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need help what happened

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right f***** strange

ok i was sleepin last night as people tend to do lol
anyway i woke up quite scared for some strange reason i wanted to get out of my room so i jumped up and walked towards the door hoping to get out (both legs worked fine), i took a few steps
then half way thru a step my leg stopped and felt like i was getting pulled back, i really started brickin it now i didnt want to look behind me i just started to pull myself out.
my left leg worked fine but as i took a step with my right it got yanked back and felt like something was stopping me leaving the room, at this point i was holding onto the door frame trying to pull myself free, i couldnt, seemed i was fighting a losing battle i called someone in and it suddenly stopped!!!!

wat the f*** happened i would really appreciate an answer
thnks bluefire


thnks a lot

   so wat is the etheric plane and wat is the difference between the astral plane and body compared to etheric equivalent???

(sorry 3-mortalit33 i edited ur post by accident i did read it but it had been a while since i had been on here n i forgot how to reply lol anyway thanks 4 the help
i appreciate it :-D by the way how are you able to tell that it was an etheric projection rather than an astral)


Brief Description (based on what I think I read:

The etheric plane is the level just above the physical plane and it's also known as the real-time-zone. Its vibration is higher than the physical. It's a duplicate of the physical plane but with reality fluctuations (one may see physical objects as being a different color, different place, etc.).

The astral plane is the level above the etheric plane and it's also known as the emotional plane. Its vibration is higher than the etheric. This is where one's thoughts/desires will manifest. Also, time and space doesn't exist/is distorted in this place.

It was your description that told me you had an etheric projection (the leg stopping, the pulling back, you was in your room...).