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Astral Diet/Electrical Storms

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There is a book by D. Scott Rogo which has several projection techniques. It also has a chapter on diet combined with visualization. It suggests foods to avoid and foods to eat more of. f you are interested in discussing the book further, a private message might be a good way to go about it.


I have some questions or ponderances pertaining to Energy.

One, is the internet and electrical signals. How are they represented in the other planes and is it possible to contact them? Another is electrical storms. Has anyone tried moving into an electrical storm while projecting? Possibly, even coming in contact with a bolt of lightning?

Another, is what I guess you could call an "Astral Diet". What types of foods, fluids, vitamins, etc. help energize the body in the best form for Astral Projection? Many believe that when the body is sick, it can Astral Project better, does that mean fasting will improve Astral Projection?

If you could possibly point me in the direction of some web sites, reading material, or any other resources that might help me answer these questions (especially relating to creating the necessary energy for projection), I would appreciate it very much.

See You In The Planes,