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self control

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Chaos Mage

Primary to the application of self control is your Thought Process.
If you are always engaged in observation of external reality, you do gain some psionic nourishment, however, you do not gain the interlinkage which sustains a self controlled state.  Only in the disciplined focus on external reality can you gain the max benefit, many do not understand this and so they degenerate and fall into cycles of behavior which deviate from the standard of 'self control'.

Self control is discipline.  Contained in it there are many aspects to the singular thought process, including external reality.  The brain is a key component, naturally, being the primary control center for the body.  The body itself has some automatic controls (as sexual arousal or heart beat) and it is seen as being equally vital as the brain itself.  When you forego the rituals of disciplining your mind and body, you will always suffer the degeneration and decay known as 'soul decay'.

More on soul decay another time.
For now, the focus is 'how do we use our self control'.  We use it by focusing our energy, whether that energy is emotion or purely kinetic.  A religion might offer you a strict practice in which to gain specific benefits (as Buddhist meditation or yoga), yet ultimately, those benefits are temporary and seen as trivial to the true pursuit of focusing your own personal soul power in self control.

Holding your body still and controlling your breathing is one form of meditation.  Singing to exact tone is another.  Even free style dancing can be considered a form of self control, as this, repeatedly uses the body control functions and tempers the entire system.  There are other ways of using your self control.

1. repeated fantasy
2. restraint on food and drink (we are lucky that is even an option)
3. learning new skills (via study or technical proficiency)
4. intimacy or sexual practices
5. chakra work
6. toe wiggling
7. martial arts/ exercise
8. long jogging periods
9. controlling emotions, including arousal of emotions at will

And there are likely numerous others, which can be found anywhere you look as you apply your body to your mind or vice versa.

Self control is vital to the practice of magick, and levitation can be achieved by those who have fully unified their bodies and gained clarity within their chakra system.  Truthfully, being brainwashed by video games and media is a useless endeavor, and even the education system has it's faults in conjunction with a decaying family stability.  If you really want to levitate, you will literally 'try to fly' and will always increase speed.

The basis of self control is pure a kinetic control issue.  Kinetics are the basis of energy as an existential object, and it's relation to itself and other objects.  Geometery is the alignment of those kinetic signatures (particles) in specific genetic frequencies which yields the physical object as a structure unique to itself and independant when considered as a singular object.

So when we are studying something, we are integrating knowledge as a coded genetic / chemical structure.  And as that knowledge builds, we increase our ability to work with the technical or tactical nature of the information, and technology is the result.
Looking to a purely physical standpoint, it can all be considered a gravity.  A density of dimension.  When we are engaging our physical bodies in exercise, or even in the act of being alive, we have the power to exert our self control as a concentration of personal energy, in this case, the kinetic mass potential of our total being.

Self awareness is a form of self control, and self awareness leads to integrity and sensitivity to changes in the environment.  Focusing on external reality will not bring peace, as the mind and it's self awareness are then in combat between the objective reality of physical appearance or sensation and the subjective, personal reality.

Use of self control is the application of self awareness to the object of the focus.
Strength. Endurance. Speed. Resistance. Stamina. -these are dimensional, at density and frequency.
Will. Courage. Faith. Love. - these are spiritual, the power to effect Life Force.
Balance. Peace. Focus. Charge. Awareness. -mentally active self control


I view things similarly. On top of what you said, I feel one of the most important forms of self-control is when it's applied to our thinking. It's thinking, or lack of thinking, that shapes our perception and interaction with the world, creates illusion or brings us closer to reality. It's in our thinking that we can find true freedom, and in our lack of thinking (letting others do it for us, accepting morals and values without contemplation) that we lose a bit of our humanity and lose sight of our true selves.

Chaos Mage

Thought is an active principle.  Just last night I noticed again that I CAN override the voice that I hear, but it requires immense energy on my part to override with my own thought processes.
At the same time, when I'm engrossed in thought, perception of physical external world seems to lose it's basis.  The internal reality should be balanced with the external, yet if we were ever to achieve true balance, we would likely become invisible or invincible or some such thing.  I believe it involves the input/output balance of our energy.

Self controlled thought processes are the stuff of true independance.  When you are the one controlling your own mind, you gain the ability to make your own choices, and the student of anything will learn how to see life for what it is, and can very well know whatever it wants to know.  We don't control our thoughts fully until we have that area of space in our minds which allows us to choose our own thoughts, either based out of memory or out of precognition.  All knowledge is accessible, but the mundane and subliminal prevents people from gaining the clarity and power to effectively 'think', to any advantage.

It was said once that the eyes are chains.  So when we close our eyes, and visualize something else, on that basis alone, it isn't hard to change your reality, it's only hard to go through the rush and pain of letting go of that one reality to enter the new.
Strength. Endurance. Speed. Resistance. Stamina. -these are dimensional, at density and frequency.
Will. Courage. Faith. Love. - these are spiritual, the power to effect Life Force.
Balance. Peace. Focus. Charge. Awareness. -mentally active self control