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All I can say is wow when thinking about this dream.

It starts off in a camping type situation.  I am with some people I know.  Eventually we make our way to this arcade.  Suddenly, its like we are characters in an arcade game.  An arcade game of evil and killing.  I am killing off demons and there is a giant dinosaur trying to eat me.  Then I get to one place and its another game-type situation.  I have to chop this ladies arms off before they stab me with the knives she is holding.  At one point of the dream my brother is playing the game, and its a normal game of Sonic the Hedgehog.  Then the focus is taken off the game he is playing and it becomes the psycho real life game again.  It wasn't neccessarily scarey, but just strange.

Then I remember this dream that was even more gruesome.  It was basically texas chainsaw massacre, only I was in it.  The guy caught me and chopped my arms off and then hung me on a fence post.  Somehow I grew the arms back, and remember trying to escape.  Anyway, it was really disturbing having to witness all the violence.

I don't know why I am having the gruesome dreams.  I felt great today, however.  It was as if I was killing off bad emotions or somthing in the dreams.  Or maybe I was killing off my sickness.  I don't know, those are just some silly ideas.

Escaping Velocity. Not just eternity, but infinity.


Been playing games of this nature lately?  Or watching horror movies?  Of course the simple fact that you said you weren't afriad either could just be one of those dreams where your brain was letting you know that theses things don't bother you anymore.  That is partly drawn from you saying you ahve been in a good mood lately too.  People are typically more willing to deal with fears when they are in a good mood, rather than just run away from them.


wow. i think my original post caused ppl to vomit and forget about coming back. lemme say this. in your mind, nothing is off limits. nothing is too grotesque to picture. in fact, your dreams usually include some of the most bizarre things. its just symbolism, or sometimes prophecy or astral projection. but yeah.
im not really THAT psychic. i just like to pretend that i am. :)