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Awareness Bouncing and energy friction
A energy body that is absorbed allot of chi from Qi Qong or Tai Che creates energy friction when awareness bouncing up and down the body together with the presence of allot of chi in the chakra system. Making NEW more effective because of the presence of allot of chi is what i have experienced it myself

timelessness and awareness bouncing
In the timelessness you can have  hell of allot more awareness bouncing because time has slowed down making NEW enhanced or more effective

Awakening and awareness bounces
NEW becomes more enhanced because of the quality of consciousness from awakening effects and enhances the practice of NEW

holy spirit and energy work
god living inside of you and has life force presence in your energy body

^^ plus the combination of new creates intense energy friction and enhanced NEW development


 I am a huge proponent of Robert's work. Through it, I learned how to "defer pain" and sometimes numb pain until it stops period. I do that by holding my entire focus on another part of my body, like my toes. I like counting up and down my toes until I feel that etheric sensation commencing. 
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla