think your creation of this thread speaks to your own Initiation event.

A little help in context is always good, lol! Well done!


Here is Kurt's website, check out the Projection Log for a taste of his experiences, especially anything relating to Simulations.

What I realized was my Initiation experience.!/talking-to-the-hand/

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Thank you very much Escape Velocity for your words and advice! I really liked reading your thread and all the comments. Congratulations for your test! All that was really complex. I'm now very curious about Leland's 10 levels of dreaming, this book will definitely be on my list.

Letting yourself go is simply amazing and it has changed my entire paradigm! The most fun, sometimes when I enter a stage, I can't leave it. The other day I was exploring an Old Mansion, but when I wanted to leave opening a door to the outside, there was The Void. When I enter the Void and ask to take me somewhere else (sometimes I'm tempted) it "spits" me in another part of the Old Mansion. So, it wasn't possible to go anywhere else. In fact, I woke up three times and all that times I consciously re-entered into the Old Mansion. I went to check the rooms and everything was still intact, every detail. I imagine the Old Mansion just floating in the Void. There were lessons to be learned. 

Also, the other day I asked the Void to show me what I need, suddenly I feel an invisible hand that takes me along a long path in the blackness, to then be carried away by an invisible force all the time, so I didn't control the exploration. It takes me into an incredible city integrated with nature and people in colorful clothes flying everywhere. Then I enter a beautiful forest and I observed big flowers, but these flowers were different! It 's very difficult to explain, their colors were not perceived as here, but rather they were seen as a very bright light radiating over them and within them, it was like seeing in another spectrum, so to speak. 
Those flowers shocked me so much and the heart rate of my physical body began to accelerate considerably (since I partially maintain the connection and I could feel it) Sometimes, a phenomenon happens, I can be perfectly 3D in a NP zone, while at the same time I feel my physical body lying on the bed, breathing, etc.. It's like consciousness divided in two bodies at the same time. The Inner Voice told me that I should calm down and I did my best, but after a while I came back for this reason.   

Traveling this way was nothing short of exquisite, I have been stucked in the Void for years. I just had to be open and receptive to receiving help, that was the whole mystery!

The refraction of light over the flowers were very similar to this image :)

I know that these experiences show me all my weak points, I really need to learn to be neutral. I must start working on that here physically with meditations, which I left aside lately.
Every day of practice is a box of surprises and it's what I'm enjoying the most, you never know what will happen. I find everything fascinating in this new stage and I'm infinitely grateful for every lesson learned.
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


You are welcome Tak and I am glad that you enjoyed my Initiation experience, which as I re-read it now, I realize I need to go back and add some details that help flesh out parts of the experience.

If you read some of Kurt Leland's website and enjoy his writing style and terminology, then I highly recommend several of his books. The Multidimensional Human is the best I have come across at explaining the energy bodies that we are experiencing the Non-Physical through, and what non-physical senses are involved within each and how to develop them. I am not saying his answers are THE definitive answers, but they offer the best ideas I have found to date. Otherwhere is a good second book and outlines his Ten Levels of Dreaming, which I will go ahead and list for you here in a later post. A third and excellent book is The Unanswered Question, which compares and interprets both the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Very interesting and enlightening! For instance, both involved prayers and incantations to be recited by mourning family members, meant to guide and assist the deceased person through the early stages of the Afterlife and to avoid the mental and astral "traps" which I realize are what I have experienced in Retrievals as "Personal Hells" that departed souls become stuck within. And if I remember correctly, both traditions, possibly unrelated and nearly two thousand years apart, both traditions call for the prayers/incantations to be recited for the benefit of the departed soul over the course of 49 days...somehow that number 7 and multiples of 7 keep showing up in so much about this area of exploration.

And apparently, though the Tibetan Book is a book, there is no Egyptian Book, which is instead a series of hieroglyphic panels within a single pyramid or tomb.

On another topic, thank you Tak! for mentioning the "Old Mansion" which has been a fixture in my own dreams throughout my life! I think roughly a quarter of my dreams have taken place in and around this energetic structure known generally as the Old Mansion. What a perfect setting or simulation for teaching purposes! In this link, one of my last experiences there, I think that I even got a bit of a behind-the-scenes peek and insight into the function of this place.!/clue-less/

Finally, I wish I had your talent Tak, at entering the Void as often and easily as you do. I love the Void as both an incredibly relaxing and rejuvenating environment and as a departure point to anywhere in this great Multiverse!


Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


                                   KURT LELAND'S
                      TEN LEVELS OF DREAM AWARENESS

                              (with minor editing by me)

           0- No recall whatsoever; not even memory that you had dreamed
           1- No recall, except that you know you had dreamed
           2- Memory of disjointed fragments, isolated images or feelings
           3- You seem to be watching yourself in the dream, but not participating
           4- You recognize your full participation within the dream
           5- Dream plots become longer and more involved, complicated
           6- Colors and sounds become noticeably more vivid
           7- You notice the presence of textures, smells and tastes
           8- You are using mental processes characteristic of the waking state:
               Rational thinking, problem-solving, etc.
           9- Ability to rationally apply powers of the dream state: Altering the
               environment, flying, telekinesis, re-winding the dream, etc.
          10-Waking state consciousness fully merges with the dream state consciousness;
               you realize fully that you are dreaming

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Thank you very much again Escape Velocity for this remarkable and valuable information! Here I am taking notes and adding the books to the list... 10 points!

Wow! You also experimented at The Old Mansion, so cool! I really liked your Clueless style experience. Interesting that most of your dreams take place there, because for three years now, at least four times a week, almost all my dreams are there as well. It's very interesting how over time a story has even developed around it. The first time I arrived at The Old Mansion (in non-lucid dreams) I found it by chance, I was totally drunk with a group of friends and we wanted to find a place to have a party (I don't drink and I'm not a party person in my physical life) It was a completely abandoned, dirty and dark, really scary and gloomy. Over time it had already been reconditioned and converted into a Hotel and event venue, which I attended as a guest and also to participate in parties. After I started taking classes there with a group of people, where we also lived, I felt like I was at Hogwarts lol. Until this year they ended up hiring me and now it seems that I have a job at The Old Mansion as a receptionist and also preparing the rooms for the new guests that arrive. In fact, last night we received a person who was making the transition to the "eternal rest" and was taken away by some "paramedics" I had to prepare her room. This is getting more and more interesting  :-o . I get there as a wayward and ended up working fine, they did a good job with me LOL.

Regarding The Void I enter spontaneously now, I just intend to enter from the LD and that's all, there I am. In fact, sometimes I have a hard time maintaining a lucid dream with scenes, because everything falls apart around me and I enter The Void. I have also discovered that part of the night, I don't dream any images, but rather I'm in The Void just thinking (I have become aware in this situation). A big thank you to Volgerle and his sticky "The Void", which I highly recommend everyone read. It helped me a lot in my progress! I learned to talk to The Void and it responds to me in the most incredible way, before I didn't know I could do it. I was lost and isolated in my "Egosphere". I also thank all the members here who always give me advice, I am making leaps and bounds thanks to everyone at Pulse :-D . At some point I will make my Journal here too, but I still have to wait a little bit. 

Kind regards,
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on November 03, 2023, 18:25:35On another topic, thank you Tak! for mentioning the "Old Mansion" which has been a fixture in my own dreams throughout my life! I think roughly a quarter of my dreams have taken place in and around this energetic structure known generally as the Old Mansion. What a perfect setting or simulation for teaching purposes! In this link, one of my last experiences there, I think that I even got a bit of a behind-the-scenes peek and insight into the function of this place.
Ah, the "old Mansion". Such a magickal place. Such great memories!  8-)  At times it could be like a large Museum, with never ending rooms and all kinds of adventures to be found. I think if there is actually a place in NPRs that many of us share the same memories of it would have to be this old Mansion. I have been there often and never tire arriving there again!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on November 03, 2023, 18:48:25    KURT LELAND'S
                      TEN LEVELS OF DREAM AWARENESS

                              (with minor editing by me)

          0- No recall whatsoever; not even memory that you had dreamed
          1- No recall, except that you know you had dreamed
          2- Memory of disjointed fragments, isolated images or feelings
          3- You seem to be watching yourself in the dream, but not participating
          4- You recognize your full participation within the dream
          5- Dream plots become longer and more involved, complicated
          6- Colors and sounds become noticeably more vivid
          7- You notice the presence of textures, smells and tastes
          8- You are using mental processes characteristic of the waking state:
              Rational thinking, problem-solving, etc.
          9- Ability to rationally apply powers of the dream state: Altering the
              environment, flying, telekinesis, re-winding the dream, etc.
          10-Waking state consciousness fully merges with the dream state consciousness;
              you realize fully that you are dreaming
EV, I vote that you create a "Sticky" here on the Pulse based on what you posted above. It says so much and helps people to gauge their progress in the practice of "conscious" non-physical exploration.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on November 05, 2023, 20:28:18EV, I vote that you create a "Sticky" here on the Pulse based on what you posted above. It says so much and helps people to gauge their progress in the practice of "conscious" non-physical exploration.
I'll second that.  Make a new post with it and sticky that.  :) 
I've really gotta start reading more of Kurt's stuff.  Dude is on point.


I was going to PM you on that Xanth, but okay I will create a sticky in the Dream Forum. 10 Levels is from Kurt's book Otherwhere, and I want to take a few days and re-read that section in order to provide a proper attribution and context for what he describes as the gradual progression of recognition throughout our dreams, and as indications of the increase of our awareness to the culmination of an "Initiation" experience, which appears to open up more of the NP to us...again, not saying that is exactly what it must be, but it pretty closely describes what happened for me.

I am gratified that the list appears to have spiked many people's interest, as it immediately resonated with me, giving a sense of the possible boundaries/indicators that can serve to assist us.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde