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OBE in a dream?

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Last night I had a dream - I woke up at about 5:30am and I remember vaguely thinking that "its the morning, if I'm going to try projecting it should be now".  Then I think I fell back asleep, but I do remember (somewhat hazily, as one would remember a dream) that all of a sudden I was standing at the end of my bed, and I jumped up and down a few times and I remember thinking "Cool, I'm out of body!" and so I decided to try running down my hallway when all of a sudden I was snapped back into my body - I didn't wake up but went on to have another different dream after that.

From what I see, people who AP remember it vividly... I only remember it as if it were a dream.  Was it just my brain doing a bit of wishful thinking?  Or might it have been real?  I remember while I was drifting off thinking just don't be afraid, there's nothing to be afraid of.  (When I am awake I'm always worried that I'll try to AP and there will be some strange creature in my room or something).  

What do you all think?


I had a v.similar experience and it was only due to a few weird dream like things that made me realise it was a dream, however i did feel it was "realer" than a dream. Check out my thread "I dreamt I APed"
Death is only tragic for those who get left behind


When I first had obe's it was pretty clear what was an obe and what was a dream, but then I started dreaming about obe's and it got real fuzzy. The dividing line seems to be lucidity, the more lucid the more possibility of it being a classic  obe. Also it seems like at the end of an obe I wake up rather than go into a dream-however it is possible to have an obe degenerate into a dream. If this seems confusing it is because it really is. I think what is important is awareness, no matter what you call it.
In the world in general and in this nation
May not even the names disease, famine, war, and suffering be heard.
May virtuous qualities, merit, and prosperity greatly increase
And may continuous good fortune and subline well-being perfectly arise.


Another cool thing happened to me on the weekend.  I decided that Sunday was going to be my "practise" day (since I tend to go out on Friday night and want to get up earlyish on Saturday to enjoy the day!)  Sunday is my sleep in day.

I woke up at around 7am ish and, remembering that OBEs generally are easier to have after a full night sleep, went back to bed, because I was sleepy anyway.

I woke up (my eyes were still closed and it was dark behind my eyelids) to find myself on my side, but I guess in a form of "sleep paralysis".  I felt my body wanting to roll out, off the bed, but I was worried that I really was awake and would fall on the floor!!  So I tried rolling the other way but ended up rolling in the direction where my face would go intowards the bed, instead of upwards towards the ceiling.  After a few rolls back and forth I decided I would try and open my eyes.  I willed my eyes to open, and with an audible "blink" (I actually heard it) what I assumed was my third eye opened, and I could see the curtain that I was facing, but everything had a shimmery and sparkly quality to it.

I then got too excited I think, and woke up proper.

This occurred after I had been dreaming about something (I can't remember now, but I did write it down).

This time, I know that what I saw was real, and not a dream.  I can now feel confident in saying that, because although everything had a shimmery quality to it, I remember it clearly, as a proper memory, and not a dream.

I assume I just have to learn to stay relaxed, and not get too excited, in order to continue exploring that state.  Its funny - before I was worried about being "frightened" by experiencing these things, but during that short episode, I was naturally calm, and wanted just to explore the state.