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Why am i so different in dreams?

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Originally posted by General-Army:
In real life im scared of everything, im afraid to get into fights, i never wanna hurt anyone and im always shy. For some reason, in all my dreams, im very brave. I see an army of dead rejenerating things like last night, and i fight them bravely instead of with fear. I talk to alot of people and i defend myself also. any reasons for these?

Hey man!

In my opinion, this is your mind's way of overcoming shyness. I'd be willing to bet if you were able to cure your shyness then you would have *alot* better chance at OBEing. This is because of the elemental balance in your body. (i.e. fire, water, air, earth). I am working on the same problem, and there are few books out there in which you can check out at the library to help you. The following books I recommend.

Conquering Shyness: The Battle Anyone Can Win
by Jonathan M. Cheek

Shyness: What It Is, What to Do About It
by Philip G. Zimbardo


Bin there, done that.

Not to belittle if shyness is a problem for you.

I didn't have regenerating thingies come at me but I figured along these lines: Ok, I am the essence of me in my dreams. I can kick some righteous butt in my dreams. So I'm more than I let myself to be in real life.
Little by little I started to act more like the me inmy dreams in real life and hey presto I am the me from my dreams.

Disclaimer: If the you in the dreams is a seria killer or the like the above is not good advise ;-) so use discretion. BuI think the gist of it is obvious.

Taken with the right persppective and interpretation we are pretty accurately portrayed inour dreams.

Think of it this way if you can take on an army of regenerating-ghoulie-bad-asses there is nothing the world can throw at you that comes event close.




I tend to have action packed dreams. I only fight when forced to or I get REALLY REALLY REALLY upset. The only way to upset me is to talk about a deceased family member of mine. Only so far, my grandfathers.

On one occasion, i had a dream about WW2:Operation overlord, go figure.
I had another where I was ina park when someone grabbed my shoulder from behind and spun me around. I smashed his jaw with a right and floored him with a kick to the gut.

See what I mean? Im not instantly violent, but i tend to be in my dreams.
I do fight in real life the same way in my dreams. I tend to fight dirty, except for hits to ::PAINFUL:: zones.

Thats me :-)

"View people like a shattered mirrior. The peices show the distorted personality. View the peices as a whole and you will see their true reflection."-Poem by Me

Josh Redstone

Maybe a dream of this type would be worth interpreting. It may be that your telling yourself not to be so nervouse or uptight, like its the only way to get it across to your waking conciousness. I dont know. I would give it a shot though. It may improve some aspects of your waking life.


I remember I was once in this battle and I was this master swordsmen.  It was pretty cool.  While I was in the battle from like the medeival (sp?) times I noticed there was a payphone in the middle of everything. HAHA  Maybe I was in one of those battles in a past life....if there are such things as past lives. :-P  One reason your probably not shy in lucid dreams is because you know that you created your own world.  Your the master of your own universe.  Or you could say God....the Ultimate one. HAHA  I mean think about it....if you are the creator you are God in your own world.  Just to make you think!  But then again what is God.  If we can create our own world in dreams and the real God in the real universe created the real universe does that really make him God.  Just thoughts to ponder.  :-)

"I hear and I forget... I see and I remember... I do and I understand."


I have noticed I have similiar problems in my dreams. For instance if you're having prolems in the physical, they will most definitly show up in the dreams. If you are a shy individual in life, your a fighter or a talker in your dreams. A lot of the time you are what you want to be in your dreams. It's your mind's way of helping you solve it. So you can better yourself.

Qui-Gon Jinn

I guess I stick out, because in my dreams I always act like I would in real-life...  and I like it kinda, because when I am in a situation in a dream that I have never yet been in in real-life, II pretty much feel/know I´ll react/act the same if that situation comes up in real-life..  gives me some indication on what I perhaps need to "work on" so to say...

- Your focus determines your reality -


You've gotten some good responses.
To summarize, there are really two options:

One, this is your subconscious's way of healing your insecurities.  It may know better than to go the traditional route - facing your exaggerated fears in order to release it - and think you're better off being shown what it's like to be fearless.  Maybe you need an example to follow.. kind of like depressed people need medication to recognize what happy feels like.

Two, your dream you is the real you.  Your inner soul is brave and knows intuitively there is nothing to fear.  The physical you is clouded with hurt feelings and doubt.  When people are shy, they rarely show their true selves in public.  I was very shy once, and my few good friends would comment on how silent and distant I was, and once they got to know me I completely opened up into a friendly talkative person.

To help the shyness, get into online chatting.  Find decent people you can talk to almost daily and get to know them.  The great thing about the internet is you can figure - I'll never meet this person.. they dont know my friends, boss, etc... they can never rat me out... they can never hurt me... therefore you're safe to open up completely to them.  They usually do the same, and you can build a great bond as well as social skills and gain confidence.  Worked for me!



Huh, I dream in the opposite as well...

However, I have the opposite problem from you as well...

I am a very confidant, outgoing person who everyone says that I look very confident, like I own the place at times. At business meetings, I am usually mistaken for the guest speaker by whatever hotel we are at because I am usually up near the front talking to everyone and the hotel staff and management always ask me where I want things set up and stuff. The funniest is in stores I get mistaken for management as well.

In my dreams however, the inverse is true. I actually find sanctuary in the anonymity given me in most settings and what's really weird is when I have a dream that involves flying, or super-natural powers or such, I really get ignored by those around me. I remember going back in time in one dream and trying to tell people in a high school class of things to come. I was back in the late 50's and telling them about Kennedy and the space program and the far future, where to invest their money, even modern advancements in raising consciousness and it was like talking to 2 year olds.
Oh, the other thing, for some reason, I can't harm people in my dreams. Whereas I would, and have, defend people physically in the real world, in my dreams, my punches, kicks, etc. have little to no effect on people. It's like I wind up to throw a punch at an enemy and when it touches their cheek or something, it's more like when you give that ole' "that a boy" type tap on the chin and they look at me like, "What's wrong with you wuss?"
I remember feeling, "Man, I don't want to hurt anyone anyway, it's really not my nature..."

Oh, and sometimes in dreams when I have those odd behaviors it helps me realize that I am in the dream state so I have a bit more control.


PS - My biggest fear in life is that I won't get a chance to die this time around.
I have this sinking feeling that science will intervene somehow and I will be one of the unlucky candidates to have his life extended. That means I'll be working and paying taxes for god knows how long and NO chance of ever collect Social Security : )


In real life im scared of everything, im afraid to get into fights, i never wanna hurt anyone and im always shy. For some reason, in all my dreams, im very brave. I see an army of dead rejenerating things like last night, and i fight them bravely instead of with fear. I talk to alot of people and i defend myself also. any reasons for these?

Every man has their fear of dieing, whether it be of pain or not knowing where you are going, however, mine is the family, memories, and good times i leave behind.