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Free Attunements to Kundalini Reiki

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I will answer your question when i receive all the attunements,KR1 KR2 and KR3,and this will be this Sunday
Darkness is my Strength.Light is my Guide


Thanks!, I'll wait for your post with great interest :-DD


Does KR Boosters follow right after KR (1,2,3) or you can attune to them some time later?
"What are you doing here, Nasrudin? his neighbor asks. "I'm looking for a key which I lost
in the wood?" Nasrudin replies. "Why don't you look for it in the wood?" says the neighbor,
wondering at Nasrudin's folly. "Because there is much more light here"


Quote from: malganisDoes KR Boosters follow right after KR (1,2,3) or you can attune to them some time later?

You can have the attunements whenever you want if you have had the first 3,or not take them at all if you wish.
Darkness is my Strength.Light is my Guide


How does the person attune you by just knowing the country you live in, your age, and your name?

cool guy

why do ask you to do so many preliminary stuff (read, write summary, abstaining from alcohols, processed foods and sexual activity for 24 hours) before the attunement, whereas on, stefan doesn't ask you to do any of that?


I had my 2nd attunement today and just wanted to share my experience.
The second attunement wasn't as intense as the first. I guess this is to be expected with having already been through the 1st attunement.

I have noticed increased frequency in the sensations in my crown chakra as well as heat in my hands and feet since the 1st attunement. This could just be increased sensitivity to energy.

Last night was the closest I have come to AP'ing. Wonder if this has anything to do with the attunements?
I'll keep you posted and look forward to reading your experiences also!
Love and Light,

cool guy

i just got my first attunement from

i didn't notice anything though.........maybe it didnt reach me .


I'm not pretty sure but in accordance with the information I've read there's a mental plane (till now we all do know that) where the most basic archetypes, ideas and symbols live in. So, when you use your mind to think of something you're moving those mental "particles" in that plane.

The higher the plane the lesser restrictions it has (in terms of time and space), that's why a symbol doesn't know anything about "traveling" around the globe from one point to the other.

In fact, and I've not experienced it yet, it is said that a mere desire is enough to travel in your astral body from side to other, so if it is so fast there, much faster must be in the mental (which, always in human terms, is "above" it).

Time ago I read on talismanic magic. The theory is quite similar, because the point rests on "downloading" one of those symbols to attach it to a physical object which will act as a protector or vanisher (of course in the downward trip the symbols end up developing new layers, so they get embodied correctly in every plane).

That's my viewpoint. Added to it I suppose there's a link between both persons, more specially because everyone's name has some magical power per se to identify the guy.


Quote from: cool guyi just got my first attunement from

i didn't notice anything though.........maybe it didn't reach me .

If he has send Reiki you will receive it no matter what.Reiki always finds its way :idea: .Maybe you were not consious enough to feel the sensations
Darkness is my Strength.Light is my Guide


So today at about 7:00(GMT +2) i received the Kundalini Reiki 2 attunement from Stefan.Although I am not sure about the time because the feelings started 1 hour later than the scheduled,and this happened the first time also.I didn't had any feelings on my hands or feet but i felt very much pressure on the third eye area.Also i felt very happy for no reason and that must be the Reiki energy.

The feelings got much more intense by the time and i closed my eyes to meditate for a bit.The feelings was going on and until now i feel a little tingling on the third eye.

I am disappointed that i didn't felt any energy coming up the spine but that doesn't not mean that it didn't(I hope so).Although for just a minute i felt something at the base of the spine,but i think was just my imagination for being impatient for the attunement :grin:.
Darkness is my Strength.Light is my Guide


So it has been 2 attunements so far for me and some weird feelings occur to me.Every night between 11:00 and 12:00,I have this strange feeling that the air gets lighter and a bit cold.In fact this is really relaxing as if I am breathing fresh air,like I am in a forest.Maybe its the Reiki energy,who knows :question:.

Also while meditating yesterday(using the Reiki meditation) i was so relaxed and after a while i felt on my shoulders a bit pressure like some hands were on it and giving me energy.That was really weird but it was frightening.Somewhere i have read that if you are attuned to Reiki some ascended Reiki masters will reinforce the Reiki energy,feeling just like that.

And one last thing i noticed is that i feel energy coming out from an area just above the third eye.But i don't think its the crown chakra because its lower than there.And i actually feel the energy in the air...Maybe i am leaking :grin:.

A conclusion is that these attunements actually work,if someone its not a believer.I stay focused on the next changes and i hope that these may be some major ones for my personal spiritual development

Love and Light to all
Darkness is my Strength.Light is my Guide



I have been experiencing this same thing with cold!
I will feel very cold in my back/shoulder/neck and hands for a while and then it will leave. It almost feels like a cold pack is there. When I touch the areas that feel cold they are warm to the touch. It's strange. I am still feeling heat in my feet and hands also at different times as well as alot of energy around my head. I have also noticed an increase in feeling spirit around me and people talking but I can't make out what they are saying.


Quote from: andonitxoThe higher the plane the lesser restrictions it has (in terms of time and space), that's why a symbol doesn't know anything about "traveling" around the globe from one point to the other.

Then could an attunement be sent into the past, for example, to the instant you sent the request?

Very informative topic - considering reiki myself.



In another forum that is especially for Reiki it is mentioned that when someone feels cold during a Reiki session,in any part of his body, it is because the negative energy in him is being crystallized.I don't know much what this has to do with the body but i suppose that the energy is being driven off.

Here it the forum but i don't remember the post.It is full of info about Reiki,give it a try:
Darkness is my Strength.Light is my Guide


Damn im screwed. I send my KR request thursday and still didn't get the confirmation. I guess I am too late. Should I wait for Stefan's reply on this or should I send another request to Stfan? How many days before did you guys request?


I received the confirmation after 2 days...Maybe Stefan is too busy.I am sure he looks at all the e-mails
Darkness is my Strength.Light is my Guide


So should I reschedule or wait up for a word from him?

By the way, it already passed my appointment time.


Quote from: dingo
Quote from: andonitxoThe higher the plane the lesser restrictions it has (in terms of time and space), that's why a symbol doesn't know anything about "traveling" around the globe from one point to the other.

Then could an attunement be sent into the past, for example, to the instant you sent the request?

Very informative topic - considering reiki myself.


I read the next concept in a book about ascension (I put it in my own words):

The soul is something even bigger than we could imagine. It is not only the upper part of our mind but a giant tree-like structure full of branches and leaves. Every leaf is a conscience, an "ego", a "cogito ergo sum" and is put on a particular stage so it can absorb and learn some specific lessons.

So the different lives of a soul are happening at the same time and not linnearly. It may happen that the information of one leaf reaches another leaf, occurring some kind of false regression.

The tree is, unstoppably, tapping every leaf so they can move on in their evolution process. If the leaf doesn't respond or is immerse only in physical enjoyments then the tree cuts that leaf off and puts its essence in another leaf to start off again.

When all lessons are learned that leaf's function is over and its essence is reabsorbed in the tree improving all the soul itself and, in chain reaction, the other leaves.

So, all goodness you do in this life, all lessons you learn, all betters our parallel lives' quality, improving the chance to evolve more rapidly.

It's a very rare viewpoint but very fascinating at the same time. I put it on my mind time ago to see if it hatches some new knowledge.

A Souls Fury

That was perfect.. "The Tree" one universe "the roots" tapping the other "the leaves" each sustaining the tree the bridge between the 2. in a sense.

Frequency is Everything


I've put in my request for the attunements..first one is scheduled on the 16th at 5PM. :smile:
All men are equal in death.


I signed up last night, i haven't gotton an email back yet, but I should be getting my first attunement mid-day tommorow.
"They've been throwing rocks at Alito all week long, and those rocks have just been bouncing off that obelisk, boomeranging and smacking at Democrats upside the head."

"Club Gitmo- your tropical escape from the stresses of gihad


Well I received my 1st attunement today but nothing happened. Perhaps later it will.


remember, your in different timezones, did u tell him which one ur in? it might not have actually happened yet.
"They've been throwing rocks at Alito all week long, and those rocks have just been bouncing off that obelisk, boomeranging and smacking at Democrats upside the head."

"Club Gitmo- your tropical escape from the stresses of gihad


I told him my time and he knows my country is USA.