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Throwing Ice at Customers

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Josh Redstone

Sounds to me like you had a false awakening. They always feel realistic. You thought you had woken up. You knew you were awake, but the bed was ice. Ofcourse it would be confusing. But the answer is simple. Your not awake at all.
If you find yourself in this situation again, perform a few reality checks. False awakenings are cool things to induce lucid dreams from.


i believe i read somewhere that most false awakenings take place in your bedroom.

Josh Redstone

Thats cause the bedroom is usually where you wake up.

Hugh Shead

I do believe that your case is represented by your frozen state of consciousness where you body has adapted to a muscular paralysis. Are you a sbarros worker specifically they usually encounter this problem rather often.

Hugh Hegarty

Hello, everyone...
I just now woke up after having a short lucid dream. I induced it by using the 'sleep for 6, wake up for 1, take a nap' routine, combined with that idea of staring up at the brow chakra. Something happened that I never experienced before, it seems that parts of my lucid dream adapted themselves into my bedroom.
As soon as I began to dream, I popped up in my work (pizza shop) behind the counter. I looked at my coworkers and immediatley said,"I know I'M dreaming.... and you guys are here, but I don't know if YOU'RE dreaming too, or if I'm making you up. But here's the deal, we should mess everything  up." And I started taking handfulls of ice out of the bain and winging them at the customers. It became harder and harder to move my arms to throw the ice, until I awoke in my bed.
I was like "Man, I can'tbelieve I woke up", and threw my hand down in upset. My hand splashed into ice. My bed was made of ice. It really confused the hell out of me. I was thinking "this is totally impossible!" I started to dip my hand as far as it woud go. I was on top of almost a foot of ice cubes. It was freezing. It all kept splashing up onto my stomach and it was making me very cold. I threw a couple handfulls of ice at my wall, felt them splash off, and eventually, I fell back asleep into a differnt lucid dream. It REALLY didn't feel like I was dreaming in my room about the ice, though! Any input?