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Healing curses/negative energy

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Can meditations, breathing exercises or other forms of altered states, help to rid yourself of curses on your body?



Through meditation and self discovery, you gain the realization that "curses" aren't something afflicted ON you... they're something you inflict upon yourself.
You don't need to "rid" yourself of them.  You need to realize that YOU are your own greatest source of power.


My best guess is that who ever did this to you are a manipulator. I'm gonna start there. Such a manipulator has found a way in, a connection of the sort. You need to break that connection, the way in. That way in could be a wound, scar, or something you are not aware of. You yourself has something like Xanths says but if I could guess it is that it works both ways. Who ever or what ever did this to you have planted something but you give it life by watering the plant. That someone may still be at it or may have gone away but you're still there watering the plant. If you can figure out what it is, get rid of the negative emotions, fear is the number one enemy, if you can get to shore, you can turn around and you then got this shield and nothing will get through, to the point that there's nothing left there, nothing at all. You will see nothing. If you feel better by meditating then do so, you have to feel your way to get there, to get to a place of safety. Curses are done by manipulators, by them feeling empowered, by them wanting power over you, and doing what ever they can to get that. They are actually really small when you think about it. They would hate me for saying that but they are and in the end they gain nothing, they're the losers, they are their own victim, not you. Heal what ever gate way in there is. Be, stand up, in your own right, being. Cut it loose. Take control over your own body. What ever energies are out there aiming at you my thoughts is that they won't harm if you heal yourself inside out. I don't claim to know all the answers, but I hope some thoughts of mine can hopefully help.