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Lethal Dreams

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To answer some of your questions, how about common sense? Possibly that is one reason that the major religions agree on this. The other is, dare I say it?...GOD laid down rules for human behavior. Yes, GOD, the original person, Ishwara the supreme controller, Krishna, Allah, Yahwey, There are literally hundreds of names for Him. In the different cultures of the world spiritually advanced persons, call them sages, seers, saints, whatever, that He trusts because of their devotion, He has revealed these codes of conduct to create peace and prosperity to the people in general. The people in general take a relative view on morality and  motivations such as lust, anger, greed and other desires tend to color that relative morality. I mean, do men of intelligence and discrimination need to to be told ,"Thou shall not kill", Thou shall not steal", "Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife." isn't it obvious that these actions are wrong? Well, God didn't think so, so he CARVED THEM IN STONE . God is whom I trust to give the absolute morality, who's your candidate?


Quote from: Panchajanya on May 19, 2010, 11:09:20
To answer some of your questions, how about common sense? Possibly that is one reason that the major religions agree on this. The other is, dare I say it?...GOD laid down rules for human behavior. Yes, GOD, the original person, Ishwara the supreme controller, Krishna, Allah, Yahwey, There are literally hundreds of names for Him. In the different cultures of the world spiritually advanced persons, call them sages, seers, saints, whatever, that He trusts because of their devotion, He has revealed these codes of conduct to create peace and prosperity to the people in general. The people in general take a relative view on morality and  motivations such as lust, anger, greed and other desires tend to color that relative morality. I mean, do men of intelligence and discrimination need to to be told ,"Thou shall not kill", Thou shall not steal", "Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife." isn't it obvious that these actions are wrong? Well, God didn't think so, so he CARVED THEM IN STONE . God is whom I trust to give the absolute morality, who's your candidate?
It certainly sounds like you found your answer then.


~Ryan :)


I think if you believe in a god, or demons, or hairy monsters who try to get you when OOB or dreaming, then you will indeed find them. 

As I said, and has been said by others - geass even said it when he said that "demons" only attack people close to God.  In other words those who BELIEVE in them.  These (IMO) are created simply out of your belief.  Your consciousness is capable of creating anything you want, or dont want as the case me be.  For example, when OOB, just thinking about your physical body brings you back to it.  Likewise, thinking of flying makes you fly.  If you have demons on the mind, then you will indeed see demons and the more your fear takes over, the more your mind increasingly makes them more scary until the point when your own fear makes the demons do the worst thing you can think of.  Its the thought alone which makes this happen.

In my opinion...
My Blog about my AP progression from almost day 1


Quote from: AstralBeginnings on May 19, 2010, 11:47:47
I think if you believe in a god, or demons, or hairy monsters who try to get you when OOB or dreaming, then you will indeed find them. 

As I said, and has been said by others - geass even said it when he said that "demons" only attack people close to God.  In other words those who BELIEVE in them.  These (IMO) are created simply out of your belief.  Your consciousness is capable of creating anything you want, or dont want as the case me be.  For example, when OOB, just thinking about your physical body brings you back to it.  Likewise, thinking of flying makes you fly.  If you have demons on the mind, then you will indeed see demons and the more your fear takes over, the more your mind increasingly makes them more scary until the point when your own fear makes the demons do the worst thing you can think of.  Its the thought alone which makes this happen.

In my opinion...
Hey now!
We'll have no use of logic in this thread, good sir!!  :)



"Because god said so" isn't a very good argument.

"Because he wrote it on stone tablets" isn't a very good argument either.  Where are these tablets?  Have you seen them?  Or are you just taking a book written by man's word for it?


If you knew anything about your experience in reality you'd know that what these "sages" etc. have learned is a subjective experience for them.  It doesn't translate to anyone else.  The knowledge of others is useless to you.  I know you'll say that you found god and all the jazz, yet your arguments are still based on what others have learned.  You're arguing from a logical fallacy, ie providing information based on the discoveries of other humans, commonly accepted information.  But hey, faith is about blindly following what you're told isn't it?

It's really useless for us to even talk about this, but christians just rile me up so much.  I guess that's what I get for growing up in a christian society.

sorry for engaging you.  i humbly withdrawal.
be awesome.


PR,  there is absolutely no way to prove that God exists. Conversely, one cannot prove that He doesn't. There must be faith, not blind faith, but faith based on knowledge. Knowledge comes from direct perception or books. I can perceive that there is an order in the universe, I have books that can tell you what dates the phases of the moon are in 2050, in this way I see the universe as a gigantic watch and watches indicate to me an intelligent maker. You say that the knowledge of others is worthless to us.  Actually, most of what we learn comes from the research and knowledge of others. If I read a book that warns me not to steal or murder etc. because of the punishments that I may receive, ie. jail, death sentence, etc., and I avoid those activities, isn't that more intelligent than going out and performing the activity and actually having to experience such punishments? Shastra (scripture) is no different. By the way I never said I was a Christian, actually I lean more toward Eastern religion.


Quote from: AstralBeginnings on May 19, 2010, 11:47:47
I think if you believe in a god, or demons, or hairy monsters who try to get you when OOB or dreaming, then you will indeed find them. 

As I said, and has been said by others - geass even said it when he said that "demons" only attack people close to God.  In other words those who BELIEVE in them.  These (IMO) are created simply out of your belief.  Your consciousness is capable of creating anything you want, or dont want as the case me be.  For example, when OOB, just thinking about your physical body brings you back to it.  Likewise, thinking of flying makes you fly.  If you have demons on the mind, then you will indeed see demons and the more your fear takes over, the more your mind increasingly makes them more scary until the point when your own fear makes the demons do the worst thing you can think of.  Its the thought alone which makes this happen.

In my opinion...

My friend,

demons really exist. In exorcism rituals, humans begin to talk in native languages they have never learned. Demons are so real and they roam everywhere. People criticize me always here because of these things as if I am providing proof. The proof is only provided by God and noone else. The point is astral projection is just something we see, whether it is in our minds or not is a question that cannot be solved scientifically right now. HOWEVER, there is a suicide involved that someone took an astral projection book, had a dream and ended up dead.

Doesn't that wake you up people?? Or have your egocentric pride so blinded you that a life like Pancha's son does not count anymore???

Dreams are a way to the spiritual world. In that spiritual world, demons, angels, good and evil EXIST 100%. I have personal proof of that. But this proof cannot be given among men, it has to be asked of God.

I challenge everyone, go in your room and ON YOUR KNEES. Pray to GOD (whether you believe in Him or not, whether you know who He is or not does not matter) and say "MY GOD IF YOU ARE REAL SHOW ME THE TRUTH" and I promiss my friends you will be surprised.

This astral projection stuff is a gateway to the spiritual world, you are crossing into the unknown and you are not equipped with GOD.

This is the last thing I would say about it and the choice is yours at the end.

God bless you all friends!


Quote from: Panchajanya on May 19, 2010, 11:09:20
To answer some of your questions, how about common sense? Possibly that is one reason that the major religions agree on this. The other is, dare I say it?...GOD laid down rules for human behavior. Yes, GOD, the original person, Ishwara the supreme controller, Krishna, Allah, Yahwey, There are literally hundreds of names for Him. In the different cultures of the world spiritually advanced persons, call them sages, seers, saints, whatever, that He trusts because of their devotion, He has revealed these codes of conduct to create peace and prosperity to the people in general. The people in general take a relative view on morality and  motivations such as lust, anger, greed and other desires tend to color that relative morality. I mean, do men of intelligence and discrimination need to to be told ,"Thou shall not kill", Thou shall not steal", "Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife." isn't it obvious that these actions are wrong? Well, God didn't think so, so he CARVED THEM IN STONE . God is whom I trust to give the absolute morality, who's your candidate?

very well said Pancha. Don't let them plant doubt, relative morality doesn't make sense. Everything we see in this world is as black and white and multiplicity is just a scale between them.

God be with you my friend!



I mean this in the nicest possible way, but you're a tad too evangelistic for this forum.

This is NOT a religious forum.  This is an Astral Projection forum.

I can pretty much guarantee that your continued participation in this forum won't be enjoyable for you.

~Ryan  :)


Quote from: Xanth on May 19, 2010, 18:58:46

I mean this in the nicest possible way, but you're a tad too evangelistic for this forum.

This is NOT a religious forum.  This is an Astral Projection forum.

I can pretty much guarantee that your continued participation in this forum won't be enjoyable for you.

~Ryan  :)

My friend, I don't want people to believe in what I believe because I said so. I want them to seek the Truth by themselves. God does not need me. My intention is good and I am scared for people who play with this stuff because you saw what happened to Panja's son. it is not a game.

As I said, people here attack me because I say the word "God". I believe dreams are signs from above. I am not trying to evangilize at all but I have to warn people because I believe what they are encountering are not from their minds but from the supernatural.

I am not a religious person but I believe in God and in the opposite side..

I am not here neither to enjoy, I feel for people who are having these dreams and don't know their real meaning and think it's a game trying to control events.

God bless you my friend!


Quote from: geass on May 19, 2010, 18:35:25
I challenge everyone, go in your room and ON YOUR KNEES. Pray to GOD (whether you believe in Him or not, whether you know who He is or not does not matter) and say "MY GOD IF YOU ARE REAL SHOW ME THE TRUTH" and I promiss my friends you will be surprised.

You do realize that you don't actually have to be a god to absorb energy from an individual that's on their knees 'praying'... If I wanted to, I could come into you thought space, wait until you started praying and absorb every ounce of energy that you freely put out into the cosmos. Now, if I can do that, what do you think super advanced entities can do?

The point is, there is no entity named 'GOD'. It's a general term referring to 'good' that was written into the bible. God = Good and Devil = evil.


Quote from: geass on May 19, 2010, 18:35:25
My friend,

demons really exist. In exorcism rituals, humans begin to talk in native languages they have never learned. Demons are so real and they roam everywhere. People criticize me always here because of these things as if I am providing proof. The proof is only provided by God and noone else. The point is astral projection is just something we see, whether it is in our minds or not is a question that cannot be solved scientifically right now. HOWEVER, there is a suicide involved that someone took an astral projection book, had a dream and ended up dead.

Doesn't that wake you up people?? Or have your egocentric pride so blinded you that a life like Pancha's son does not count anymore???

Dreams are a way to the spiritual world. In that spiritual world, demons, angels, good and evil EXIST 100%. I have personal proof of that. But this proof cannot be given among men, it has to be asked of God.

I challenge everyone, go in your room and ON YOUR KNEES. Pray to GOD (whether you believe in Him or not, whether you know who He is or not does not matter) and say "MY GOD IF YOU ARE REAL SHOW ME THE TRUTH" and I promiss my friends you will be surprised.

This astral projection stuff is a gateway to the spiritual world, you are crossing into the unknown and you are not equipped with GOD.

This is the last thing I would say about it and the choice is yours at the end.

God bless you all friends!

Geass, not wanting to beat a dead horse, but EVERYTHING you are saying is reinforcing what some of us are saying!  Surely if Demons existed they would be objective, yet people who DO NOT believe in them, never see them.  I completely believe you when you tell me these things exist for you, because i'm sure they do.  But for you to say they exist objectively is basically preaching.  You are only speaking from your point of view, which I've already said *could* have created these demons.  The very fact (which you stated) that these things only affect believers should be proof enough for anyone reading this, that these things only exist if you think they do - your mind creates them.  Im sure your "proof" is fantastic!  But it only applies to you.
My Blog about my AP progression from almost day 1


Quote from: AstralBeginnings on May 19, 2010, 23:16:00
Geass, not wanting to beat a dead horse, but EVERYTHING you are saying is reinforcing what some of us are saying!  Surely if Demons existed they would be objective, yet people who DO NOT believe in them, never see them.  I completely believe you when you tell me these things exist for you, because i'm sure they do.  But for you to say they exist objectively is basically preaching.  You are only speaking from your point of view, which I've already said *could* have created these demons.  The very fact (which you stated) that these things only affect believers should be proof enough for anyone reading this, that these things only exist if you think they do - your mind creates them.  Im sure your "proof" is fantastic!  But it only applies to you.

Whatever you say my friend. Good luck with your astral projection.

Take care


Good luck indeed Astral Beginnings
be awesome.


Quote from: kurtykurt42 on May 19, 2010, 21:22:13
You do realize that you don't actually have to be a god to absorb energy from an individual that's on their knees 'praying'... If I wanted to, I could come into you thought space, wait until you started praying and absorb every ounce of energy that you freely put out into the cosmos. Now, if I can do that, what do you think super advanced entities can do?

The point is, there is no entity named 'GOD'. It's a general term referring to 'good' that was written into the bible. God = Good and Devil = evil.

What about an entity named Krishna, or Allah, or any one of hundreds of names that refer to the same supreme being? your looking to the Bible for substantiation, yet you reject the main focus of the Bible, the Supreme Absolute Truth embodied in a person.I agree that God is a generic term, but I also believe there is an Absolute Truth.


Quote from: Panchajanya on May 20, 2010, 09:37:52
What about an entity named Krishna, or Allah, or any one of hundreds of names that refer to the same supreme being? your looking to the Bible for substantiation, yet you reject the main focus of the Bible, the Supreme Absolute Truth embodied in a person.I agree that God is a generic term, but I also believe there is an Absolute Truth.

Trying to get this thread back on the original topic...
Have we answered any of your questions or calmed any of your worries/concerns regarding your initial posts?

I hope you manage to find peace for you and your family in these trying times.  :)



be awesome.


Quote from: Xanth on May 20, 2010, 09:59:20
Trying to get this thread back on the original topic...

That's a good one Xanth...

Quote from: Panchajanya on May 20, 2010, 09:37:52
What about an entity named Krishna, or Allah, or any one of hundreds of names that refer to the same supreme being? your looking to the Bible for substantiation, yet you reject the main focus of the Bible, the Supreme Absolute Truth embodied in a person.I agree that God is a generic term, but I also believe there is an Absolute Truth.

Hindu gods, Greek gods, it makes little difference. They are unique entities like you or I that once existed here on earth, maybe a little bit more spiritually evolved but what makes them gods? Because people pray to them? So, if people start praying to me do I become a god? 

According to Islamic belief, Allah is the proper name of God, and humble submission to His Will, Divine Ordinances and Commandments is the pivot of the Muslim faith. That's great... But let's not forget that Muslims also gather by the millions to pray to a black box.


but there's a rock that fell from the heavens in there!

sent by allah himself!

be awesome.