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yogic flying

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Hello, i had a question conserning yogic flying.
Does anyone know the technique as taught by Maharishi yogi.
I have been searching the web for some time but i got only vage explanation, because the ones who knows try to desparately keep it for them selfs. most say you need to learn transcendental meditation, in order to accomplish yogic flying, but perhaps someone on this forum know something about this particular technique.

and krisna answered; Yes ascension is truly very very difficult for men, unless... Adi Shakti interferes.


You mean physical flight? or levitation?
Tá mo chroí istigh ionat


i mean like levitation, but for short periods, more like hopping from the ground in lotus position.

And i wandered if perhaps somebody knows the exact technique for doing this?
and krisna answered; Yes ascension is truly very very difficult for men, unless... Adi Shakti interferes.


man, you make me feel like some kind of grazy grunt, and you are being all secretiv for really no reason, the point being is that the maharishi group are really just a silly bunch, who wants to feel really special by keeping some levitation technique a secret, unless you pay big money for it and become as paranoid as them, besides in the maharishi group it is even never recorded someone flying longer then a couple of seconds.
I believe the members aren t even properly informed of the possible side-effects nor the energetic proces of the technique.
By my understanding to be able to levitate you first need control over the specific abilities of the mooladhara chakra and very good concentrating and a whole bunch of kundalini energy and perhaps also control over the anahata chakra and of course a highly purified energetic body and perhaps which might also help is mastery over the yoga kriya plavini method, but i don't know the finest of it.

But the best what i have heard myself about the yogic flying technique the maharishi yogis use is some kind of reproduction of the sensations they experience when hopping of the floor by means of using the muscles of the legs.

So theire is no need to be all so secretive becuase i am not some kind of stupid newbie whoms running after siddis whitout any effort, so runlola i am really trying to put up a conversation from which whe could learn, and use the shared knowledge to augment our understanding about the energetic bodys and its capabilities.

So now another request to members who know more specifics about this topic, lets share this knowledge and for those whom likes to desparetely keep it a secret; perhaps someone out there find even a more powerful technique and might not share it because you acted so silly before.
Besides no one can stop the natural spiritual evolution of mankind.

and krisna answered; Yes ascension is truly very very difficult for men, unless... Adi Shakti interferes.


Thanks for the link, now i know i am on the right track, i am doing sahaja yoga which involves opening all the chakra and especially the crown chakra, and it is true about the taking in more air element into your body, that is also what the plavini method does, that's like swalloing air in your stumich and old it and fill your longs with air, and one also needs control over the nerves lying near the hart-chakra, and off course a opened hart-chakra itself. It prablably takes a combination of different technique to achieve levitation, which takes off course very long to learn.
But i think awakening the kundalini is the most important thing to do prior to anything else.

If i know more you'll hear from me, byeee
and krisna answered; Yes ascension is truly very very difficult for men, unless... Adi Shakti interferes.