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Experimental tech needs guinne pig

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Read "Not AGAIN" and see why this might not have been a timely post.


i have posted this tech before. it really takes a lot outta ya. just have two ppl focus on their hara's (tan tien) and take as much as you can out but leave enough in your body that ur still consious, next have the other person do the same so that you r both holding each other's hara or at least a great deal of it. now focus on the both of them fusing, but make one of the haras a different color so they can be separated easily. Next, the person who the two have agreed to will now take the two haras (now one) and absorb it into the place where their hara used to be. I have done this before. the one with the two haras cannot keep the "super hara" for long cuz it takes too much energy for the other person to stay me, lol. try this tech out and tell me what happened.