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Are multivitamins safe?

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I just ask because they are human made. It's not really "Natural" if you know what I mean. I don't see why it would be bad, I am on Klonipin for gash sake. :-P I don't know if chemicals are added etc... Just thought I would ask to see if anyone knew.



They have lots of fillers, including MSG, not to mention that they are synthetic. I myself take extracts of different plants, not vitamins. Just by eating varieties of fruits and veggies will supply your body with the necessary daily dosage.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Andy Kauffman took multi vitamins every day of his life. He died of cancer. Not because of the multi vitamins. But they didn't stop him from dying young.

If you eat the right food you don't need to pop vitamins.

What's 'gash sake'? If you are from the UK... gash means... well... it is a derogatory term for the female. So that sentence sounds like you take an anti

I thought Clonazepam was an anti anxiety drug.


Quote from: Bedeekin on August 11, 2012, 00:10:16
Andy Kauffman took multi vitamins every day of his life. He died of cancer. Not because of the multi vitamins. But they didn't stop him from dying young.

If you eat the right food you don't need to pop vitamins.

What's 'gash sake'? If you are from the UK... gash means... well... it is a derogatory term for the female. So that sentence sounds like you take an anti

I thought Clonazepam was an anti anxiety drug.

I didn't wanna say god because I thought I might offend someone... I don't know. Just being careful.( I actually said it before and someone got upset believe it or not. :?) Yeah it is an anti anxiety medication, it's for my panic attacks. Otherwise I have panic attacks everyday and not even meditation can relax them.

I was just wondering about the multivitamins because I often feel faint and wondered if I was low in some mineral perhaps.

and for some very weird reason my pulse rate rises when I stand up. It goes from 60 to about 105 so I am constantly worrying about my heart. Doctors have checked this and said I am fine so I am lost and I figured maybe a multivitamin would help. Maybe I just need to eat a more wide variety of foods like you said though.


Drop any vitamin pills. Eat fruits from ORGANIC production! Best you can do.


Actually... it was the heart thing... or the awareness that I could feel my heartbeat rise and fall, that caused me to suffer anxiety attacks when I was younger and was ultimately the undoing of them. The anxiety attacks themselves could be brought on by just thinking them... sensitive souls see.  :wink:

Because the attacks caused my heart to thud harder and harder I would generally leave the room and go somewhere to die... I used to think that no mway could my heart beat that hard without giving out. It was that thought after several years of suffering (from myself) that made them dwindle away... See... I'd had so many attacks that I figured "if I did have a bad heart a panic attack would have finished me off by now"... I sort of fooled myself out of them. The same way they had started no doubt.


Quote from: Bedeekin on August 11, 2012, 19:17:40
Actually... it was the heart thing... or the awareness that I could feel my heartbeat rise and fall, that caused me to suffer anxiety attacks when I was younger and was ultimately the undoing of them. The anxiety attacks themselves could be brought on by just thinking them... sensitive souls see.  :wink:

Because the attacks caused my heart to thud harder and harder I would generally leave the room and go somewhere to die... I used to think that no mway could my heart beat that hard without giving out. It was that thought after several years of suffering (from myself) that made them dwindle away... See... I'd had so many attacks that I figured "if I did have a bad heart a panic attack would have finished me off by now"... I sort of fooled myself out of them. The same way they had started no doubt.

Yeah it's the same for me... The heart usually starts them or they just start for no apparent reason at all. :? The good news is my meds do not effect my OBE's. The clearest most realistic OBE's I have been on them. I think I will drop the multivitamins though... Glad I made this topic! I will change my variety of foods. I actually heard on "spirit science" I don't know if you have seen the video series. The food you eat... depending on the color can actually boost the chakras. Like green food will boost your heart chakra etc. What do you think about that?


That's the worst... when they just happen. I used to try to explain to people what it was like. I likened it to... Imagine having all the energy and adrenaline you would get during a bear attack being released while you were sitting on your sofa watching kids TV.

I had my first life changing experience just over a year ago that at a basic level involved me changing my eating habits from the inside... almost a reprogramming of my physical from my nonphysical perspective... not almost... it was!!

This suddenly and overnight caused me to reject certain food stuffs and crave others that I previously disliked or didn't consider. Prior to this... the 1st of May 2011 (i remember the date very well) I was growing overweight and started to develop hereditary arthritis in my shoulder and left knee. I was lethargic, started to suffer slight depression and anxiety had started to set in again.

The very next day after a culmination of experiences prior to may 1st, I was unable to eat meat... I was at a sunday bar meal at a very renowned restaurant owned by a chef called Heston Blumenthal... I ordered the slow roast beef... something on his menu I have been dying to taste. I could chew it... but as soon as any taste or juice went past the back of my tongue I would retch. I could eat everything else but the meat and gravy. Tried chicken the next day... retch.

Within a month I was a stone lighter and after 3 months my shoulder and knee problems had completely dissolved.


Quote from: Bedeekin on August 11, 2012, 22:56:23
That's the worst... when they just happen. I used to try to explain to people what it was like. I likened it to... Imagine having all the energy and adrenaline you would get during a bear attack being released while you were sitting on your sofa watching kids TV.

I had my first life changing experience just over a year ago that at a basic level involved me changing my eating habits from the inside... almost a reprogramming of my physical from my nonphysical perspective... not almost... it was!!

This suddenly and overnight caused me to reject certain food stuffs and crave others that I previously disliked or didn't consider. Prior to this... the 1st of May 2011 (i remember the date very well) I was growing overweight and started to develop hereditary arthritis in my shoulder and left knee. I was lethargic, started to suffer slight depression and anxiety had started to set in again.

The very next day after a culmination of experiences prior to may 1st, I was unable to eat meat... I was at a sunday bar meal at a very renowned restaurant owned by a chef called Heston Blumenthal... I ordered the slow roast beef... something on his menu I have been dying to taste. I could chew it... but as soon as any taste or juice went past the back of my tongue I would retch. I could eat everything else but the meat and gravy. Tried chicken the next day... retch.

Within a month I was a stone lighter and after 3 months my shoulder and knee problems had completely dissolved.

The feeling you described is EXACT. I had to go in the fetal position at work one day. All I was doing was sweeping the floor. No stress nothing... Just hit me. I was so sick of it that day I had a major meltdown. I would clinch my fists and hit walls, and get angry and cry. I do not cry often. I was so sick of it. I laid down that afternoon because my mom let me off early that day she knew I was struggling. I went down for a nap and had 3 obe's in a row. Heard my name being called... High stress really makes me have OBE's. I wish it was the opposite... but it's interesting how hard the sleep paralysis hit me that afternoon. 3 times in a row.

So you are a vegetarian pretty much? Will you eat pizza or anything like that as long as it doesn't have meat on it etc? 


I would suggest taking fish oil supplements. It is beneficial for cardiovascular health and brain chemistry balance, which are crucial for proper nervous system functions. Panic attacks are closely related to poor functions of the heart and/or the brain.
5HTP is another natural supplement fount OTC helping with anxiety. However, if you can find the core reason, it is best to focus on its treatment, instead of masking the condition of the aftereffects (anxiety and depression) with medications.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on August 11, 2012, 23:54:13
I would suggest taking fish oil supplements. It is beneficial for cardiovascular health and brain chemistry balance, which are crucial for proper nervous system functions. Panic attacks are closely related to poor functions of the heart and/or the brain.
5HTP is another natural supplement fount OTC helping with anxiety. However, if you can find the core reason, it is best to focus on its treatment, instead of masking the condition of the aftereffects (anxiety and depression) with medications.

Thanks lightbeam! My goal one day is to get off all medication. I will look into those fish oils I have heard a lot of good things about them. I am going to start to run or walk at the track more often too.


Yeah... I still eat pizza and fries... but not as often as I did. Completely forgot to mention... I can eat fish. Fish is fine.

My bosses son is a nutritionist.. he's just going through university to get his masters degree in nutrition. He advised me to take Zinc supplements because I was cutting out meat. Zinc and copper.

I discussed all matters of the wider reality and he was up for the challenge of learning OOBE. He had amazing success, which was quite nice considering he was a level headed respectable person in everyones opinion. He went away for 7 months to do his masters and came back for a week to help out at work. Its good to say that he seems to have begun to think outside the box.

He told me to leave off taking supplements because we are such efficient biological machines that we pretty much extract everything we need... and can OD if taking supplements. I told him I never keep up these things anyway and forgot to take them after a week or so. He told me I could get plenty of zinc from shellfish.

I began to crave crab, mussels and squid etc... not long after my diet had been reprogrammed.


I m quite agree with this"I would suggest taking fish oil supplements. It is beneficial for cardiovascular health and brain chemistry balance, which are crucial for proper nervous system functions. Panic attacks are closely related to poor functions of the heart and/or the brain."


I think daily meditation is important if you go on a vegetarian diet.  I suspect some of the reasons people have trouble with vegetarian diets is they do not meditate.

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Multivitamins are safe and sound in my opinion.I was just wondering about the multivitamins because I often feel faint and wondered if I was low in some mineral perhaps.