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Intense vibrations

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Yesterday i did little bit of weed in already fairly blissful state and something weird happened.
I know how it effects me and this surely wasn't usual business.

it's was normal high when i was doing something, but when i laid down and relaxed i felt overwhelming vibrations and sensations all over my body, almost if i was forcefully been dragged out of my body, reminded me of that feeling you get when awake and on edge of OBE, this was just way more extreme. When i stand up and did something it all calmed down again.

It was good feeling besides feeling like i was going to explode from the energy and hearth racing.

Maybe i was without an effort almost OBEing and just not ready for it at that moment?
Kundalini? Doing something working as "grounding"?

Danger in this? As i want to go all the way next time it happens.


Sounds like OBE vibes to me


Hello.  This sounds like normal energy body feelings.  This happens to me a lot ... most nights when I go to sleep.  Sometimes, it is very intense.  It is, e.g., very intense if I am overcoming an ilness or if I am rather tired.  I initially worried, like you, that it might lead to problems.  But, I think the main problems it could lead to is worry of problems.  :-)  Basically, rule no. 1 is to go with the flow of energy stuff ... not to make assumptions and to relax and have faith.  And, rule no. 2 is if you desire to decrease sensations, such as, e.g., if it gets more intense than you are comfortable with, then a) consciously request to yourself (e.g., higher self) to decrease it and b) turn your focus and attention elsewhere (e.g., read a book, watch tv, or the like).  You might still feel limited buzzing, but it should decrease a lot.  If you focus on it and think "oh no, that's intense!!!" it could perhaps just add to the intensity ... or at least make it unpleasant.  Anyway, have your chakras activated already?  To me, this technique seems to work well at the onset of any new energy activity -- such as, e.g., heavy heart chakra palpitations, intense 3rd eye stuff ... and, even kundalini stuff.  As for kundalini, this definitely does not seem to be kundalini stuff.  I'm just starting to experience kundalini events.  so far, it seems extremely explosively intense ... what you're talking about is akin to having a nice little electronic vibrating massager inside your bones, while kundalini is more like just taking the electric cord of the massager and directly connecting the wire to you from the outlet.  Anyway, that's kind of a joke, but, frankly, a decent comparison... take care, steve


Have it under control now, energy is still there, but it's intensity doesn't overwhelm me anymore and i can somewhat direct it where i want. My knowledge of Chakras is limited, but i feel my energy is flowing freely now that i released my heart Chakra, i don't even get intense heartbeat anymore.
As for Kundalini, i had it activate too just yesterday :lol: Only had a little "tap" and my day was chanced, energy there is immense  :-o


Great, it sounds like you are keeping balanced.  Have fun.  As an FYI, I don't read much about this type of stuff.  I actually started to activate my chakras before I even knew what a chakra was. :-)  For me, a harder aspect was learning how to integrate this type of thing into my life ... many people cannot relate.  But, there are many people that don't seem to have that difficulty.  I'm guessing that you are younger (i.e., I'm nearly 50).  If you have any questions as things progress, feel free to shoot an email.  Regards, Steve


Chakras are just interpretation of energy flow and as such work as tool to convey information to help others, in the end it comes down to ones own feelings and interpretations. Many people wont realise this and reject it as too complicated mumbo jumbo, thus speaking about it is challenging sometimes :)

I have done all the mental gymnastics to free myself from identifying with ego and calmed my mind. I found this very helpful as Kundalini seems to hit hard on that mental stability. Without proper preparations it could get difficult to control thus all the talk about dangers of awakening it.

Lot has happened on my spiritual development in very short time and no two days are the same anymore, very fullfilling times :)
In these matters all the questions i could have from now on would be best left to be discovered along the way and my own, thanks for the offer of help :)


Hi.  Sounds good.  Out of curiosity, when you talk of Kundalini, are you specifically referring to the energy that arrises that originates from a point below the so-called root chakra region?  Sometimes, people talk more loosely about so called kundalini ... Anyway, good luck with things.  I too am a self learner ... but, for me, every once in a while, I will ask people things ...


For me it seems to originate from base of my spine in two different ways, either sharply shooting up my spine, to my extremes and head in a back arching intensity if stimulated or as pulsating warm energy waves, actually now that i think about it, these energy waves can originate from any point in my body and spread like ripples in a pool.

So... it's like pool with a fountain at the middle, my body as surface of the water and my consciousness as the water  :lol:


Hello again.  I find your situation to be rather interesting.  Basically, it appears that you are rather naturally and rather comfortably moving forward with significant energy flow, etc.  In particular, it is interesting that you are having the kundalini flow as you are.  Well, at least to me, since I only have limited kundalini flow.  On the other hand, I have a lot of energy flow.  Actually, I have a similar flow that you describe sometimes too.  For me, feeling energy flow has been very enjoyable.  I also very much like to kind of focus on energy from others.  Basically, you might find, or have already found, that you can feel a lot of energy from others, whether people, trees, etc.  Anyway, there also seems to be a lot of practical applications for all of this stuff too ... whether, communicating, playing sports, maintaining health, etc., well, which is, of course, obvious since it can basically help with everything. :-)  But, some things are more noticable.  Also, I recently discovered Tai Chi, which is really great for all of this.  I recommend that you check it out if you have the time.  Anyway, as I mentioned, it appears to me that you are younger ... probably, 20s or so?  As such, I'm guessing you don't have as many energy blockages so to speak, and, hence, one reason that kundalini seems to be flowing readily within you.  At my age, I have a lot that i am working through. :-)  Anyway, I know you didn't ask, but as for the weed, I would recommend to maintain a very healthy lifestyle, from diet to exercise, etc.  I find it to be very helpful.  Of course, its probably natural to eat the weed.  :-)  Anyway, take care.


I'm 27 and have been interested in spiritual development since teens, my past is full of suffering and i have tried DMT and psilocybin couple times. I believe these things have helped me a lot, i wont recommend psychedelics to anyone tho, it can have negative effect as much as positive.

Just to add, i noticed this energy flow is cyclic in a way that every other day it flows more and and then again sleeps a bit.

But in the end i have my kundalini and you have yours, i'm not expecting we feel all the same, you could have more expectations about it :) Actually i'm hesitant to even name it, it just is what it is :)


Hi.  Yes, I think it is good not to name things too.  I have largely avoided things like that too.  Although, I have gravitated to using some terms since it helps in communicating sometimes.  Anyway, I tend to think that the biggest problem with using terms, etc., is that they are typically approximations of things that we don't really fully understand.  Basically, I think it is very important to avoid making premature conclusions or assumptions about things.  One example of making inadvertent assumptions can fall in use of common terms as such often come with baggage from assumptions of others, etc.  But, as another FYI, you also might find that you need to be cautious about holding too strongly to your own assumptions about things as you develop ... for example, if you find yourself holding too steadfastly to an ideal or belief, or the like.  Personally, after 30+ years of this type of development, I can look back and see times that I may have swayed one way or the other.  I think one can sometimes sway to thinking that one's own views or ideas are more correct or something when one steps into great success compared to others ...  For example, I think if one has success using drugs, one can possibly push a bit excessively in that direction.  Anyway, another thing I found was that I often thought that i had made great leaps at different stages, such as, e.g., in doing so called OBEs (note: I really dont like that term), in doing successful remote viewing, in feeling/manipulated so called energy, etc.  But, I now tend to really feel a lot smaller with all of this stuff -- i.e., there are people with far more more depth and understanding than me (in many areas) -- albeit, harder to locate in the moras of folks out there, i think.  Anyway, I suppose that I have a suggestion/thought for you.  I tend to think that our abilities to grow in these areas is strongly tied to our abilities to function as we are intended to, and that things like diet/exercise are enormous in those areas.  For me, I find that, e.g., eating raw/natural veggies is very helpful, as well as exercising.  I don't consider myself a naturalist (i.e. another definition that i dont like).  I consider myself to be someone that eats food ... but, I just don't assume that something is food after we process it and stick it in a box.  Anyway, take care.  Kindest regards, Steve


I agree :)
In spirit of less is more let's just say...

Body is my vehicle and would be wise to keep it running well as long as i'm on the road.
For me there's only my experiences and every moment i'm spiritually grown more than ever.

As for words, definitions, assumptions... these wont come from you.
And as for thinking, past, future, most feelings... these aren't you.

So... why not just "sit back" in your consciousness and enjoy the show :D

Take care.


Perhaps your next step will be to Create the Show and Love IT!!
Much Love and Light to ALL!!



Quote from: JLB on November 09, 2011, 18:43:21
Perhaps your next step will be to Create the Show and Love IT!!

Haha, well said  :lol:


One can get Lost in the world of Terms. Everything IS WHAT IT IS to the Individual Experience,But One thing is for certain, Your Being needs No outside forces. The Big ? here is " Do You hear and Trust Yourself??". There are Many roads that will open When One looks WITHIN!!
Much Love and Light to ALL!!
