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Dream Recall an interesting occurance.

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dude, that's cool! (weird, but still cool [:D])



The same exact thing happens to me nearly everyday. But not only for dreams, for childhood memories also. All of a sudden I'll remember something from when I was 4 years old or something. Since I don't know what to think of it, I just try to look at it as a positive thing.


Same here, experiences throughout the day sometimes uncover dreamy memories.


I find this some what amusing at times and at other times anoying.  

Since as of late I have been dreaming almost every night I have begun to have effects of said dreams carry over into mid day.  

A few times I have woken up and not been able to recall any dreams.  But later that day ffor some reason or another, something happens and all of sudden like I have a new memory.  It is like some thing is side goes, "hey stupid, don't you remember this?"  And I then find myself ercalling some very odd events.  

Given the things recalled and most often the impossability of them in "real" life, I have concluded that they are dream memories, most likely from the night before.  It is kinda interesting when you suddenly have to stop and think, "When did I do that!?"  And then spend some time re-calling the whole memory so you can, as accuratly as possible, figure out what is going on.  

Does any one else have issues/problems with dream memories hitting several hours after being awake?